Josef Dobrovský Fellowship
The objective of the fellowship is to support “Czech studies” in both national and territorial delimitation by means of the financing of short-term study stays of foreign researchers at the Institutes of the CAS. The fellowship is intended for researchers who need to study the Czech historical, cultural, language, geographic or natural characteristics in the Czech Republic. Applications for the Josef Dobrovský Fellowships are submitted by the directors of the Institutes of the CAS after consultation with and on the basis of a recommendation by the Institute Board.
Awarded Josef Dobrovský Fellowships
The Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences granted the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship in the year 2024 to:
Mgr. Stipica Grgić, Ph.D. | Institute of History |
Mgr. Natalia Woszczyk | Institute of History |
Mag. Martina Schmidinger | Institute of History |
Prof. Wiktoria Kudela-Światek, Ph.D. | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Prof. Richard Anderson | Institute of Art History |
Dr. Dániel Molnár | Institute of Art History |
Priv. Doz. Dr. Risto Pekka Pennanen | Institute of Art History |
Dr. Nicola Usula | Institute of Art History |
Francesca Bonini, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
Prof. Dr. Márton Szentpéteri, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Francesco Tava | Institute of Philosophy |
Mgr. Andrej Perdih, Ph.D. | Institute of Slavonic Studies |
Mgr. Erma Ramić-Kunić, Ph.D. | Institute of Slavonic Studies |
MA Irene Elmerot | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Ivana Hostová, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
BA Neža Kočnik | Institute of Czech Literature |
Dr. phil. Jana Marková | Institute of Czech Literature |
Dr. hab. Aleksandra Pajak-Głogiewicz | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Adam Zygmunt | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Stella Ondrejčiková, Ph.D. | Czech Language Institute |
Zsófia Ludányi, Ph.D. | Czech Language Institute |
Prof. Dr. Florence Oloff | Czech Language Institute |
Assoc. Prof. Nina Pahor | Czech Language Institute |
The Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences granted the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship in the year 2023 to:
Dr. Irena Vladimirsky, Ph.D. | Institute of History |
Giovanni Patriarca, Ph.D. | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Dr. Luisa del Rosario Aguilar Ruz | Institute of Art History |
Magdalena Eriksröd-Burger, M.A., M.Sc. | Institute of Art History |
Dr. Ksenija Tschetschik-Hammerl | Institute of Art History |
Dr. Paulina Gulińska-Jurgiel | Institute for Contemporary History |
Dominika Czarnecka, Ph.D. | Institute of Ethnology |
Jonathan Lahey Dronsfield, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
Dr. Marlene Meuer, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mphil. Jana Hunter | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mag. Lena-Marie Franke | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Natalia Palich, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Kamil Wrzeszcz | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Magdalena Joanna Krzyźanowska | Institute of Czech Literature |
BA Noam Baram | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mag. Martina Schmidinger | Institute of Czech Literature |
Siniša Habijanec, Ph.D., dr.sc. | Czech Language Institute |
assoc. prof. Milen Petrov Tomov, Ph.D. | Czech Language Institute |
The Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences granted the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship in the year 2022 to:
Dr. Irena Vladimirsky | Institute of History |
Maja Lukanc, Ph.D. | Institute of History |
prof. Tomasz Pudłocki | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Dr. phil. Jana Piňosová, M.A. | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Adam Światek, Ph.D. | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Corinna Gannon, M.A. | Institute of Art History |
Dr. Patrick Becker-Naydenov | Institute of Art History |
Dr. Albena Shkodrova-Desmet | Institute for Contemporary History |
Dr. Pavla Šimková | Institute for Contemporary History |
Jonathan Lahey Dronsfield, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
Mgr. Bothayna Abubakr | Institute of Czech Literature |
Anna Ananieva, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Magdalena Burger, M.A., MS.c. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Piotr Gierowski, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
prof. Joanna Goszczyńska, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Lucija Mandić | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Martina Mecco | Institute of Czech Literature |
Anna G. Piotrowska, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
prof. Jindřich Toman, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Katarzyna Jasińska, Ph.D. | Institute of the Czech Language |
Mgr. Miha Sušnik | Institute of the Czech Language |
The Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences granted the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship in the year 2021 to:
Isidora Grubački, M.A. | Institute for Contemporary History |
Mgr. Magdalena Bystrzak, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Cezary Rosiński, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Dr. phil. Jana Kantoříková, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Jana Lainto, MA. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Magdalena Brodacka | Institute of Czech Literature |
Lena-Marie Franke, MA. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Alexandra Pietroch, MA. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Anna Maślanka | Institute of Czech Literature |
Dr. Alena Heinritz | Institute of Czech Literature |
The Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences granted the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship in the year 2020 to:
Mgr. Aurora Panzica | Institute of Philosophy |
Mgr. Zuzana Kudzbelová | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Kristin Watterott, M.A. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Olga Kalashnikova, M.A. | Institute of Philosophy |
Martin Rohde, M.A. | Institute of Slavonic Studies |
The Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences granted the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship in the year 2019 to:
Dr. Norman Domeier, MPhil. | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Anna Jozefacka, Ph.D. | Institute of Art History |
Luise Mahler, M.A. | Institute of Art History |
The Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences granted the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship in the year 2018 to:
Anna Bischof, M.A. | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Mgr. Mátyás Erdélyi | Institute of History |
Ina Hartman, M.A. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Elías Fuentes Guillén, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
Helena Sabel Bermúdez, M.A. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Sarah Seidel, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Dr. Eva Schäffler | Institute for Contemporary History |
Dr. Alessandro Testa, Postdoc-Habilitatus | Institute of Sociology |
The Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences granted the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship in the year 2017 to:
Siyaves Azeri, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
Mgr. Jean Boutan | Institute of Czech Literature |
Dr. Luigi Campi, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
Dr. Karolina Ćwiek-Rogalska | Institute of Czech Literature |
Mgr. Rosamunde Johnston | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Dr. Claire Morelon | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Martin Pjecha, M.A. | Institute of Philosophy |
Dr. Ewa Stanczyk | Institute of Czech Literature |
The Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences granted the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship in the year 2016 to:
Dr. Giuseppe Bianco | Institute of Philosophy |
Aleksandra Błasińska, Ph.D. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Andrei Bucha, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
Lena Dorn, M.A. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Dr. Mona Garloff | Institute of Czech Literature |
Dr. John Paul Newman | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Michal Rauszer, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
Mgr. Christina Traxler | Institute of Philosophy |
Mgr. Anita Williams, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
The Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences granted the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship in the year 2015 to:
Dr. Jana Gajdošová | Institute of Art History |
Dr. Ionut Gradianu | Institute of Geology |
Matija Ivačić, DrSc. | Institute of Czech Literature |
Dr. Marcin Jarzabek | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
Mag. Oskar Mulej | Masaryk Institute and Archives |
DI Kristina Plenk | Institute of Botany |
Nicolas Richard, Ph.D. | Institute of Philosophy |
Dr. Tamara Scheer | Masaryk Institute and Archives |