Awarded The František Palacký Honorary Medals for Merit in the Historical Sciences
- Univ.-Prof. DDr. i. R. Gerhard Ammerer
- Prof. PhDr. Roman Holec, DrSc.
- Prof. Nancy Wingfield
- Prof. PhDr. Milan Hlavačka, CSc.
- Prof. PhDr. Jiří Pešek, CSc.
- Prof. Dr. Philipp Ther, M.A., Universität Wien
- doc. PhDr. Jan Němeček, DrSc., Institute of History of the CAS
- Prof. i.R. Dr. Christian Lübke
- prof. PaedDr. et Mgr. Miroslav Vaněk, Ph.D., Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS
- doc. PhDr. Lubomír Tyllner, CSc., Institute of Ethnology of the CAS
- dr hab. Piotr Maciej Majewski, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Prof. Mark Cornwall, University of Southampton, Great Britain
- Prof. PhDr. Ivo Hlobil, CSc., Institute of Art History of the CAS (In memoriam)
- Prof. PhDr. Svatava Raková, CSc., Institute of History of the CAS
- Prof. PhDr. Jiří Kuthan, DrSc., dr. h.c., Faculty of Arts Charles University
- Prof. PhDr. Eva Semotanová, DrSc., Institute of History of the CAS
- Dr. Peter Urbanitsch, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, IHB, Wien, Austria
- Prof. Dr. Alain Soubigou, Université de la Sorbonne, France
- Prof. PhDr. Petr Vorel, CSc., Faculty of Philosophy, University of Pardubice
- Prof. dr hab. Michał Pułaski, Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Kraków, Poland
- Prof. Dr. Gary B. Cohen, University of Minnesota, United States of America
This year The František Palacký Honorary Medal for Merit in the Historical Sciences was not awarded.
- Prof. Leslie Sklair, Ph.D., LSE, The University of London, United Kingdom
- Prof. PhDr. Lubomír Konečný, Institute of Art History of the CAS
- Prof. PhDr. Josef Žemlička, DrSc., Institute of History of the CAS
- Prof. PhDr. Pavel Oliva, DrSc., Institute of Philosophy of the CAS
- Dr. Robert Luft, Senior Researcher, Collegium Carolinum, Germany
- Prof. PhDr. Petr Sommer, CSc., DSc., Institute of Philosophy of the CAS
- Prof. Dr. Zénon S. Kaluza, Laboratoire d’études sur les Monothéismes, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France
- Prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Pánek, DrSc., dr. h. c. multi., Institute of History of the CAS
- Prof. Johann P. Arnason, Ph.D., La Trobe University, Australia
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Bahlcke, Historisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
- Prof. dr. hab. Wojciech Iwańczak, Uniwersytet w Kielcach, Poland
- Prof. Dr. Marie-Claude Maurel, Centre français de recherche en science, Prague – CEFRES
- Prof. Dr. Zdeněk V. David, Woodrow Wilson International Centrer for Scholars, USA
- Prof. Dr. Anne Hudson, FBA, University of Oxford, Lady Margaret Hall, United Kingdom
- Prof. PhDr. Ivan Vojtěch, Institute of Ethnology of the CAS
- PhDr. Dušan Kováč, DrSc., Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic
- Prof. JUDr. Radomír Václav Luža, Ph.D., Tulane University, USA
- Prof. PhDr. Vojtěch Mastný, Ph.D., The George Washington University, USA
- Prof. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Ph.D., Princeton University, USA
- Prof. Dr. Christian Lequesne, CEFRES (French Institute for Research in Social Sciences), Prague
- Valentina Vladimirovna Marjina, DrSc., Institute of Slavonic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- Prof. Frank I. Michelman, Harvard University, USA
This year The František Palacký Honorary Medal for Merit in the Historical Sciences was not awarded.
- Prof. Dr. Axel Honneth, Goethe-Universität, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Detlef Brandes, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Marcel Kosman, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poland
- PhDr. Josef Krása, CSc. (in memoriam)
- Prof. Georges Mink, Ph.D., The French Centre for Research in the Social Sciences, Prague
- Prof. PhDr. Pavel Spunar, CSc., Institute for Classical Studies of the CAS
- Prof. Jerzy Tomaszewski, Universytet Warszawski, Poland
- Prof. Dr. Karel Vocelka, Universität Wien, Austria
- Prof. Stanley B. Winters, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- Prof. PhDr. Petr Wittlich, CSc.
- Prof. Dr. Hans Lemberg
- Prof. zw. dr hab. Jan Seredyka
- Mons. Prof. Walter Brandmüller
- Prof. Georgij P. Mel’nikov
- PhD. Antoine Marès
- Prof. Alessandro Ferrara, Ph.D.
- Prof. Dr. Franz Hofmann
- Prof. PhDr. Stanislav Sousedík, CSc.
- Doc. PhDr. Jiří Pechar
- Prof. PhDr. Bedřich Loewenstein, CSc.
- PhDr. Anežka Merhautová, DrSc.
- Prof. PhDr. Ing. Ladislav Tondl, DrSc.
- Doc. PhDr. Vilém Prečan, CSc.
- PhDr. Josef Vařeka, DrSc.
- Prof. PhDr. František Šmahel, DrSc.
- Prof. Stanislaw Bylina, Ph.D.
- Prof. Henryk Adam Batowski, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Dušan Třeštík, CSc.
- Prof. PhDr. Ladislav Hejdánek
- Prof. PhDr. Karel Kosík, DrSc.
- Zdena Jelínková
- JUDr. PhDr. Dobroslav Líbal
- Prof. PhDr. Ivan Hlaváček, CSc.
- Prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Marek, CSc.
- Prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Mezník, DrSc.
- Prof. PhDr. Josef Petráň, CSc.
- Prof. PhDr. Josef Válka, CSc.
- Prof. PhDr. Jan Křen, DrSc.