CAS Head Office
The CAS Head Office has been established for an indefinite period and it is located in the Academy’s main building in Prague 1 (Národní 3). It has served as the administrative body for the CAS since 1 January 2001. Its legal status is regulated by Act no. 283/1992 Coll., on the Czech Academy of Sciences, as amended, and by Act no. 219/2000 Coll., on the property of the Czech Republic and its legal relationships, as amended, and by Article nos. 41–43 of the Statutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
The Head Office ensures the basic functioning of the CAS, especially with regard to the establishment of research institutes, the administration of the CAS budget and the distribution of budgetary funds to the CAS institutes. The Head Office participates in the management of the CAS institutes’ property and legal matters and provides funding for their research objectives. In addition to the CAS budget, it is also responsible for the CAS internal control system, as well as for the performance of any professional, legal and organisational activities concerning the CAS executive, administrative and advisory bodies, especially the President, the Academy Assembly, the Academy Council and its Presidium, the Science Council and the advisory boards.