List of Members of Academy Council
prof. RNDr. Eva Zažímalová, CSc. – President of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Responsible for the overall management and controlling of the activities of the CAS in accordance with the Act on the Czech Academy of Sciences.
- Methodological supervision of the cooperation of the CAS with public universities.
PhDr. Pavel Baran, CSc. – member of the Academy Council Presidium and President of the Science Council
- Responsible for conceptual issues of science policy, the support for science and research from public funds in cooperation with relevant state authorities in the area. Coordination of R&D&I legislation.
- Scientific degree Research Professor (Res. Prof.) - grant administration agenda.
- Development of Strategy AV21 programmes and activities.
Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc. – Vice President and member of the Academy Council Presidium
- Responsible for the I. Research Area – Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences.
- Coordination of knowledge and technology transfer and cooperation with the industry.
- Coordination and oversight of the use of intellectual property rights.
RNDr. Zdeněk Havlas, DrSc. – Vice President and member of the Academy Council Presidium
- Responsible for the II. Research Area – Life and Chemical Sciences.
- Coordination of BIOCEV centre - CAS relations.
- Coordination in the area of knowledge and technology transfer, cooperation with the industry and intellectual property rights use for the II. Research Area.
- Sustainable development and environmental care at CAS institutes and in their operations.
Mgr. Ondřej Beránek, Ph.D. – Vice President and member of the Academy Council Presidium
- Responsible for the III. Research Area – Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Coordination of activities in the area of archaeology, protection of archaeological heritage and state heritage care.
- Reconstruction of the CAS buildings in Hybernská and Washingtonova streets – coordination and supervision
- Coordination in the area of knowledge and technology transfer, cooperation with the industry and intellectual property rights use for the III. Research Area.
prof. Jan Řídký, DrSc. – Vice President and member of the Academy Council Presidium
- Coordination of the relations between ELI Beamlines, CERN and the CAS.
- Coordination of the operation, development and security of academic computer networks, international cooperation in the area of information systems and computer networks.
- Coordination of activities in the area of Information Technology and systems, including grant administration in this area.
- Coordination in the area of knowledge and technology transfer, cooperation with the industry and intellectual property rights use for the I. Research Area.
RNDr. Martin Bilej, DrSc. – Vice President and member of the Academy Council Presidium
- Responsible for economic and financial matters and their implementation, including grant administration in the entrusted area.
- Coordination of infrastructure activities of the CAS Centre of Administration and Operations (SSČ).
- Methodological supervision of public administration control system at CAS institutes.
prof. Ing. Jiří Homola, CSc., DSc. – member of the Academy Council
- Deputy for the I. Research Area.
- Responsible for the periodic evaluation of CAS institutes and coordination of this agenda with the national R&D evaluation system.
prof. RNDr. David Honys, Ph.D. – member of the Academy Council
- Deputy for the II. Research Area.
- Responsible for international cooperation of the CAS, including grant administration in this area, as well as the coordination of projects with the Technology Centre Prague.
- Deputy for the participation of the CAS in the European Research Area and related national programmes and projects.
- Coordination of activities in the area of trusted research.
doc. RNDr. Tomáš Kostelecký, CSc. – member of the Academy Council
- Deputy for the III. Research Area.
- Responsible for the agenda of science policy, support for science and research from public funds in cooperation with relevant state authorities in the area.
- Coordination of regional cooperation of the CAS.
- Coordination of activities of the CEFRES Platform.
- Coordination of applied research in social sciences and the humanities, coordination of interdisciplinary research between social sciences and sciences of living and non-living nature.
Ing. Jana Bludská, CSc. – member of the Academy Council
- Responsible for the programmes in support of scientific excellence at the CAS, including grant administration in this area.
- Deputy for matters regarding finance and budget, including their implementation.
- Gender equality at the CAS.
Ing. Pavel Janáček, Ph.D. – member of the Academy Council
- Asset management agenda for the CAS and its institutes.
- Methodological supervision of the internal governing system of the CAS (founding deeds, supervisory boards at institutes, etc.).
- Oversight of the use of CAS housing capacities.
prof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D. – member of the Academy Council
- Responsible for programme and project coordination with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, with higher education institutions, the Czech Science Foundation, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and other providers, as well as the operational programmes of EU structural funds.
- Monitoring of relevant calls for proposals.
- Deputy for gender equality at the CAS.
- Deputy for the agenda of prof. Jan Řídký, DrSc.
Ing. Jiří Plešek, CSc. – member of the Academy Council
- Coordination and development of Strategy AV21 programmes and activities, including grant administration in this area.
PhDr. Markéta Pravdová, Ph.D., MBA – member of the Academy Council
- Responsible for the presentation of research results of the CAS and its institutes, cooperation with media, communication with the public, including grant administration in this area.
- Coordination of science popularisation and publication activities.
- CAS Annual Report coordination.
- Editorial and publishing activities of the CAS.
- Support of scientific societies.
RNDr. Štefan Vajda, CSc., Dr. habil. – member of the Academy Council
- Responsible for the coordination of participation of the CAS in the European Research Area and related national projects and programmes in cooperation with relevant state authorities, including grant administration agenda in this area.
- Coordination and organisation of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research cooperation, including international cooperation.
- Deputy for international cooperation of the CAS.
- Deputy for project cooperation with the Technology Centre Prague.
prof. RNDr. Jan Vondráček, Ph.D. – member of the Academy Council
- Responsible for the cooperation of the CAS with higher education institutions, including doctoral study programmes.
- Cooperation with departmental research workplaces and joint research centres.