
EASAC call for nomination of expert - AI in healthcare

04. 06. 2024

EASAC has published a call for nominations of expert for a new EASAC working group “AI in healthcare".

Non-exclusive examples of areas of expertise:

Social sciences, ethics, law and regulation

  • Medical ethics and ethical considerations of using AI in healthcare
  • AI and digital health (in particular, data protection, privacy laws, and consent governance)
  • Healthcare regulation, existing and emerging policies regarding medical devices, AI, and datausage in healthcare
  • Patient advocacy and public engagement

Healthcare and clinical practice

  • Clinical fields where AI is applied, explicitly or implicitly, such as surgery, radiology, internalmedicine, and ophthalmology
  • AI/ML applications in diagnosis, treatment, clinical prediction and decision making, patientcare; and e-health
  • Public health, epidemiology, prevention, and screening.

AI/ML Technology and data science

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning, especially for healthcare applications¨
  • Data science, big data analytics, data management, and quality control

Biomedical Engineering

  • Medical devices and technology, including surgical robots and diagnostic tools, integration of AI/ML into these technologies

Health Informatics

  • Health information systems, electronic health records (EHRs), and the interoperability of health data platforms

For more information about the call and the required nomination documents (CV, Letter of recommendation from the Director of the Institute), please contact the Secretariat of your Institute. The internal deadline for nominations is 17 June 2024.

Photo: Pixabay



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