
Visegrad–Taiwan Scholarships

07. 08. 2024

Visegrad–Taiwan Scholarships facilitate academic mobility between the V4 region and Taiwan by providing financial support to PhD candidates and doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, who are citizens of the V4 countries, to study/conduct research at selected higher-education institutions in Taiwan.

Visegrad–Taiwan Scholarships offer funding for PhD candidates (early-stage researchers), and doctoral and postdoctoral scholars (experienced researchers) to study/conduct research in Taiwan.

The program is run in cooperation with the National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan.

  • Eligible candidates: Visegrad–Taiwan Scholarships offer funding for PhD candidates (early-stage researchers), and doctoral and postdoctoral scholars (experienced researchers) to study/conduct research in Taiwan.
  • Areas of support: a) Nanotechnology, b) Electro-technical industry, c) Biotechnology, d) Information technology, e) Public health, f) Social sciences and humanities, or g) Other.
  • Length of support: 1–10 months.
  • The amount of the support is €1,000/month for each scholar + €1,000 in the form of a one-time travel grant (tuition and other costs associated with the research are covered by the Taiwanese side).

The application must be submitted online between August 1 and September 30 2024 (12:00 PM CET).

How to apply and more information here.

Foto: Pixabay


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