Committee for the Research Professor Degree
- Prof. JUDr. PhDr. Michal TOMÁŠEK, DrSc. (Charles University Faculty of Law)
Vice Chairman:
- Prof. MUDr. Jiří FOREJT, DrSc. (Institute of Molecular Genetics of the CAS)
- Prof. Mgr. Lubomír RULÍŠEK, CSc., DSc. (Institute of Organic Chemistryand Biochemistry of the CAS)
- RNDr. Jiří BEK, CSc., DSc. (Institute of Geology of the CAS)
- Prof. Ing. Zdeněk BITTNAR, DrSc. (Faculty of Civil Engineering Czech Technical University)
- Doc. RNDr. Jiří GABRIEL, DrSc. (Institute of Mikrobiology of the CAS)
- Prof. RNDr. Jiří HORÁČEK, DrSc. (Charles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
- RNDr. Pavel KUBÁŇ, Ph.D., DSc. (Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS)
- Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav NEŠETŘIL, DrSc., dr.h.c. (mult.) (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
- Prof. Mgr. Jiří PITTNER, Dr. rer. nat., DSc. (J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS)
- Prof. PhDr. Ing. Jan ROYT, Ph.D., DSc. (Charles University Faculty of Arts)
- Prof. Ing. Václav SKLENIČKA, DrSc. (Institute of Physics of Materials of the CAS)
- Prof. MUDr. Anna ŠEDIVÁ, DSc. (Charles University Second Faculty of Medicene Charles University)
- PhDr. Robert ŠIMŮNEK, Ph.D., DSc. (Institute of History of the CAS)
- PhDr. Natalie VENCLOVÁ, DrSc. (Institute of Archaelogy of the CAS)
- Prof. RNDr. Boris VYSKOT, DrSc. (Institute of Biophysics of the CAS)
- Secretary: Mgr. Dajana Vasiljevićová
Phone: +420 221 403 565; +420 777 600 743
e-mail: scicounc@kav.cas.cz