President of the CAS
prof. RNDr. Eva Zažímalová, CSc., dr. h. c.

Eva Zažímalová completed her studies at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague in 1979 in the field of chemistry with a specialisation in biochemistry.
In 1983, she received the scientific degree of CSc. in the field of biology (physiology of plants) at the Institute of Experimental Botany of the former Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (now the Czech Academy of Sciences - CAS)
Since 1983, she has worked as a researcher at the Institute of Experimental Botany. In 2004, she became Head of the Laboratory of Hormonal Regulation in Plants, a position she held until 2016, and from 2007 until 2012 she served as Director of the Institute.
In 2004, Eva Zažímalová was appointed Associate Professor and in 2013 Professor for the field of anatomy and physiology of plants at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague.
She has supervised and still partly supervises students in MS and Ph.D. studies, and lectures in the advanced semester courses of the MS and Ph.D. study programmes at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague and the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
She is a member of the subject area board of the doctoral study programmes Anatomy and Physiology of Plants and Biochemistry at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague, and a member of the subject area board of the Anatomy and Physiology of Plants study programme at the Faculty of Agronomy of Mendel University in Brno. She is a member of scientific boards of Charles University in Prague, Palacký University in Olomouc, Masaryk University in Brno, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and Comenius University in Bratislava. She also serves as a member in the board of directors of University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno. She is a member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Since 2008, Eva Zažímalová has worked for the European Research Council (ERC – Starting Grants; 2013–2016; panel member or panel evaluator) and for the European Commission (FP7 – Marie Curie Fellowships and Horizon 2020 – Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships; panel member).
In her research work, Eva Zažímalová deals with the phytohormone auxin – its metabolism and molecular mechanisms of its activity and transport in plant cells. She was a coordinator and investigator of many national and international projects and contributed significantly to the organisation of several international symposia. She is the author or co-author of original scientific works published in renowned international journals (including Science, Nature, PNAS etc.) and chapters in specialised monographs. Her work has been cited more than 6000x (excluding self-citations).
Phone: +420 221 403 293 |
E-mail: president@kav.cas.cz |