Residence permits and visas
Information for researchers and their family members arriving from war-ridden Ukraine and for their Czech employers.
Are you a scientist and have you applied for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of scientific research at a Czech consulate or embassy in Ukraine? Or are you a family member of a scientist waiting for the approval of the application for the purpose of family reunification?
If your application is still pending, you can come to the Czech Republic and wait for your application to be approved in the Czech Republic. Carry your passport with you at all times. We will be happy to help you arrange an appointment at the Czech Ministry of the Interior. Please contact us at euraxess@ssc.cas.cz.
Are you a Czech employer and know of young scientists and researchers from Ukraine who could expand your team? Do you have both scientific and non-scientific vacancies available?
Refugees from Ukraine must register with the Czech Foreign Police within 3 days of their arrival to the Czech Republic. Upon entry, it is possible to stay in the Czech Republic under a short-term, visa-free stay up to a maximum of 90 days. During this time, it is necessary to apply to the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic (OAMP) for a special visa – the so-called temporary protection, which entitles researchers to start working in a scientific position. You can find an up-to-date list of available research positions at www.euraxess.cz or here. We will help you make an appointment to apply for a temporary protection. Contact us at euraxess@ssc.cas.cz.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of scientific research in the territory of the Czech Republic.
After obtaining a temporary protection, family members are covered by the Czech public health insurance system and can start looking for work immediately. After they receive a temporary protection, they don't have to apply for a work permit at the Labour Office of the Czech Republic anymore. They can start working immediately.
Do you have scientist family members or friends who have fled Ukraine and need to obtain a temporary protection?
Contact us at euraxess@ssc.cas.cz and we will help in arranging an appointment to apply for a temporary protection at the Czech Ministry of Interior.
You can also find all the latest official information on residency issues for Ukrainian refugees in Ukrainian on the Czech Ministry of the Interior website.
The application for a temporary protection can be downloaded here (manual document) or here (electronic document).
When applying for a temporary protection, you must provide:
- the application for a temporary protection – filled out using the Latin alphabet, not the Cyrillic script
- your passport
- one photo (45 x 35 mm format)
VZP insurance company has created an on-line form in Ukrainian. You can now apply for a Health Insurance ID Card without the need for a visit to the branch of VZP.
Заява на альтернативну картку застрахованої особи «ВЗП ЧР» для громадян України
Заява призначена для громадян України, яким було надано візу з метою т.зв. толерованого перебування (strpění pobytu). Альтернативна картка дає право на отримання медичної допомоги в Чехії в повному обсязі загальнообов’язкового медичного страхування. Альтернативну картку надішлемо вам в електронному вигляді протягом 3 днів. Вона матиме такий самий термін дії, як і ваша віза.