Shaul Kimhi
Shaul Kimhi is a full professor and serves as Chief Scientific Officer at the Multi-national Resilience & Wellbeing Research Center (ResWell), Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University. Kimhi has participated in many academic international conferences, including as keynote speaker. He is often invited to the Israeli media to discuss his areas of expertise (resilience, stress, political psychology). In 2021, he was one of the founders of ResWell.
Resilience and coping: Citizens of Ukraine and neighboring countries, five months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine
My talk is based on an ongoing research project in which we examine resilience (individual, community, and national), positive indicators of coping (well-being, hope, and morale), and negative indicators of coping (anxiety and depressive symptoms, sense of danger, perceived threats, and PTSD symptoms). In addition, we examine the degree of support for the government and the attitudes toward the Ukrainian refugees. The research is done using a uniform questionnaire (translated into the native language of each country) that is disseminated to a representative sample of the population via internet panel companies. At this stage, we have data from Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, and the Czech Republic. Data collection from additional countries is in progress. I will present the main results of the study in Ukraine and the comparison of the research variables (including Israel) across these countries.