Prof. PhDr. Ing. Jan Royt, Ph.D., DSc.
Jan Royt graduated from the University of Agriculture in Prague. Between 1979 and 1983, he studied the history of art at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (thesis: Christ crucified on the grapevine, which was recognized viva voce in 1984; the degree of PhDr.). In the years 1985–1990, he worked at the Odeon publishing house and since 1990, he has worked at the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University – first as an Assistant Professor and then, since 1997, as an Associate Professor (habilitation thesis: The Image and the Cult in Bohemia in the 17th and 18th Centuries). In 2004, he was appointed professor of art history at Charles University. In 2009, he completed PhD study at the Institute of Christian Art History and, in 2016, he defended the degree Doctor of Historical Sciences (DSc.). From 2006 until 2014, he worked as the director of the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague and now he is the director's deputy at the Institute of Christian Art History KTF. As a teacher, he also works at the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University, and externally at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (FUD and the Faculty of Arts).
He has also professionally involved in older art and iconography from the early Christian era to the end of the baroque period. He specializes in mediaeval painting and Christian iconography. He has had eleven PhD students who successfully completed their study and currently he is supervising another twelve PhD students. He has participated in many international and domestic exhibition projects as a co-author (e.g. Master Theodoric or Charles IV – Emperor by the Grace of God). He was the winner of several Czech (e.g. GACR) and foreign (e.g. Wolkswagen-Stifftung) grants. He has located 423 citations in specialized foreign periodicals and 71 citations in WOS.Phone: +420 220 181 279, 374 |
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