The French Research Centre in Humanities and Social Sciences in Prague (CEFRES), the Charles University in Prague (UK), the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and CNRS are united within a Czech-French scientific cooperation platform named “CEFRES Platform” thanks to an Agreement from 2014. Due to the expiration of the Agreement, a contract extension was signed on 6 November 2019, which extended the original contract for another five years.

The CEFRES Platform initiates common scientific and educational programmes in social sciences and humanities. It supports scientific training for young researchers and the publishing of common academic research. A steering committee gathers all partner research institutions.

TANDEM Program

Every two years, the CEFRES Platform launches a call for applications for the “TANDEM” incubator program, which endeavours to support excellency in social sciences and humanities. 

In March 2024 the project Contested energy transitions. Conflicts and social innovations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, and France of Mgr. Martin Ďurďovič, Ph.D. (Institute of Sociology of the CAS) and dr. Lepesant (CNRS) was launched. The Czech PI will receive financial support amounting to 1 200 000 CZK from the CAS. 
In January 2024, the project Home beyond species: More-than-human dwelling in the age of crises of researcher Petr Gibas, PhD. (Institute of Sociology of the CAS) and Dr. Chloé Mondémé (CNRS) was finished.

In January 2022, the project of researchers Michèle Baussant (CNRS) and Johanny Wyss (Institute of Ethnology of the CAS) entitled Europe: A Resentful Confederation of Vanquished People? Raw and lapsed memories of post-imperial (European) minorities, ended. The project was realised in the period 2/2020–1/2022. This TANDEM was also successful and its investigator, Johana Wyss, received an ERC grant of €1.5 million, making her the seventh woman among 54 Czech elite scientists who have received the most prestigious European grant to date - see an article.

At the beginning of 2020, the project called Bewildering Boar: Changing Cosmpolitics of Hunt in Europe and Beyond of researchers Mgr. Luděk Brož, MPhil., Ph.D. (Institute of Ethnology of the CAS) and Virginie Vaté, Ph.D. (CNRS) ended. An article in French about the project was published in the CNRS bulletin (May 2019), page 10. The success of the project is also proved by the fact that one of the researchers, Luděk Brož, received one of the most prestigious forms of scientific support: the ERC €2 million consolidation grant in 2019. The ERC consolidation grant will be used over the next five years to continue the research of the relationship between hunters, boars, and biosafety.

! From 3rd March until 9th May 2025 TANDEM project proposals realized in the period from 1st February 2026 to 31st January 2028 may be submitted. ! 

A sample application form can be found at this link.   

Project proposals are submitted via the KIS application.

More information and contacts can be found in the call.



Tomáš Kostelecký, member of the Academy Council of the CAS and coordinator of the CAS for the TANDEM program

Jana Whalen, CAS, Division of International Cooperation, Národní 3, 110 00 Prague 1



CAS CEFRES Platform Committee – an advisory committee of the CAS Academy Council overseeing the TANDEM programme of the CEFRES Platform. List of members here.

Steering Committee – makes the operational decisions related to the Platform, is composed of members of the three partner institutions, and meets three times a year. List of members and rules of procedure here.

Scientific Board – appraises the collaborative scientific policy and evaluates applications submitted to the post of director of CEFRES. It consists of eight members, two each appointed by Charles University in Prague, the Czech Academy of Sciences, the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, and the CNRS Research Centre. List of members here.

More information about CEFRES