doc. RNDr. Tomáš Kostelecký, CSc.

Member of the Academy Council
- Deputy for the III. Research Area.
- Responsible for the agenda of science policy, support for science and research from public funds in cooperation with relevant state authorities in the area.
- Coordination of regional cooperation of the CAS.
- Coordination of activities of the CEFRES Platform.
- Coordination of applied research in social sciences and the humanities, coordination of interdisciplinary research between social sciences and sciences of living and non-living nature.
Institute of Sociology
Tomáš Kostelecký obtained his master’s degree in Human Geography and Demography from the Faculty of Sciences of Charles University in Prague in 1988. In 1992, he completed his postgraduate studies in Economic Geography at the Institute of Geography of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (now the Czech Academy of Sciences). In 2021, he received the Associate Professor degree in Regional and Political Geography at Charles University.
Since 1993, he has worked continuously, with few minor interruptions, at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in the Department of Local and Regional Studies. He started as a junior researcher and continued as a senior researcher, head of the Department and, since 2012, as the Director of the Institute.
His professional interests include the study of regional and socio-spatial inequalities, electoral geography, spatial aspects of voting behaviour, and democratic institutions at both local and regional levels. He was the principal investigator or co-investigator of 16 research projects of basic as well as applied research that were financed by both domestic and international funding providers. He publishes results of his research in books, as chapters in edited volumes, and in journal articles, both in Czech and English.
He was a Residential Fellow in Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars in Washington, D.C., USA, a JSPS Fellow in Slavic Research Center of the University of Hokkaido in Japanese Sapporo, a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow in CERVL - joint laboratory of Science Po and CNRS in French Bordeaux and a Fulbright-Masaryk Fellow at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, USA. He has experience from the private sector as well: between 2000 and 2002, he served as the Research Director in the Czech branch of The Gallup Organization.
Tomáš Kostelecký has broad experience in a variety of academic functions. He is a member of qualification committees at the Faculty of Sciences, the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague as well as at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He is a member of the Scientific Council at the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University. He is a long-time member of the Institute Board of the Institute of Sociology and a member of the Academy Assembly of the Czech Academy of Sciences. From 2004 to 2008, he was a member of the Committee for Social Sciences and Humanities of the Research, Development, and Innovation Council. In addition, he served as a member of Horizon 2020 Advisory Group for Societal Challenge 6 ‘Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the European Sociological Association.Phone: +420 221 403 334 |
E-mail: kostelecky@kav.cas.cz |