- Atomic and Nuclear Physics
- Constructions and Structures
- Electronics
- Electrotechnics
- Mechanics of Continuum
- Mechanics of a Solid Body and Systems
- Molecular and Cell Biophysics
- Nanostructures and Nanotechnology
- Physics of the Microworld and Macroworld
- Plasma Physics and Optics
- Radiobiology
- Special Technologies
- Solid State Physics – Material Science
- Chemical and Electrochemical Sources of Electric Energy
- Chemical Separation and Analysis (also applicable to Environmental Protection, Medicine and Forensic Medicine)
- Computational Chemistry
- Development of New Chemical Processes
- Development of New Compounds and Materials with Specific Functions
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Natural Compounds
- Bioenergetics and Obesity
- Brain diseases
- Cardiovascular System
- Cell Biology
- Cellular and Molecular Toxicology
- Developmental Biology
- Genetics, Immunology
- Hematology
- Laboratory Animals
- Molecular and cell oncology
- Molecular genetics, genomics, human genome
- Neurophysiology
- Stem Cells, Tissue and Organ Regeneration
- Structural Biology
- Transplantation
- Tumor Growth
- Virology
- Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering
- Biotechnology for agriculture
- Cell and Gene Manipulation for Preparation of Novel Active Substances
- Cloning, Transgenic animals
- Plant breeding and Transgenic Plants
- Plant protection and Quarantine Diagnosis of Plant Diseases
- Regulation of Fertilization
- Searching (Screening) of Novel Biologically Active Compounds (Potential Drugs)
- Alternative Energy Sources
- Assessment of Environmental Risk Factors
- Biodegradation of Waste
- Biodiversity and its Conservation, National Parks
- Bioindication
- Biological Effects of Radiation
- Chemical Processes and Technologies for Environmental Protection
- Ecology
- Environmentally Acceptable Pest Control, Integrated Plant
Protection in Agriculture and Forestry - Forest ecosystems
- Global Change and the Environment
- Microbiology
- Natural hazards
- Organismal biology and ecology
- Water Management and Hydrology
- Solid State Physics – Material Science
- Dr. Alexander V. Andreev, DrSc. (FZÚ)
Magnetism of intermetallics, magnetoelastic and magnetoacoustic phenomena, physics in high magnetic fields
tel.: +420 221 912 735, e-mail: andreev@fzu.cz - Ing. Karel Balík, CSc. (ÚSMH)
Composites as biomaterials
tel.: +420 266 009 201, e-mail: balik@irsm.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Buršík, CSc., DSc. (ÚFM)
Microstructure of crystalline materials, electron microscopy and microanalysis
tel.: +420 532 290 473, e-mail: bursik@ipm.cz - RNDr. Jiří Čermák, CSc., DSc. (ÚFM)
Diffusion and thermodynamics of metals and alloys, metallic materials for power engineering and chemical industry
tel.: +420 532 290 422, e-mail: cermak@ipm.cz - Ing. Martin Černý, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Mechanical properties of composite materials, mechanical properties of materials at elevated temperatures
tel.: +420 266 009 257, e-mail: cerny@irsm.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Čížek, Ph.D. (ÚFP)
Cold spray coatings, additive manufacturing
+420 266 052 096, e-mail: cizek@ipp.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Antonín Dlouhý, CSc. (ÚFM)
Metallic and intermetallic alloys for high temperature and medical applications, transmission electron microscopy, numerical modelling of microstructural processes in solids
tel.: +420 532 290 412, e-mail: dlouhy@ipm.cz - prof. Ing. Ivo Dlouhý, CSc. (ÚFM)
Mechanical properties and fracture of materials
tel.: +420 532 290 342, e-mail: idlouhy@ipm.cz - Ing. Jan Drahokoupil, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Phase and microstructure analysis by the X-ray powder diffraction technique
tel.: +420 266 052 898, e-mail: draho@fzu.cz - RNDr. Michal Dušek, CSc. (FZÚ)
Structure analysis from x-ray single crystal diffraction
tel.: +420 220 318 594, e-mail: rohlicek@fzu.cz - doc. Ing. Stanislava Fintová, PhD. (ÚFM)
structure and mechanical properties of advanced metallic materials and metal based composites
tel.: +420 532 290 301, e-mail: fintova@ipm.cz - Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D. (ÚFM)
Quantum-mechanical (ab initio) calculations of thermodynamic, magnetic and mechanical properties of metallic materials, simulations of defects, bio-materials, multi-scale modelling
tel.: +420 532 290 400, e-mail: friak@ipm.cz - doc. Ing. Roman Grőger, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (ÚFM)
Atomistic studies of defects in metal single crystals, multiscale description of microstructural evolution in materials, computer simulations of scanning probe imaging
tel.: +420 532 290 448, e-mail: groger@ipm.cz - Ing. Jan Grym, Ph.D. (ÚFE)
Semiconductor materials and structures
tel.: +420 266 773 428, e-mail: grym@ufe.cz - prom. fyz. RNDr. Milada Glogarová, CSc. (FZÚ)
Physics and applications of liquid crystals
tel.: +420 266 052 708, e-mail: glogar@fzu.cz - Ing. Ivan Gregora, CSc. (FZÚ)
Raman spectroscopy of solids
tel.: +420 266 052 951, e-mail: gregora@fzu.cz - Oleg Heczko, Dr. (FZÚ)
Physics of solid state and materials engineering, magnetic properties of solids, magnetostrictive materials, magnetic nanoparticles and thin films, magnetic shape memory alloys, magnetic and magnetoelastic measurements
tel.: +420 266 052 714, e-mail: heczko@fzu.cz - Ing. Jiří Hejtmánek, CSc. (FZÚ)
Thermal, electric transport and magnetism in bulk materials
tel.: +420 220 318 419, e-mail: hejtman@fzu.cz - Ing. Luděk Heller, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Material engineering, functional engineering materials, shape memory alloys, martensitic phase transformations, functional textiles integrating thin wires from shape memory alloys, IPMC – ionic polymer metal composites, modelling using finite element method
tel.: +420 266 052 428, e-mail: heller@fzu.cz - Ing. Jiří Hlinka, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Physics of ferroelectrics
tel.: +420 266 052 154, e-mail: hlinka@fzu.cz - doc. Ing. Petr Hora, CSc. (ÚT)
Wave phenomena in solids, molecular dynamics
tel.: +420 377 279 652, e-mail: hora@cdm.it.cas.cz - Ing. Alice Hospodková, CSc. (FZÚ)
Preparation of semiconductor MOVPE–based nano-heterostructures
tel.: +420 220 318 401, e-mail: hospodko@fzu.cz - RNDr. Pavel Hubík, CSc. (FZÚ)
Electronic transport in semiconductor structures
tel.: +420 220 318 573, e-mail: hubik@fzu.cz - doc. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D. (ÚFM)
Fatigue properties of technical materials, methodology of residual lifetime prediction including load history, fracture mechanics including fracture mechanics of generalized singular stress concentrators, numerical simulation of fatigue crack propagation
tel.: +420 532 290 351, e-mail: hutar@ipm.cz - Ing. Zdeněk Chlup, Ph.D. (ÚFM)
Experimental fracture mechanics, relation between microstructure and fracture behaviour in advanced materials mainly in cermaics, and ceramics based composites
tel.: +420 532 290 335, e-mail: chlup@ipm.cz - Ing. Tomáš Chráska, Ph.D. (ÚFP)
Thermal spray coatings
tel.: +420 266 053 517, e-mail: chraskat@ipp.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Ivan Janeček, CSc. (ÚGN)
Strength and deformation properties of rocks, cluster physics, condensed matter physics, low-temperature physics
tel.: + 420 596 979 209, e-mail: ivan.janecek@ugn.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Václav Janiš, DrSc. (FZÚ)
Quantum theory of strongly correlated and disordered electron systems in solids, quantum phase transitions and critical phenomena, theory of charge diffusion in metals, spin magnetism in solids, theory of superconductivity
tel.: +420 266 052 771, e-mail: janis@fzu.cz - Ing. Petr Jiříček, CSc. (FZÚ)
Study of solid surfaces by electron spectroscopy methods (XPS, LEED)
tel.: +420 220 318 438, e-mail: jiricek@fzu.cz - Ing. Jaroslav Joch, CSc. (ÚT)
Fracture mechanics
tel.: +420 266 053 008, e-mail: joch@it.cas.cz - RNDr. Anděla Kalvová, CSc. (FZÚ)
Fast transients in mesoscopic systems, time dynamics of many-electron systems
tel.: +420 26605 2927, e-mail: kalvova@fzu.cz - Ing. Mgr. Ondřej Kaman, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Synthesis, structure and magnetic behaviour of magnetic nanoparticles
tel.: +420 220 318 418, e-mail: kaman@fzu.cz - Ing. Jiří Kamarád, CSc. (FZÚ)
High pressure physics and technique
tel.: +420 220 318 521, e-mail: kamarad@fzu.cz - RNDr. Stanislav Kamba, CSc. (FZÚ)
Spectroscopy of magnetoelectrics
tel.: +420 266 052 957, e-mail: kamba@fzu.cz - Dr. Ing. Ivan Kašík (ÚFE)
materials for optical fibers
tel.: +420 220 922 391, e-mail: kasik@ufe.cz - doc. Ing. Jan Klusák, PhD. (ÚFM)
generalized fracture mechanics of notches and materials’ interfaces, fatigue of materials
tel.: +420 532 290 348, e-mail: klusak@ipm.cz - RNDr. Karel Knížek, Dr. (FZÚ)
X-ray and neutron powder diffraction of condensed matter
tel.: +420 220 318 435, e-mail: knizek@fzu.cz - RNDr. Jan Kočka DrSc. (FZÚ)
Formation and characterization of nanostructures and materials for nanoelectronics
tel.: +420 220318449, +420 602381549, mail: kocka@fzu.cz - Mgr. Jindřich Kolorenč, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Model calculations and numerical simulations of correlated and disordered electron systems in solids
tel.: +420 266 052 914, e-mail: kolorenc@fzu.cz - Ing. Pavel Konečný, Dr. (ÚGN)
Stress-strain and filtration properties of rocks
tel.: + 420 596 979 336, e-mail: pavel.konecny@ugn.cas.cz - RNDr. Jaromír Kopeček, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Microscopy (electron, optical, SPM), materials’ and single-crystals preparation, microstructure, intermetallics
tel.: +420 266 052 899, e-mail: kopeček@fzu.cz - RNDr. Miroslav Kotrla, CSc. (FZÚ)
Evolution of thin films and interfaces, properties and dynamics of surface nanostructures, atomistic modeling of MBE and PLD growth
tel.: +420 266 052 904, e-mail: kotrla@fzu.cz - Zdeněk Kožíšek, CSc. (FZÚ)
Modeling of formation kinetics of a new phase
tel.: +420 220 318 574, e-mail: kozisek@fzu.cz - doc. Ing. Irena Kratochvílová, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Physical properties of molecular and cellular materials
tel.: +420 266 052 524, e-mail: krat@fzu.cz - doc. Ing. Alexander Kromka, DrSc. (FZÚ)
Large area growth of carbon allotrope forms and their structures in microwave plasma CVD, reactive ion etching and plasma surface functionalization of thin films and nanoparticles, fabrication of electronic, optical, sensoric and MEMS devices
tel.: +420 220 318 437, e-mail: kromka@fzu.cz - RNDr. Aleš Kroupa, CSc. (ÚFM)
Thermodynamics of metals and alloys, modelling of thermodynamic functions, phase transformations
tel.: +420 532 290 467, e-mail: kroupa@ipm.cz - Prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc. (ÚFM)
Plastic deformation, electron microscopy
tel.: +420 532 290 379, e-mail: kruml@ipm.cz - RNDr. Jiří Kub (FZÚ)
Experimental techniques of high-resolution X-ray diffraction
tel.: +420 266 052 892, e-mail: kub@fzu.cz - prof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c. (ÚFM)
Mechanical properties of materials, fatigue of materials
tel.: +420 541 212 286, e-mail: kunz@ipm.cz - RNDr. Kateřina Kůsová, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Luminescence of semiconductor nanocrystals
tel.: (+420) 220 318 414, e-mail: kusova@fzu.cz - doc. RNDr. Petr Kužel, Dr. (FZÚ)
Terahertz and ultrafast spectroscopy
tel.: +420 266 052 176, e-mail: kuzelp@fzu.cz - Ing. Adriana Lančok, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Study of solid surface by microscopy (electron, optical), Mossbauer spectroscopy and magnetic properties of iron-containing materials
tel.: +420 221912770, e-mail: alancok@fzu.cz - RNDr. Martin Ledinský, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Optical, structural and photoelectrical properties of solids, photovoltaics
tel.: +420 220 318 467, e-mail: ledinsky@fzu.cz - prof. Ing. Pavel Lejček, DrSc. (FZÚ)
Structural defects, grain boundaries, solute segregation, (re)crystallization
tel.: +420 266 052 167, e-mail: lejcekp@fzu.cz - RNDr. Petr Lukáš, CSc. (ÚJF)
Neutron physics in materials research
tel.: +420 266 173 637, e-mail: lukas@ujf.cas.cz - RNDr. František Máca, CSc. (FZÚ)
Ab-initio electronic structure calculations in metals and alloys, physics of surfaces and interfaces
tel.: +420 266 052 914, e-mail: maca@fzu.cz - Ing. Vlastimil Matějec, CSc. (ÚFE)
Material research of optical fibres for sensors
tel.: +420 266 773 511, e-mail: matejec@ufe.cz - Dr. Vincent Mortet, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Thin film depositions & characterizations, CVD diamond, semiconductors characterizations, micro-fabrication, MEMS (SAW, micro-cantilevers) and vacuum technologies
tel.: +420 266 052 544, e-mail: mortetv@fzu.cz - Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc. (ÚPT)
Electron microscopy by slow electrons
tel.: +420 541 514 204, e-mail: ilona.mullerova@isibrno.cz - Ing. Radek Mušálek, Ph.D. (ÚFP)
Engineering materials, protective coatings
tel.: +420 266 053 077, e-mail: musalek@ipp.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, PhD. (ÚFM)
fatigue resistance of engineering materials, multiscale modelling, determination of residual fatigue life, fracture mechanics
tel.: +420 541 212 358, e-mail: nahlik@ipm.cz - RNDr. Karel Netočný, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics (theoretical foundations & mathematical models), stochastic thermodynamics, non-equilibrium fluctuation theories
tel.: +420 266 052 029, e-mail: netocny@fzu.cz - doc. Ing. Martin Nikl, CSc. (FZÚ)
Time-resolved luminescence and scintillation in wide band-gap solids and spectral VUV-UV-visible range, excitons, doped ceners, defects
tel.: +420 220 318 445, e-mail: nikl@fzu.cz - S. M. Mahdi Niktabar, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Strength and deformation properties of rocks
tel.: + 420 596 979 336, e-mail: mahdi.niktabar@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Pavel Novák, CSc. (FZÚ)
Ab-initio calculation of electronic structure
tel.: +420 220 318 543, e-mail: novakp@fzu.cz - Ing. Vít Novák, CSc. (FZÚ)
Layer-by-layer synthesis of insulating, semiconducting, and metal films
tel.: +420 220 318 471, e-mail: novakvit@fzu.cz - Doc. RNDr. Karel Obrtlík, CSc. (ÚFM)
High temperature fatigue of materials
tel.: +420 532 292 415, e-mail: obrtlik@ipm.cz - Kamil Olejník, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Fabrication of nanostructures and electronic nanodevices
tel.: +420 220 318 589, e-mail: olejnik@fzu.cz - Ing. Jiří Oswald, CSc. (FZÚ)
Photoluminescence of semiconductor and rare earths systems
tel.: +420 220 318 583, e-mail: oswald@fzu.cz - doc. Ing. Oliva Pacherová, CSc. (FZÚ)
Characterisation of epitaxial layered structures by means of X-ray diffraction
tel.: +420 266 052 621, e-mail: pacher@fzu.cz - Dr.rer.nat. Lukáš Palatinus (FZÚ)
Structure determination by electron diffraction tomography, dynamical refinement
tel.: +420 220 318 462, e-mail: palatinus@fzu.cz - Ing. Jan Pejchal, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Growth of optical crystals by micro-pulling-down method and study of their luminescence and scintillation properties
tel.: +420 220 318 557, e-mail: pejchal@fzu.cz - prof. RNDr. Ivan Pelant, DrSc. (FZÚ)
Semiconductor nanostructures and their optical properties, nanophotonics
tel.: +420 220 318 502, +420 773 573744, e-mail: pelant@fzu.cz - Oleksiy Perevertov, Ph.D (FZÚ)
Accurate measurements properties of ferromagnetic samples on magnetically open and closed samples – hysteresis loops, Barkhausen noise, magnetoacoustic emission, incremental permeability, eddy currents. Measurement of the dilatation, resistance and AC susceptibility. Electromagnetic nondestructive testing, connection between mechanical and thermal treatment, microstructure from one side and magnetic properties from other side.
tel.: (+420) 266 052 131, e-mail: perever@fzu.cz - Ing. Ivana Perná, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Geopolymer materials
tel.: +420 266 009 253, 268, e-mail: perna@irsm.cas.cz - RNDr. Václav Petříček, CSc. (FZÚ)
Structure analysis of modulated and magnetic crystals
tel.: +420 220 318 598, e-mail: petricek@fzu.cz - RNDr. Jan Petzelt, DrSc. (FZÚ)
Broad-band dielectric spectroscopy
tel.: +420 266 052 166, e-mail: petzelt@fzu.cz - Mgr. Jakub Plášil, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Study and structure analysis of uranium minerals
tel.: +420 220 318 404, e-mail: plasil@fzu.cz - Ing. Zdeněk Převorovský, CSc. (ÚT)
Material engineering, nondestructive testing of materials and structures
tel.: +420 266 053 144, e-mail: zp@it.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Racek, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Electrochemical corrosion of shape memory alloys, photoelectron spectroscopy, electron microscopy
tel.: +420 266 052 361, e-mail: racek@fzu.cz - Mgr. Zdeněk Remeš, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Optical and electrical properties of thin films
tel.: +420 220 318 540, e-mail: remes@fzu.cz - Ing. Jan Rohlíček, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Structure analysis from x-ray powder diffraction, Rietveld refinement
tel.: +420 220 318 484, e-mail: rohlicek@fzu.cz - Mgr. Lucie Ruppenthalová, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Porosity and surface properties of geomaterial
tel.: +420 596 979 330, e-mail: lucie.ruppenthalova@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Šárka Rýglová, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Nanocomposites as biomaterials, infrared spectroscopy
e-mail: ryglova@irsm.cas.cz - Ing. Daniela Řimnáčová, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
High pressure sorption of CO2 and CH4
tel.: +420 266 009 274, 270, 275, e-mail: rimnacova@irsm.cas.cz - Ing. Petr Sedlák, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Physical acoustics, ultrasonic characterization of materials
tel.: +420 266 053 672, e-mail: psedlak@it.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Hanuš Seiner, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Elasticity of advanced materials, resonant ultrasound spectroscopy; mathematical theory of martensitic microstructures, material diagnostics
tel.: +420 266 053 672, e-mail: hseiner@it.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Schauer, CSc. (ÚPT)
Cathodoluminescence properties of the solid state matter, scintillation detectors
tel.: +420 541 514 313, e-mail: petr@isibrno.cz - Ing. Alexander Shick, DSc. (FZÚ)
Electronic structure of metals and semiconductors, large-scale computational methods in solid state physics, microscopic theory of magnetism and superconductivity
tel.: +420 266 052 362, 3533, e-mail: shick@fzu.cz - Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc. (ÚFM)
Magnetic and electric properties of solids, Mössbauer spectroscopy
tel.: +420 532 290 434, e-mail: schneew@ipm.cz - prof. Ing. Václav Sklenička, DrSc. (ÚFM)
Mechanical properties of creep-resistant metallic materials
tel.: +420 532 290 454, e-mail: sklen@ipm.cz - doc. RNDr. František Slanina, CSc. (FZÚ)
Statistical physics of systems with many interacting agents and their interdisciplinary applications (biology, economics, sociology), phase transitions and critical behavior, molecular motors
tel.: +420 266 052 671, e-mail: slanina@fzu.cz - Ing. Ladislav Straka, D.Sc.(Tech) (FZÚ)
Magnetic properties of solid state, magnetic shape memory alloys
tel.: +420 266 052 860, e-mail: strakal@fzu.cz - RNDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc. (ÚFM)
Creep-resistant materials, thermodynamic modelling
tel.: +420 532 290 407, e-mail: svobj@ipm.cz - RNDr. Milan Svoboda, CSc. (ÚFM)
Electron microscopy and structure analysis of metallic materials
tel.: +420 532 290 474, e-mail: svobm@ipm.cz - Mgr. Daniel Šimek, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Experimental methods of microstructure analysis polycrystals
tel.: +420 266 052 621, e-mail: simek@fzu.cz - RNDr. Ondřej Šipr, CSc. (FZÚ)
Electronic structure of solids, magnetism and x-ray spectroscopy
tel.: +420 220 318 463, e-mail: sipr@fzu.cz - RNDr. Petr Šittner, CSc. (FZÚ)
Material engineering, functional engineering materials, shape memory alloys, martensitic phase transformations, deformation processes, x-ray and neutron diffraction
tel.: +420 266 052 657, e-mail: sittner@fzu.cz - prof. RNDr. Mojmír Šob, DrSc. (ÚFM)
Electronic structure of condensed matter, computational materials science
tel.: +420 532 290 455, e-mail: mojmir@ipm.cz - Ing. Martina Švábová, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Sorption analysis and porosimetry
tel.: +420 266 009 274, 275, e-mail: svabova@irsm.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc. (ÚFM)
Electronic structure of condensed matter, magnetic and transport properties of metallic systems
tel.: +420 532 290 437, e-mail: turek@ipm.cz - RNDr. Jiří Vackář, CSc. (FZÚ)
Electronic structure calculations - pseudopotential approach and construction methods, real-space non-periodic ab-initio methods based on finite-element & isogeometric analysis
tel.: +420 26605 2916, e-mail: vackar@fzu.cz - Ing. Leona Vavro, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Strength, deformation and filtration propertis of rocks
tel.: +420 596 979 239, e-mail: leona.vavro@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Daniel Vavřík, Ph.D. (ÚTAM)
Experimental mechanics, RTG and neutron imaging
tel.: +420 286 582 601, e-mail: vavrik@itam.cas.cz - Ing. Jaroslav Valach, Ph.D. (ÚTAM)
Materials characterization and testing, metals and composites
tel.: +420 283 881 081, e-mail: valach@itam.cas.cz - Alberto Viani, Ph.D. (ÚTAM)
Material analysis, X-ray diffraction, process kinetics
tel.: +420 567 225 308, e-mail: viani@itam.cas.cz - Ing. David Vokoun, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Shape memory materials, Magnetostatic interactions
tel.: +420 266 052 427, e-mail: vokoun@fzu.cz - Mgr. Maryna Vorokhta, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Sorption analysis
tel.: +420 266 009 274, 275, e-mail: vorokhta@irsm.cas.cz - Ing. Zuzana Weishauptová, DrSc. (ÚSMH)
Porous systems in natural and technical processes
tel.: +420 266 009 305, 274, e-mail: weishauptova@irsm.cas.cz - Joerg Wunderlich, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Magneto-transport measurements in semiconductors and metals
tel.: +420 220 318 589, e-mail: wunder@fzu.cz - RNDr. Karel Závěta, CSc. (FZÚ)
Magnetic properties and Mössbauer spectroscopy of Fe-containing oxide nanomaterials
tel.: +420 220 318 534, e-mail: zaveta@fzu.cz - Ing. Margit Žaloudková, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Electron microscopy
tel.: +420 266 009 313, e-mail: zaloudkova@irsm.cas.cz
- Dr. Alexander V. Andreev, DrSc. (FZÚ)
- Atomic and Nuclear Physics
- Ing. Marie Davídková, CSc. (ÚJF)
Radiation biophysics, microdosimetry
tel.: +420 266 177 250, e-mail: davidkova@ujf.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Hošek, DrSc. (ÚJF)
Theoretical physics of elementary particles
tel.: +420 266 173 273, e-mail: hosek@ujf.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Kameník, Ph.D. (ÚJF)
Nuclear chemistry, radioanalytical methods
tel.: +420 266 172 652, +420 910 256 703, e-mail: kamenik@ujf.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Jan Kučera, CSc. (ÚJF)
Radioanalytical methods
tel.: +420 212 241 671, e-mail: kucera@ujf.cas.cz - RNDr. Andrej Kugler, CSc. (ÚJF)
Heavy ion physics, experimental nuclear physics
tel.: +420 212 241 685, e-mail: kugler@ujf.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Ondřej Lebeda, Ph.D. (ÚJF)
Nuclear chemistry, radionuclide production, radiopharmaceuticals
tel.: +420 266 172 136, e-mail: lebeda@ujf.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Lukáš, CSc. (ÚJF)
Neutron physics in materials research
tel.: +420 266 173 637, e-mail: lukas@ujf.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Anna Macková, Ph.D. (ÚJF)
Nuclear analytical methods
tel.: +420 266 172 102, e-mail: mackova@ujf.cas.cz - Ing. Ondřej Ploc, Ph.D. (ÚJF)
Cosmic rays
tel.: +420 266 177 223, +420 774 405 222, e-mail: ploc@ujf.cas.cz - Ing. Zenon Starčuk, CSc. (ÚPT)
Nuclear magnetic resonance - imaging and spectroscopy, experiment modeling, technology
tel.: +420 541 514 247, e-mail: starcuk@isibrno.cz - Ing. Ivo Světlík, Ph.D. (ÚJF)
Radiocarbon dating, radionuclides in the environment
tel.: +420 266 177 233, e-mail: svetlik@ujf.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Štursa (ÚJF)
Accelerators, cyclotrons
tel.: +420 266 173 613, e-mail: stursa@ujf.cas.cz - prom. fyz. Michal Šumbera, DSc. (ÚJF)
High energy nuclear physics
tel.: +420 234 697 772, +420 776 034 317, +420 283 841 690, e-mail: sumbera@ujf.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavel Tlustý, CSc. (ÚJF)
Experimental nuclear physics, heavy ion physics
tel.: +420 212 241 684, e-mail: tlusty@ujf.cas.cz - RNDr. Vladimír Wagner, CSc. (ÚJF)
Nuclear physics, nuclear energetics
tel.: +420 212 241 682, e-mail: wagner@ujf.cas.cz
- Ing. Marie Davídková, CSc. (ÚJF)
- Physics of the Microworld and Macroworld
- Mgr. Miroslav Bárta, Ph.D. (ASÚ)
modern interferometry for research in radioastronomy
tel: +420 323 620 324, email: barta@asu.cas.cz - RNDr. Michal Dovčiak, Ph.D. (ASÚ)
X-ray astrophysics of compact objects, hot and energetic Universe
tel.: +420 226 258 425, e-mail: michal.dovciak@ asu.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Grygar, CSc. (FZÚ)
Astronomy and astrophysics
tel.: +420 266 052 660, e-mail: grygar@fzu.cz - Doc. RNDr. Petr Hadrava, DrSc. (ASÚ)
Relativistic astrophysics, history of astronomy
tel.: +420 226 258 421, e-mail: petr.hadrava@sunstel.asu.cas.cz - Prof. RNDr. Petr Heinzel, DrSc. (ASÚ)
Solar physics, collaboration with European Space Agency
tel.: +420 423 620 233, e-mail: petr.heinzel@asu.cas.cz - prof. Jiří Chýla, CSc. (FZÚ)
Theoretical particle physics
tel.: +420 266 05 2673, +420 266 052 666, e-mail: chyla@fzu.cz - RNDr. Bruno Jungwiert, Ph.D. (ASÚ)
Dynamics and evolution of galaxies, N-body simulations
tel.: +420 226 258 460, e-mail: bruno.jungwiert@ig.cas.cz - Dipl. Phys. Petr Kabáth, Dr. rer. nat. (ASÚ)
extrasolar planets, cooperation with European Southern Observatory
tel.: 323 620 143, e-mail:petr.kabath@asu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Vladimír Karas, DrSc. (ASÚ)
Active galaxies and quasars
tel.: +420 323 620 113, +420 226 258 420, e-mail: vladimir.karas@asu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Marian Karlický, DrSc. (ASÚ)
Plasma physics, radioastronomy
tel.: +420 323 620 356, e-mail: marian.karlicky@asu.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavel Koubský, CSc. (ASÚ)
Optical astronomical instruments, telescopes and spectrographs
tel.: +420 323 620 127, e-mail: pavel.koubsky@sunstel.asu.cas.cz - Doc. RNDr. Jiří Kubát, CSc. (ASÚ)
Stellar spectroscopy, stellar atmospheres, dynamics of stellar winds
tel.: +420 323 620 328, e-mail: kubat@sunstel.asu.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Alexander Kupčo, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Experimental particle physics
tel.: +420 266 052 707, e-mail: kupco@fzu.cz - Georgios Loukes-Gerakopoulos, Ph.D. (ASÚ)
astrophysical sources of gravitational waves
tel.: +420 226 258 428, e-mail: gglukes@asu.cas.cz - Mgr. Michal Macek, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Quantum phase transitions, determinic chaos, classical and quantum turbulence
tel.: +420 541 514 236, e-mail: michal.macek@isibrno.cz - prof. RNDr. Jan Palouš, DrSc. (ASÚ)
Galactic and extragalactic astronomy, collaboration with European Southern Observatory
tel.: +420 226 258 440, e-mail: palous@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Cyril Ron, CSc. (ASÚ)
Geodynamics, cosmic geodesy, Earth orientation in space
tel.: +420 226 258 450, e-mail: ron@ig.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Schnabl, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Theoretical particle physics
tel.: +420 266 052 650, e-mail: schnabl@fzu.cz - RNDr. Pavel Spurný, CSc. (ASÚ)
Interaction of interplanetary bodies with our planet
tel.: +420 323 620 153, e-mail: pavel.spurny@asu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jiří Svoboda, Ph.D. (ASÚ)
active galaxies and quasars, cooperation with European Space Agency
tel.: 226 258 428, e-mail: jiri.svoboda@asu.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Škoda, CSc. (ASÚ)
Astroinformatics, virtual observatory, astronomical data archives
tel.: +420 323 620 361, e-mail: petr.skoda@sunstel.asu.cas.cz - RNDr. Miroslav Šlechta, Ph.D. (ASÚ)
the largest telescope in the Czech Republic, 2m Perek telescope at the Ondřejov Observatory
tel.: +420 323 620 255, e-mail: slechta@sunstel.asu.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Trávníček, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Astroparticle physics
tel.: +420 266 052 690, e-mail: travnick@fzu.cz - Ing. Jan Vondrák, DrSc. (ASÚ)
Classical astronomy and astrometry, Earth rotation
tel.: +420 226 258 451, e-mail: jan.vondrak@ig.cas.cz - Václav Vrba, CSc. (FZÚ)
Detectors of elementary particles
tel.: +420 266 052 158, e-mail: vrba@fzu.cz - prof. Jan Řídký, DrSc. (FZÚ)
Experimental particle physics
tel.: +420 266 052 323, 1255, e-mail: ridky@fzu.cz
- Mgr. Miroslav Bárta, Ph.D. (ASÚ)
- Plasma Physics and Optics
- prof. RNDr. Svatopluk Civiš, CSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Laser plasmas, high-power lasers; laser spectroscopy; molecular spectroscopy; astrochemistry
Tel.: +420 266 053 275; e-mail: svatopluk.civis@jh-inst.cas.cz - Mgr. Antonín Černoch, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
quantum optics, quantum informations
tel.: 585 631 549, e-mail: acernoch@fzu.cz - Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Femtosecond lasers, optical frequency synthesis
tel.: +420 541 514 254, e-mail: ocip@isibrno.cz - prof. Ing. Jiří Čtyroký, DrSc. (ÚFE)
Integrated optics
tel.: +420 266 773 409, e-mail: ctyroky@ufe.cz - Ing. Alexandr Dejneka, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Applied optics and biophysic
tel.: +420 266 052 141, e-mail: dejneka@fzu.cz - Mgr. Michal Fárník, Ph.D. DSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Atmospheric and radiation chemistry; clusters and nanoparticles; molecular beams
Tel.: +420 266 053 206; e-mail: michal.farnik@jh-inst.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Gruber, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Methods for analysis of nonstationary plasma dynamics
tel.: +420 266 053 572, e-mail: gruber@it.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Ondřej Haderka (FZÚ)
Quantum optics and nonlinear optics
tel.: +420 585 631 511, e-mail: haderka@fzu.cz - prof. Ing. Jiří Homola, CSc., DSc. (ÚFE)
Optical measurements and sensors
tel.: +420 266 773 404, e-mail: homola@ufe.cz - Dr. Ing. Pavel Honzátko (ÚFE)
High-power fiber lasers, optical communication systems
tel.: +420 266 773 431, e-mail: honzatko@ufe.cz - Ing. Jan Hrabina, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Laser frequency control, laser spectroscopy
tel.: +420 541 514 127, e-mail: hrabina@isibrno.cz - prof. RNDr. Miroslav Hrabovský, DrSc. (FZÚ)
(technical and wave optics
tel.: +420 585 631 501, e-mail: hrabov@fzu.cz - Ing. Martin Hron, Ph.D. (ÚFP)
Nuclear fusion, tokamaks
tel.: +420 266 053 947, e-mail: hron@ipp.cas.cz - Mgr. Zdeněk Hubička, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Low temperature plasma application
tel.: +420 266 052 995, e-mail: hubicka@fzu.cz - doc. RNDr. René Hudec, CSc. (ASÚ)
X-ray optics, preserving astronomical photographic plates
tel.: +420 323 620 128, e-mail: rene.hudec@asu.cas.cz - Ing. Michal Jeremiáš, Ph.D. (ÚFP)
Plasma chemistry, waste treatment
+420 266 052 887, e-mail: jeremias@ipp.cas.cz - Ing. Libor Juha, CSc. (FZÚ)
High-energy-density physics, interaction of radiation with matter, high-energy chemistry
tel.: +420 266 052 741, e-mail: juha@fzu.cz - Ing. Karel Jungwirth, DrSc. (FZÚ)
Laser plasma
tel.: +420 266 052 656, e-mail: jungwirth@fzu.cz - prof. Ing. Josef Lazar, Dr. (ÚPT)
Highly coherent lasers, interferometry, spectroscopy
tel.: +420 541 514 253, e-mail: joe@isibrno.cz - Ing. Vít Lédl, Ph.D. (ÚFP)
Aspheric and adaptive optics, crystal and X-ray optics, thin layers, optical systems for particle detectors
tel.: +420 487 953 905, e-mail: ledl@ipp.cas.cz - Antonio Lucianetti, Dr. (FZÚ)
Solid state lasers, laser diodes
tel.: +420 314 007 707, e-mail: lucianetti@fzu.cz - Ing. Petr Lukeš, Ph.D. (ÚFP)
Plasma in ecology, plasma chemistry
tel.: +420 266 053 233, e-mail: lukes@ipp.cas.cz - Mgr. Dušan Mandát, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
instrumental optics
tel.: +420 585 631 542, e-mail: mandat@fzu.cz - doc. RNDr. Libor Mrňa, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
High power lasers and their technological applications
tel.: +420 541 514 369, e-mail: mrna@isibrno.cz - Mgr. Libor Nožka, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Optical modeling, optical instruments
tel.: +420 585 631 533, e-mail: nozka@fzu.cz - doc. RNDr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D. (ÚFP)
Nuclear fusion, tokamaks
tel.: +420 266 053 370, e-mail: panek@ipp.cas.cz - Mgr. Miroslav Pech, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
technical and wave optics
tel.: +420 585 631 686, e-mail: pech@fzu.cz - prof. RNDr. Jan Peřina, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
quantum optics and nonlinear optics
tel.: +420 585 631 509, e-mail:perina@fzu.cz - Dr. Ing. Pavel Peterka (ÚFE)
Optical fibers, fiber amplifiers and lasers
tel.: +420 266 773 527, e-mail: peterka@ufe.cz - Mgr. Marek Piliarik, Ph.D. (ÚFE)
microscopy, optical imaging, nano-optics
tel.: +420 266 773 417, e-mail: piliarik@ufe.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Radlička, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Theory of electron and particle optics
tel.: +420 541 514 294, e-mail: radlicka@isibrno.cz - RNDr. Karel Rohlena, CSc. (FZÚ)
Gas lasers
tel.: +420 266 052 792, e-mail: rohlena@fzu.cz - Ing. Bedřich Rus, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Plasma physics and optics – ultra-intense lasers
tel.: +420 266 05 1251, e-mail: Bedrich.Rus@eli-beams.eu, rus@fzu.cz - Mgr. Šimon Řeřucha, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Laser interferometry, optical frequency standards
tel.:+420 541 514 111, e-mail: res@isibrno.cz - Mgr. Ota Samek, Dr. (ÚPT)
Raman spectroscopy
tel.: +420 541 514 284, e-mail: osamek@isibrno.cz - RNDr. Petr Schovánek (FZÚ)
optical technology, optical measurement methods
tel.: +420 585 631 503, e-mail: schovane@fzu.cz - doc. Mgr. Jan Soubusta, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
optical properties of solids, quantum information
tel.: +420 585 631 577, e-mail: soubusta@fzu.cz - Ing. Jiří Šonský, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Thermal plasma generators, optical diagnostics of thermal plasma, electron optics, additive manufacturing
tel.: +420 266 052 002, e-mail: soda@it.cas.cz - RNDr. Marek Vandas, DrSc. (ASÚ)
Cosmic weather, influence of solar activity on Earth
tel.: +420 226 258 471, e-mail: vandas@asu.cas.cz
- prof. RNDr. Svatopluk Civiš, CSc. (ÚFCH JH)
- Electronics
- Ing. Michal Cifra, Ph.D. (ÚFE)
Electromagnetic processes of biological systems
tel.: +420 266 773 454, e-mail: cifra@ufe.cz - Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Digital signal processing
tel.: +420 541 514 254, e-mail: ocip@isibrno.cz - Ing. Alexander Kuna, Ph.D. (ÚFE)
Generators of signals with high frequency stability
tel.: +420 266 773 426, e-mail: kuna@ufe.cz - Ing. Vilém Neděla, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Environmental scanning electron microscopy and signal detection
Tel.: +420 541 514 333, e-mail: vilem@isibrno.cz
- Ing. Michal Cifra, Ph.D. (ÚFE)
- Electrotechnics
- doc. Ing. Miroslav Chomát, CSc. (ÚT)
Electric drives and rotating electric machines, electric power engineering
tel.: +420 266 053 146, e-mail: chomat@it.cas.cz - Ing. Luděk Schreier, CSc. (ÚT)
Rotating electric machines
tel.: +420 266 052 394, e-mail: schreier@it.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Viktor Valouch, CSc. (ÚT)
Control strategies for electric drives and power systems
tel.: +420 266 052 001, e-mail: valouch@it.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Michal Vopálenský, Ph.D. (ÚTAM)
Image processing, sensor technology, measurement, instrumentation
tel.: +420 567 225 3431, e-mail: vopalensky@itam.cas.cz
- doc. Ing. Miroslav Chomát, CSc. (ÚT)
- Mechanics of Continuum
- Ing. Pavel Antoš, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Experimental fluid dynamics, experimental techniques
tel.: +420 266 052 031, e-mail: antos@it.cas.cz - Ing. Michal Duška, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Heat/mass transfer, thermodynamics
tel.: +420 266 053 399, e-mail: duska@it.cas.cz - RNDr. Zdeněk Fiala, CSc. (ÚTAM)
incremental analysis, FEM
tel.: +420 222 363 094, e-mail: fiala@itam.cas.cz - doc. Petr Filip, CSc. (ÚH)
Rheology of liquids - polymer melts and solutions, constitutive modelling
tel.: + 420 233 109 228, e-mail: filip@ih.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Hrubý, CSc. (ÚT)
Thermodynamics, phase transitions and thermophysical properties
tel.: +420 266 053 762, e-mail: hruby@it.cas.cz - Ing. Václav Kolář, CSc. (ÚH)
Shear flows, vortical structures
Tel.: + 420 233 109 095, e-mail: kolar@ih.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Konfršt, Ph.D. (ÚH)
Pressure flow in piping systems, experimental instrumentation and optical methods in fluid mechanics
tel.: +420 233 109 042, +420 603 581 419, e-mail: konfrst@ih.cas.cz - Ing. Jozef Kordík, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Heat and mass transfer, thermal energy storage
tel.: +420 266 053 483, e-mail: kordik@it.cas.cz - Ing. Bohuš Kysela, Ph.D. (ÚH)
Experimental fluid mechanics, multiphase flow, mixing
tel.: +420 233 109 088, e-mail: kysela@ih.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Martin Luxa, Ph.D. (ÚT)
High-speed aerodynamics
tel.: +420 266 053 352, e-mail: luxa@it.cas.cz - prof. Ing. František Maršík, DrSc. (ÚT)
Thermodynamics, biomechanics
tel.: +420 266 053 322, e-mail: marsik@it.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Plešek, CSc. (ÚT)
Computational mechanics, continuum mechanics
tel.: +420 266 053 213, e-mail: plesek@it.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Jaromír Příhoda, CSc. (ÚT)
Computational fluid dynamics, turbulence modelling
tel.: +420 266 053 824, e-mail: prihoda@it.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Pavel Šafařík, CSc. (ÚT)
Fluid mechanics, high-speed aerodynamics
tel.: +420 224 352 577, e-mail: Pavel.safarik@fs.cvut.cz - Ing. David Šimurda, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Fluid mechanics, aerodynamics of turbines and compressors
tel.: +420 266 053 303, e-mail: simurda@it.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Václav Tesař, CSc. (ÚT)
Fluid mechanics, fluidics and microfluidics
tel.: +420 266 052 070, e-mail: tesar@it.cas.cz - Ing. Zdeněk Trávníček, CSc. (ÚT)
Experimental fluid mechanics and heat/mass transfer
tel.: +420 266 053 302, e-mail: tr@it.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Václav Uruba, CSc. (ÚT)
Turbulence, experimental fluid dynamics, data analysis
tel.: +420 266 053 414, e-mail: uruba@it.cas.cz - Ing. Václav Vinš, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Thermophysical properties of fluids, cooling and refrigeration
tel.: +420 266 053 322, e-mail: vins@it.cas.cz
- Ing. Pavel Antoš, Ph.D. (ÚT)
- Mechanics of a Solid Body and Systems
- doc. Ing. Jan Červ, CSc. (ÚT)
Wave phenomena in solids
tel.: +420 266 052 033, e-mail: cerv@it.cas.cz - Ing. Jaromír Horáček, DrSc. (ÚT)
Aeroelasticity, vibroacoustics, biomechanics of voice
tel.: +420 266 053 125, e-mail: jaromirh@it.cas.cz - Ing. Radek Kolman, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Computational mechanics, wave propagation problems
tel.: +420 266 053 214, e-mail: kolman@it.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Kozánek, CSc. (ÚT)
Dynamics of machines, mathematical models and identification
tel.: +420 266 052 032, e-mail: kozanek@it.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Náprstek, DrSc. (ÚTAM)
Linear and nonlinear dynamics of deformable bodies, aerodynamics and aeroelasticity, interaction of systems, stochastic dynamics, numerical mechanics
tel.: +420 286 892 515; e-mail: naprstek@itam.cas.cz - Ing. Luděk Pešek, CSc. (ÚT)
Structural vibrodiagnostics and vibro-acoustics
tel.: +420 266 053 083, e-mail: pesek@it.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Stanislav Pospíšil, Ph.D. (ÚTAM)
linear and nonlinear dynamics, aerodynamics and aeroelasticity, stochastic dynamics
tel.: +420 286 885 382, e-mail: pospisil@itam.cas.cz - Ing. Chandra Prasad, PhD. (ÚT)
Aeroelasticity of bladed wheels in turbomachines
tel.: +420 266 053 018, e-mail: cprasad@it.cas.cz - Ing. Pavel Procházka, CSc. (ÚT)
Measurement of physical quantities , systems for operational monitoring of machine vibration
tel.: +420 266 053 171, e-mail: proch@it.cas.cz - Ing. Vojtěch Radolf, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Vibroacoustics, biomechanics of voice
tel.: +420 266 053 121, e-mail: radolf@it.cas.cz
- doc. Ing. Jan Červ, CSc. (ÚT)
- Nanostructures and Nanotechnology
- Mgr. Oto Brzobohatý, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Nanophotonics, optical forces
tel.: +420 541 514 283, e-mail: otobrzo@isibrno.cz - Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Optical measurement methods
tel.: +420 541 514 254, e-mail: ocip@isibrno.cz - Ing. Pavel Janda, CSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Characterization of nanostructured materials by atomic force microscopy (AFM), tunneling microscopy and techniques derived (tunneling spectroscopy, dynamic force spectroscopy)
tel.: +420 266 053 966; pavel.janda@jh-inst.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Pavel Jelínek, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Characterization of nanostructures and surfaces by means of scanning probe microscopy with atomic resolution
tel.: +420 220 318 430, e-mail: jelinek@fzu.cz - doc. Ing. Vladimír Kolařík, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Electron beam lithography
tel.: +420 541 514 400, e-mail: kolarik@isibrno.cz - prof. Ing. Josef Lazar, Dr. (ÚPT)
Nanometrology, high resolution dimensional metrology
tel.: +420 541 514 253, e-mail: joe@isibrno.cz - Ing. Břetislav Mikel, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Optical fibre techniques and sensors
tel.: +420 541 514 252, e-mail: mikel@isibrno.cz - Ing. Tomáš Němec, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Aerosol synthesis of nanomaterials by spark discharge, electrocatalyst nanomaterials, catalyst layers for polymer-electrolyte hydrogen fuel cells
tel.: +420 266 053 152, e-mail: nemec@it.cas.cz - Ing. Petra Peer, Ph.D. (ÚH)
Electrospinning of polymer solution, characterization of surfaces by electron scanning microscope
tel.: +420 233 109 017, e-mail: peer@ih.cas.cz - Mgr. Šimon Řeřucha, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Optical metrology of length
tel.:+420 541 514 111, e-mail: res@isibrno.cz - Ing. Jaroslav Sobota, CSc. (ÚPT)
Nanocomposite coatings
tel.: +420 541 514 256, e-mail: sobota@isibrno.cz - Ing. Tomáš Suchý, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Nanocomposites as biomaterials, electrospinning of natural and synthetic polymers
tel.: +420 266 009 287, e-mail: suchyt@irsm.cas.cz - Ing. Monika Šupová, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Nanocomposites as biomaterials, preparation and isolation of calcium phosphate nanoparticles
tel.: +420 266 009 221, e-mail: supova@irsm.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Pavel Zemánek, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Nanophotonics, optical forces
tel.: +420 541 514 202, e-mail: zemanek@isibrno.cz
- Mgr. Oto Brzobohatý, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
- Molecular and Cell Biophysics
- RNDr. Veronika Ostatná, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
Electrochemistry of Biomacromolecules, Predominantly Proteins and Nucleic Acids; Complexes of Nucleic Acids and Proteins on Charged Interfaces
tel.:+420 541 517 162, e-mail: ostatna@ibp.cz - prof. RNDr. Emil Paleček, DrSc. (BFÚ)
Electrochemical Activity of Nucleic Acids, Protein-DNA Interactions, Electrochemical Sensors of DNA Damage
tel.: +420 541 517 177, e-mail: palecek@ibp.cz - prof. RNDr. Jiří Šponer, DrSc. (BFÚ)
Structure, Dynamics and Molecular Interactions of RNA and DNA
tel.: +420 541 517 133, e-mail: sponer@ncbr.chemi.muni.cz - RNDr. Martin Zápotocký, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Biophysics of neurons, physical mechanisms of neural circuit development, mathematical modeling
tel.: +420 241 062 708, e-mail: martin.zapotocky@fgu.cas.cz
- RNDr. Veronika Ostatná, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
- Radiobiology
- RNDr. Martin Falk, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations of Different Types, DNA Damage and Repair
tel.: +420 541 517 116, e-mail: falk@ibp.cz
- RNDr. Martin Falk, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
- Special Technologies
- Ing. Josef Foldyna, CSc. (ÚGN)
High speed water jets
tel.: +420 596 979 328, e-mail: josef.foldyna@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Ježek, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Soft lithography, microfluidic chips
tel.: +420 541 514 524, e-mail: jezek@isibrno.cz - Ing. Libor Sitek, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
High speed water jets
tel.: +420 596 979 323, e-mail: libor.sitek@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Aleš Srnka, CSc. (ÚPT)
Cryogenics, applications of superconductivity
tel.: +420 541 514 264, e-mail: ales@isibrno.cz - Ing. Ivan Vlček, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Joining of materials
tel.: +420 541 514 297, e-mail: iv@isibrno.cz - Ing. Martin Zobač, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Joining of materials
tel.: +420 541 514 315, e-mail: zobac@isibrno.cz
- Ing. Josef Foldyna, CSc. (ÚGN)
- Constructions and Structures
- prof. Ing. Miloš Drdácký, DrSc. (ÚTAM)
Analysis of damage and failures, diagnostics and and sanation of historic materials and structures, consequences of natural hazards on environment, structures and buildings
tel.: +420 286 882 121 line 315, e-mail: drdacky@itam.cas.cz - Ing. Ľubomír Gajdoš, CSc. (ÚTAM)
Power structures and equipment, life, safety, operating reliability
tel.+420 222 363 095, e-mail: gajdos@itam.cas.cz - Ing. Michal Kloiber, Ph.D. (ÚTAM)
diagnostics of timber constructions, historical constructions
tel. +420 567 225 311, e-mail: kloiber@itam.cas.cz - Ing. Jindřich Kratěna, CSc. (ÚTAM)
Analysis of failure, forensic engineering, technical expert
tel.: +420 286 886 973, e-mail: kratena@itam.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Sergii Kuznetsov, DrSc. (ÚTAM)
building aerodynamics
tel.: +420 567 225 310, e-mail: kuznetsov@itam.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Náprstek, DrSc. (ÚTAM)
Structural resistance to wind load and seismicity, dynamic influences of traffic
tel.: +420 286 892 515; e-mail: naprstek@itam.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Stanislav Pospíšil (ÚTAM)
Resistance of structures to wind and natural and technological seismicity
tel.: +420 286 885 382, e-mail: pospisil@itam.cas.cz - Ing. Zuzana Slížková, Ph.D. (ÚTAM)
Characterization of building materials, consolidation (surface strengthening) of historical stone and renders
tel.: +420 222 363 074, e-mail: slizkova@itam.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Miroslav Škaloud, DrSc. (ÚTAM)
High-speed transportation systems, extension of the lifetime of railway bridges
tel.: +420 286 892 527, e-mail: skaloud@itam.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Válek, Ph.D. (ÚTAM)
materials, technologies and diagnostics of historic structures
tel.: +420 283 880 458, e-mail: valek@itam.cas.cz
- prof. Ing. Miloš Drdácký, DrSc. (ÚTAM)
- Solid State Physics – Material Science
- Geophysics
- RNDr. Jan Burjánek, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Strong ground motion modelling, earthquake hazard assessment
tel.: +420 267 103 061, e-mail: burjanek@ig.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Chadima, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
tel.: +420 272 690 115, e-mail: chadima@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Vladimír Čermák, DrSc. (GFÚ)
Thermal conditions in the Earth, impact of climate change on the subsurface temperature
tel.: +420 267103 385, e-mail: cermak@ig.cas.cz - Dr. Tiiu Elbra, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Rock magnetism, paleomagnetism
tel.: +420 272 690 115, e-mail: elbra@gli.cas.cz - Mgr. Lucia Fojtíková, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
tel.: +420 266 009 451, e-mail: fojtikova@irsm.cas.cz - Ing. Hana Grison, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Environmental magnetism
tel.: +420 267 103 332, e-mail: grison@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavel Hejda, CSc. (GFÚ)
Earth magnetic field
tel.: +420 267 103 339, e-mail: ph@ig.cas.cz - Graham Hill, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
magnetotellurics, volcanology
tel.: +420 267 103 067, e-mail: gjhill@ig.cas.cz - Ing. Josef Horálek, CSc. (GFÚ)
Earthquake swarms, seismometry
tel.: +420 267 103 076, e-mail: jhr@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavla Hrubcová, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Profile seismic measurements, structure of the Earth crust
tel.: +420 267 103 070, e-mail: pavla@ig.cas.cz - doc.RNDr.Jaroslav Kadlec, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Quaternary geology, climatic changes
tel.: +420 267 103 334, e-mail: kadlec@ig.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Kaláb, CSc. (ÚGN)
Seismicity, geotechnical measurement, geophysics
tel.: + 420 596 979 341, e-mail: zdenek.kalab@ugn.cas.cz - RNDr. Aleš Kapička, CSc. (GFÚ)
Magnetic properties of rocks
tel.: +420 267 103 341, e-mail: kapicka@ig.cas.cz - Mgr. Radek Klanica, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Geoelectricity, magnetotellurics
tel.: +420 267 103 084, e-mail: rk@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Kohout, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Planetary geology
tel.: +420 776 646 609, e-mail: kohout@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Kozák, CSc. (GFÚ)
Seismicity and historical earthquakes
tel.: +420 267 103 018, e-mail: kozak@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Málek, Dr. (ÚSMH)
Seismology, seismic hazard
tel.: +420 266 009 314, e-mail: malek@irsm.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Mrlina, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Gravimetry, geodynamics
tel.: +420 267 103 314, e-mail: jan@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Eduard Petrovský, CSc. (GFÚ)
Environmental magnetism
tel.: +420 267 103 333, e-mail: edp@ig.cas.cz - Mgr. Matěj Petružálek, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Mechanical properties of rocks
tel.: +420 773 071 199, e-mail: petruzalek@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Jaroslava Plomerová, DrSc. (GFÚ)
Seismology, anisotropy of the lithosphere
tel.: +420 267 103 391, e-mail: jpl@ig.cas.cz - Ing. Petr Pruner, DrSc. (GLÚ)
Earth magnetism, paleomagnetism
tel.: +420 272 690 115, e-mail: pruner@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Ivan Pšenčík, CSc. (GFÚ)
Seismic exploration of the Earth crust
tel.: +420 267 103 383, e-mail: ip@ig.cas.cz - Dr. Hamid Sana, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Active tectonics, seismotectonics, seismic hazard an geotechnical earthquake engineering
tel.: +420 723 331 018, e-mail: hamid.sana@irsm.cas.cz - Mgr. Petr Schnabl, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Paleomagnetism, rock magnetic properties
tel.: +420 272 690 115, e-mail: schnabl@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Šafanda, CSc. (GFÚ)
Temperature, thermophysical parameters of soil and rocks, geothermal energy exploitation
tel.: +420 267 103 384, e-mail: jsa@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Šílený, CSc. (GFÚ)
Earthquake sources, induced seismicity
tel.: +420 267 103 016, e-mail: jsi@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Šimkanin, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Magnetohydrodynamics in the Earth core, numerical modelling
tel.: +420 267 103 342, jano@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Aleš Špičák, CSc. (GFÚ)
Seismotectonics, relations between earthquakes and volcanism
tel.: +420 267 103 345, e-mail: als@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Tábořík, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Geophysics applied in engineering geology and geomorphology
tel.: +420 775 416 065, e-mail: taborik@irsm.cas.cz - Mgr. Jan Valenta, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Near-surface applied geophysics
tel.: +420 266 009 345, e-mail: valenta@irsm.cas.cz - RNDr. Václav Vavryčuk, DrSc. (GFÚ)
Earthquake sources, anisotropy of the Earth crust
tel.: +420 267 103 020, e-mail: vv@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Zedník (GFÚ)
Seismic service, acquisition of seismic data and international data exchange
tel.: +420 267 103 015, e-mail: jzd@ig.cas.cz
- RNDr. Jan Burjánek, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
- Geology and Geography
- doc. Mgr. Lukáš Ackerman, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Geochemistry, petrology, dating
tel.: +420 233 087 240, e-mail: ackerman@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Vladislav Babuška, DrSc. (GFÚ)
Structure of the Earth crust and mantle
tel.: +420 267 103 049, e-mail: babuska@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Bek, CSc., DSc. (GLÚ)
tel.: +420 233 087 264, e-mail: bek@gli.cas.cz - Mgr. Jan Blahůt, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Geomorphological hazards and risks, landslides, rock falls
tel.: +420 603 808 648, e-mail: blahut@irsm.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Pavel Bosák, DrSc. (GLÚ)
Geology, geomorphology, natural resources, with respect to karst and paleokarst
tel.: +420 233 087 265, e-mail: bosak@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Karel Breiter, Ph.D., DSc. (GLÚ)
Petrology, economic geology a deposits of radioactive waste
tel.: +420 233 087 210, e-mail: breiter@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Miloš Briestenský, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Geodynamics, monitoring of geodynamic processes
tel.: +420 608 045 748, e-mail: briestensky@irsm.cas.cz - Mgr. Petr Brož, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
planetology, extra-terrestrial volcanism
tel.: +420 267 103 381, e-mail: petr.broz@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Vladimír Cajz, CSc. (GFÚ)
Volcanology, Bohemian Massif evolution
tel.: +420 267 103 106, e-mail: v.cajz@ig.cas.cz - Mgr. Barbora Duží, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Environmental geography, Geography of food
tel.: +420 545 422 720, e-mail: barbora.duzi@ugn.cas.cz - Mgr. Petr Dvořák, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Environmental geography, problems of renewable energy sources
tel.: +420 596 979 327, e-mail: petr.dvorak@ugn.cas.cz - Mgr. Michal Filippi, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Geomorphology, mineralogy
tel.: +420 233 087 254, e-mail: filippi@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Bohumil Frantál (ÚGN)
Environmental and human geography, problems of renewable energy sources
tel.: +420 545 422 720, e-mail: bohumil.frantal@ugn.cas.cz - RNDr. Filip Hartvich, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Geomorphological hazards and risks, monitoring of geodynamic processes, GIS
tel.: +420 606 585 464, e-mail: hartvich@irsm.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Jindřich Hladil, DrSc. (GLÚ)
tel.: +420 233 087 238, e-mail: hladil@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Hrstka, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Electron microscopy, dust particles in environment, automated and applied mineralogy
tel.: +420 233 087 268, e-mail: hrstka@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Leona Chadimová, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Sedimentology and stratigraphy of carbonate rocks
tel.: +420 233 087 252, e-mail: chadimova@gli.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Eva Jiránková, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Influence by underground mining; prognostic calculations of ground surface displacements and deformations
tel.: +420 545 422 732, e-mail: eva.jirankova@ugn.cas.cz - Mgr. Eva Kallabová, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Environmental and human geography, urban geography
tel.: +420 545 422 732, e-mail: eva.kallabova@ugn.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Karel Kirchner, CSc. (ÚGN)
Physical geography, geomorphology
tel.: +420 545 422 730, e-mail: karel.kirchner@ugn.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Klimeš, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Geomorhology, landslides
tel.: +420 266 009 211, e-mail: jklimes@centrum.cz - Mgr. Petr Klusáček, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Environmental and human geography
tel.: +420 545 422 729, e-mail: petr.klusacek@ugn.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Jaromír Kolejka, CSc. (ÚGN)
General geography, landscape ecology, geoecology
tel.: +420 545 422 735, e-mail: jaromir.kolejka@ugn.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Petr Koníček, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Rock mechanics and rock engineering, stress-deformation changes in rock mass during its exploitation, underground monitoring
tel.: + 420 596 979 224, e-mail: petr.konicek@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Alena Kožušníková, CSc. (ÚGN)
Coal petrology, physical properties of coal and rocks
tel.: + 420 596 979 337, e-mail: alena.kozusnikova@ugn.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Jan Lacina, CSc. (ÚGN)
Biogeography, geoecology, geobiocenology
tel.: +420 543 211 657, e-mail: jan.lacina@ugn.cas.cz - Mgr. Jiří Laurin, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Sedimentology, paleoclimatology
tel.: 420 267 103 071, e-mail: laurin@ig.cas.cz - Mgr. Matěj Machek, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Rheology, rock properties
tel.: 420 267 103 074, e-mail: mates@ig.cas.cz - Mgr. Stanislav Martinát, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Environmental geography, issues related to renewable energy and brownfields
tel.: +420 545 422 720, e-mail: stanislav.martinat@ugn.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Petr Martinec, CSc. (ÚGN)
Mineralogy, petrography, geology
tel.: +420 596 979 331, e-mail: petr.martinec@ugn.cas.cz - Mgr. Noemi Mészárosová (GLÚ)
Analysis of geologic materials by electrone beam
tel.: +420 233 087 241, e-mail: meszarosova@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Munzar, CSc. (ÚGN)
Physical geography, historical meteorology and climatology
tel.: +420 545 422 727, e-mail: munzar@geonika.cz - doc. RNDr. Tomáš Navrátil, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Environmental geochemistry and geology, mercury contamination
tel.: +420 233 087 222, e-mail: navratilt@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Přikryl, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Vertebrate paleontology
tel.: +420 233 087 287, e-mail: prikryl@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Miloš René, CSc. (ÚSMH)
Geology, petrology and geochemistry of metamorphic rocks
tel.: +420 266 009 228, e-mail: rene@irsm.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Zbyněk Roček, DrSc. (GLÚ)
Vertebrate paleontology
tel.: +420 233 087 234, e-mail: rocek@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Rohovec, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
Chemical analysis of natural and geologic materials
tel.: +420 233 087 258, e-mail: rohovec@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Zuzana Roxerová, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Structural geology
tel.: +420 267 103 074, e-mail: roxerova@ig.cas.cz - Mgr. Jana Schweigstillová, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Analysis of geomaterials, rock weathering
tel.: +420 266 009 223, e-mail: jana@irsm.cas.cz - RNDr. Roman Skála, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of geologic materials, mineralogy
tel.: +420 233 087 249, e-mail: skala@gli.cas.cz - Ing. Kamil Souček, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Rock mass properties, geotechnics, structure analysis of geomaterials by X-Ray CT
tel.: + 420 596 979 218, e-mail: kamil.soucek@ugn.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Staněk, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Rheology, rock properties
tel.: +420 267 103 042, e-mail: stanekm@ig.cas.cz - RNDr. Lubomír Staš, CSc. (ÚGN)
Geomechanics, geotecnics, in-situ tests, rock stress and strain fields and their time and space distributions
tel.: +420 596 979 259, e-mail: lubos.stas@ugn.cas.cz - RNDr. Josef Stemberk, CSc. (ÚSMH)
Slope stability, landslides, rock falls, monitoring, geodynamical events and processes
tel.: +420 266 009 318, e-mail: stemberk@irsm.cas.cz - Ing. Ivana Sýkorová, DrSc. (ÚSMH)
Organic petrology and palaeoecology
tel.: +420 266 009 280, e-mail: sykorova@irsm.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Jiří Ščučka, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Structure and physical properties of geomaterials and building materials
tel.: + 420 596 979 334, e-mail: jiri.scucka@ugn.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Richard Šňupárek, CSc. (ÚGN)
Geomechanics, stability and support of underground openings
tel.: +420 596 979 351, e-mail: richard.snuparek@ugn.cas.cz - RNDr. Petra Štěpančíková, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Tectonic geomorphology, active tectonics, paleoseismology
tel.: +420 732 858 163, e-mail: stepancikova@irsm.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Štorch, DrSc. (GLÚ)
Paleontology, stratigraphy
tel.: +420 233 087 261, e-mail: storch@gli.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Tábořík, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Dynamic geomorphology, monitoring of geodynamic processes
tel.: +420 775 416 065, e-mail: taborik@irsm.cas.cz - RNDr. Jakub Trojan, MSc, MBA (ÚGN)
Environmental geography, new technologies (augmented reality/virtual reality) and advanced GIS data analysis and modeling
tel.: +420 545 422 724, e-mail: jakub.trojan@ugn.cas.cz - RNDr. David Uličný, CSc. (GFÚ)
Sedimentology, paleoclimatology, Bohemian Massif evolution
tel.: +420 267 103 326, e-mail: ulicny@ig.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Jaromír Ulrych, DrSc. (GLÚ)
Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrology
tel.: +420 233 087 204, e-mail: ulrych@gli.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Antonín Vaishar, CSc. (ÚGN)
Environmental and human geography, environmental problems in urban and rural regions
tel.: +420 545 422 736, e-mail: antonin.vaishar@ugn.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Zdeněk Vašíček, DrSc. (ÚGN)
Invertebrate paleontology, stratigraphy
tel.: + 420 596 979 333, e-mail: zdenek.vasicek@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Martin Vavro, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Properties of rocks and rock mass
tel.: + 420 596 979 705, e-mail: martin.vavro@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Petr Waclawik, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Mining geomechanics and geotechnics
tel.: + 420 596 979 701, e-mail: petr.waclawik@ugn.cas.cz - Mgr. Prokop Závada, Ph.D. (GFÚ)
Structural geology, volcanology
tel.: +420 267 103 326, e-mail: zavada@ig.cas.cz
- doc. Mgr. Lukáš Ackerman, Ph.D. (GLÚ)
- Meteorology, Climatology, Atmospheric Physics
- Ing. Iva Ambrožová, Ph.D. (ÚJF)
Cosmic rays
tel.: +420 266 177 228, e-mail: ambrozova@ujf.cas.cz - Mgr. Romana Beranová, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Atmospheric circulation, climate variability
tel.: +420 272 016 043, e-mail: rber@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Vojtěch Bližňák (ÚFA)
Radar and satellite meteorology, atmospheric convection
tel.: +420 272 016 051, e-mail: bliznak@ufa.cas.cz - Josef Boška, CSc. (ÚFA)
Radio signals in the ionosphere – their propagation and its predictions
Tel.: +420 272 016 065, e-mail: boska@ufa.cas.cz - Ing. Dalia Burešová, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Space weather, troposphere-ionosphere coupling, ionospheric measurements and modelling
Tel.: +420 272 016 044, e-mail: buresd@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Martin Dubrovský, CSc. (ÚFA)
Climate change scenarios, climate models
Tel.: +420 495 263 759, e-mail: dub@ufa.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Ondřej Fišer, CSc. (ÚFA)
Influence of atmosphere (precipitation, clouds and gasses) on radio- and optical- signal propagation, radar meteorology
Tel.: +420 272 016 038, e-mail: ondrej@ufa.cas.cz - Ing. František Hruška (ÚFA)
Satellite technology, satellite data reception
Tel.: +420 267 103 305, e-mail: fhr@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Radan Huth, DrSc. (ÚFA)
Past, current, and future climate change, effects of solar activity on climate
Tel.: +420 272 016 046, e-mail: huth@ufa.cas.cz - Ing. Jaroslav Chum, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Propagation of electromagnetic and atmospheric waves in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere
Tel.: +420 267 103 301, e-mail: jachu@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Marek Kašpar, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Meteorological causes of weather extremes
Tel.: +420 272 016 039, e-mail: kaspar@ufa.cas.cz - Ing. Ivana Kolmašová, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Lightning discharges and atmospheric elektricity
tel.: +420 267 103 081, e-mail: iko@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Petra Koucká Knížová, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Ionospheric physics, coupling atmosphere-ionosphere
tel.: +420 272 016 067, e-mail: pkn@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Kyselý, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Statistical modelling in climatology, extreme events
Tel.: +420 272 016 068, e-mail: kysely@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Laštovička, DrSc. (ÚFA)
Ozone layer, impact of solar activity on the atmosphere, ionosphere, climate change in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere
Tel.: +420 267 103 055, e-mail: jla@ufa.cas.cz - Mgr. Ondřej Lhotka, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
heat waves, regional climate models, compound events
Tel.: +420 272 016 069, e-mail: ondrej.lhotka@ufa.cas.cz - Dr. Jana Minářová (ÚFA)
atmospheric electricity, heavy precipitation, hydrometeors, cloud profiler, numerical prediction
Tel.: +420 272 016 009, e-mail: jana.minarova@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Munzar, CSc. (ÚGN)
Historical meteorology and Climatolog
tel.: +420 545 422 727, e-mail: munzar@geonika.cz - RNDr. Miloslav Müller, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Historical extreme weather, tropical cyclones, meteorological terminology
Tel.: +420 272 016 039, e-mail: muller@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Eva Pejchová Plavcová, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
climate variability, climate models, human bioclimatology
Tel.: +420 272 016 063, e-mail: plavcova@ufa.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Daniela Řezáčová, CSc. (ÚFA)
Meteorology, cloud and precipitation physics, microphysics of cloud and precipitation elements, hydrometeorology
Tel.: +420 272 016 048, e-mail: rez@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavel Sedlák, CSc. (ÚFA)
Atmospheric boundary layer
Tel.: +420 272 016 020, e-mail: sedlak@ufa.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Zbyněk Sokol, CSc. (ÚFA)
Precipitation, numerical weather prediction, numerical ans statistical models in meteorology,plume of cooling towers road meteorology, cloud microphysics, atmospheric electricity
Tel.: +420 272 016 037, e-mail: sokol@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Vladimír Truhlík, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Near Earth plasma, ionospheric models
Tel.: +420 267103058, e-mail: vtr@ufa.cas.cz - Mgr. Aleš Urban, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Human bioclimatology, urban climate
tel.: +420 272 016 069, e-mail: urban@ufa.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Zacharov, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Numerical weather prediction, precipitation forecast, road meteorology, forecast verification, physics of convective storms, atmospheric phenomena
tel.: +420 272 016 051, e-mail: petas@ufa.cas.cz
- Ing. Iva Ambrožová, Ph.D. (ÚJF)
- Space physics
- Ing. Ivana Kolmašová, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Space plasma, spacecraft measurements, atmospheric electricity
tel.: +420 267 103 081, e-mail: iko@ufa.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Ondřej Santolík, Dr. (ÚFA)
Space plasmas, plasma waves and instabilities, spacecraft measurements, physics of magnetospheres and ionospheres of solar system planets including the Earth, atmospheric electricity
Tel.: +420 267 103 083, e-mail: os@ufa.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Souček, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Space plasmas, plasma waves and instabilities, spacecraft measurements, physics of solar wind and magnetospheres of solar system planets
Tel.: +420 267 103 052, e-mail: soucek@ufa.cas.cz - Mag. Dr. rer. Nat. Ulrich Taubenschuss (ÚFA)
Magnetospheric physics, plasma waves, spectral and polarization analysis of electromagnetic waves
tel.: +420 267 103 154, e-mail: ut@ufa.cas.cz
- Ing. Ivana Kolmašová, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
- Geophysics
- Mathematics
- prof. RNDr. Radim Blaheta, CSc. (ÚGN)
Numerical modelling
tel.: +420 596 979 223, e-mail: radim.blaheta@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Petr Cintula, Ph.D. (ÚI)
Mathematical logic
tel.: + 420 266 053 241, e-mail: cintula@cs.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Miroslav Engliš, DrSc. (MÚ)
Functional analysis, functions of complex variables
tel.: +420 222 090 723, e-mail: englis@math.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Eduard Feireisl, DrSc. (MÚ)
Partial differential equations, dynamical systems, mathematical fluid dynamics
tel.: +420 222 090 737, e-mail: feireisl@math.cas.cz - RNDr. Dr. Jiří Janáček (FGÚ)
3D image analysis
tel.: +420 241 062 768, e-mail: jiri.janacek@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavel Krejčí, CSc. (MÚ)
Mathematical modelling of physical processes
tel.: +420 222 090 760, e-mail: krejci@math.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Michal Křížek, DrSc. (MÚ)
Numerical mathematics and constructive methods of mathematical physics
tel.: +420 222 090 712, e-mail: krizek@math.cas.cz - Mgr. Lubomír Košťál, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Computational neuroscience, information theory, cybernetics
tel: +420 241 062 276, e-mail: lubomir.kostal@fgu.cas.cz - Mgr. Wieslaw Kubiś, Ph.D. (MÚ)
applications of logic and set theory in functional analysis and topology
tel.: +420 222 090 817, e-mail: kubis@math.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Petr Lánský, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Stochastic methods in neuroscience and pharmacokinetics
tel.: +420 241 062 585, e-mail: petr.lansky@fgu.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Alexander Lomtatidze, DrSc. (MÚ)
Qualitative theory of differential equations
tel.: +420 222 090 797, e-mail: lomtatidze@math.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Ladislav Lukšan, DrSc. (ÚI)
Nonlinear optimization and approximation, nonlinear programming with complementarity constraints, nonsmooth analysis, numerical linear algebra, sparse iterative solvers
tel.: + 420 266 053 260, e-mail: luksan@cs.cas.cz - RNDr. Martin Markl, DrSc. (MÚ)
Algebraic topology, homological algebra, mathematical physics
tel.: +420 222 090 752, e-mail: markl@math.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Vladimír Müller, DrSc. (MÚ)
Functional analysis, operator theory
tel.: +420 222 090 788, e-mail: muller@math.cas.cz - RNDr. Šárka Nečasová, CSc. (MÚ)
Mathematical modelling of fluid flow
tel.: +420 222 090 738, e-mail: matus@math.cas.cz - Mgr. Diana Piguet, Ph.D. (ÚI)
Extremal graph theory
tel.: +420 266 053 940, e-mail: piguet@cs.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Štefan Porubský, DrSc. (ÚI)
Algebra, number theory
tel.: + 420 266 052 691, e-mail: porubsky@cs.cas.cz - Mgr. Vojtěch Pravda, Ph.D. (MÚ)
Mathematical relativity, generalized theories of gravity
tel.: +420 222 090 706, e-mail: pravda@math.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Pavel Pudlák, DrSc. (MÚ)
Mathematical logic and complexity theory
tel.: +420 222 090 721, e-mail: pudlak@math.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Dr. Miroslav Rozložník (MÚ)
numerical linear algebra, iterative methods for solving large systems of linear equations, saddle-point problems
tel.: + 420 222 090 802, e-mail: miro@math.cas.cz - Ing. Jakub Šístek, Ph.D. (MÚ)
Computational mathematics, numerical solution of differential equations, high-performance computing
tel.: +420 222 090 710, e-mail: sistek@math.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Tomáš Vejchodský, Ph.D. (MÚ)
Numerical mathematics, finite element method, a posteriori error estimates
tel.: +420 222 090 713, e-mail: vejchod@math.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Jiří Wiedermann, DrSc. (ÚI)
Theoretical computer science
tel.: + 420 266 053 520, e-mail: wieder@cs.cas.cz
- prof. RNDr. Radim Blaheta, CSc. (ÚGN)
- Informatics and Cybernetics
- Mgr. Pavel Boček (ÚTIA)
Software systems for statistical data analysis
tel.: +420 266 052 596, e-mail: bocek@utia.cas.cz - Ing. Marek Brabec, Ph.D. (ÚI)
Mathematical statistics, statistical modelling, prediction methods
tel.: +420 266 053 719, e-mail: mbrabec@cs.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Sergej Čelikovský, CSc. (ÚTIA)
Control theory
tel.: +420 266 052 020, e-mail: celikovs@utia.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Jan Flusser, DrSc. (ÚTIA)
Digital image processing, pattern recognition, image and video authentication
tel.: +420 266 052 357, e-mail: flusser@utia.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Michal Haindl, DrSc. (ÚTIA)
Pattern recognition, texture synthesis
tel.: +420 266 052 350, e-mail: haindl@utia.cas.cz - Ing. František Hakl, CSc. (ÚI)
neural network theory, machine learning methods
tel.: +420 266 053 440, e-mail: hakl@cs.cas.cz - doc. Ing. RNDr. Martin Holeňa, CSc. (ÚI)
Data mining
tel.: + 420 266 052 921, e-mail: martin@cs.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Kadlec, CSc. (ÚTIA)
Fast and parallel signal processing
tel.: +420 266 052 216, e-mail: kadlec@utia.cas.cz - Ing. Miroslav Kárný, DrSc. (ÚTIA)
Adaptive and self-adjusting systems
tel.: +420 266 052 274, e-mail: school@utia.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Jiří Krejsa, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Mechatronics, robotics
tel.: +420 541 142 885, e-mail: krejsa@fme.vutbr.cz - RNDr. Věra Kůrková, DrSc. (ÚI)
Functional approximation, artificial neural networks
tel.: + 420 266 053 231, e-mail: vera@cs.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Petr Lánský, DrSc.(FGÚ)
početní neurovědy
tel.: +420 241 062 585, e-mail: petr.lansky@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Marek Malý, CSc. (ÚI)
Biostatistics, statistical modelling
tel.: +420 267 082 329, e-mail: mamly@cs.cas.cz - RNDr. Patrícia Martinková, Ph.D. (ÚI)
Statistical modelling, computational psychometrics
tel.: +420 266 053 400, e-mail: martinkova@cs.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Jiří Outrata, DrSc. (ÚTIA)
optimal system control
tel.: +420 266 052 351, e-mail: outrata@utia.cas.cz - RNDr. Milan Paluš, DrSc. (ÚI)
Nonlinear modeling, time series analysis
tel.: + 420 266 053 430, e-mail: mp@cs.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Emil Pelikán, CSc. (ÚI)
Prediction methods, complex system modeling, environmental informatics
tel.: + 420 266 053 670, e-mail: pelikan@cs.cas.cz - Dr. Dipl. Ing. Stefan Ratschan, Ph.D. (ÚI)
Embedded system verification, solving nonlinear problems with constraints
tel.: + 420 266 052 085, e-mail: ratschan@cs.cas.cz - RNDr. Jaroslav Resler, Ph.D. (ÚI)
Environmental informatics
tel.: +420 266 053 720, e-mail: resler@cs.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Seidler, CSc. (ÚTIA)
stochastic systems
tel.: +420 266 052 041, e-mail: seidler@utia.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Václav Šebesta, DrSc. (ÚI)
Computer science, artificial neural networks and their applications, computer architecture
tel.: + 420 266 052 060, e-mail: vasek@cs.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Jiří Šíma, DrSc. (ÚI)
Theoretical computer science, artificial neural networks
tel.: + 420 266 053 030, e-mail: sima@cs.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Václav Šmídl, Ph.D. (ÚTIA)
probabilistic approach to inverse modeling
tel.: +420 266 052 420, e-mail: smidl@utia.cas.cz - Ing. Julius Štuller, CSc. (ÚI)
Information systems, database technologies, sematic web technologies, ontologies, conceptual modeling
tel.: + 420 266 053 200, e-mail: stuller@cs.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Zdeněk Valenta, M.Sc., Ph.D. (ÚI)
Survival analysis, concurrent risk, multistate models, linear and generalized linear models, statistical modelling
tel.: + 420 266 052 094, e-mail: valenta@cs.cas.cz
- Mgr. Pavel Boček (ÚTIA)
- Computer Networks
- RNDr. Jiří Chudoba, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
Large scale distributed computing, big data transfers and analysis
tel.: +420 266 052 445, e-mail: chudoba@fzu.cz
- RNDr. Jiří Chudoba, Ph.D. (FZÚ)
- Mathematics
- Development of New Compounds and Materials with Specific Functions
- Mgr. Tomáš Baše, Ph.D. (ÚACH)
Chemistry of boron compounds, boron cage (cluster) molecules on surfaces
tel.: +420 311 236 933, email: tbase@iic.cas.cz - Ing. Petr Beier, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Organic synthesis, organic fluorine chemistry, asymmetric synthesis, reaction mechanisms, biocatalysis
tel.: +420 220 183 209, e-mail: petr.beier@uochb.cas.cz - Ing. Magdalena Bendová, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
Ionic liquids
tel.: +420 220 390 172; e-mail: bendova@icpf.cas.cz - Evžen Bouřa, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
structural membrane biology, structural biology of viral protein complexes
tel.: +420 220 183 465, e-mail: evzen.boura@uochb.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Brus, Dr. (ÚMCH)
Structure analysis of organic matter, NMR spectroscopy
e-mail: brus@imc.cas.cz - Hana Cahová, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
RNA modifications, MS analysis of nucleic acids, chemical biology of RNA
tel.: +420 220 183 124, e-mail: hana.cahova@uochb.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Jiří Čejka, DrSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Zeolites and molecular sieves
tel.: +420 266 053 795, e-mail: jiri.cejka@jh-inst.cas.cz - Ing. Zbyněk Černý, CSc. (ÚACH)
Geopolymers, ecological concretes, safety materials for nuclear industry
tel.: +420 311 236 954; e-mail: cerny@iic.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Jan Čermák, CSc. (ÚCHP)
Transitional metal complex catalysis, organometal compounds
tel.: +420 220 390 356; e-mail: cermak@icpf.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Demel (ÚACH)
nanoporous materials, MOFs
tel.: +420 311 236 996, email: demel@iic.cas.cz - Ing. Miroslava Dušková–Smrčková, Dr. (ÚMCH)
Polymer networks, gels and networking processes
e-mail: m.duskova@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Petra Ecorchard, Ph.D. (ÚACH)
Sorbents of radionuclides, composite materials, materials basen on graphene
tel.:+420 311 236 922, 266173534; e-mail: ecorchard@iic.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Etrych, Ph.D. (ÚMCH)
Polymer systems for biomedicine and biotechnology
e-mail: etrych@imc.cas.cz - RNDr. Bohumír Grüner, CSc. (ÚACH)
Chemistry of boranes, metallaboranes and heteroboranes, biologically active borane clusters and extraction agents for radionuclides
tel.: +420 311 236 942; e-mail: gruner@iic.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Libor Havlíček, CSc. (ÚEB)
New derivatives of insect hormones
tel.: +420 241 062 485; e-mail: lihavlic@biomed.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Henych, Ph.D. (ÚACH)
Nanoporous materials and photocatalysts
tel.: +420 311 236 921; e-mail: henych@iic.cas.cz - RNDr. Drahomír Hnyk, CSc., DSc.(ÚACH)
Chemistry of boron compounds, quantum chemistry calculations
tel.: +420 311 236 926; e-mail: hnyk@iic.cas.cz - Ing. Radka Hobzová, Ph.D. (ÚMCH)
Hydrogels for medical aplications
e-mail: hobzova@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Horský, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Molecular parameters of macromolecular compounds
e-mail: horsky@imc.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Hrubý, Ph.D. (ÚMCH)
Polymer diagnostics and therapeutics
e-mail: hruby@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Karel Jeřábek, CSc. (ÚCHP)
Functional polymers
tel.: +420 220 390 332; e-mail: jerabek@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Květuše Jirátová, CSc. (ÚCHP)
Heterogeneous catalysts
tel.: +420 220 390 295; e-mail: jiratova@icpf.cas.cz - RNDr. Ing. Martin Kalbáč, Ph.D. (ÚFCH JH)
Carbon nanostructure, spectroelectochemistry, Raman spectroscopy
Tel.: +420 266 083 804; e-mail: martin.kalbac@jh-inst.cas.cz - Ing. Zdeněk Kruliš, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Recycling of polymer materials
e-mail: krulis@imc.cas.cz - Mgr. Luděk Kaluža, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
Synthesis and activity of supported catalysts
tel.: +420 220 390 270; e-mail: kaluza@icpf.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Ladislav Kavan, CSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Carbon nanostructures, dye-sensitized solar cells; Litium-ion batteries, Raman spectroscopy
Tel.: +420 266 053 975, e-mail: ladislav.kavan@jh-inst.cas.cz - RNDr. Viliam Kolivoška, Ph.D., MBA (ÚFCH JH)
conductive composite materials for 3D printing and electrical electrochemical applications
tel: 266 053 875, email: viliam.kolivoska@jh-inst.cas.cz - Jan Konvalinka, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Recombinant DNA cloning, enzymology
tel.: +420 220 183 218, e-mail: jan.konvalinka@uochb.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Kotek, Dr. (ÚMCH)
Polymer physics and mechanical properties of polymers
e-mail: kotek@imc.cas.cz - prof. Martin Kotora, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Organic synthesis, catalysis, enantioselective reactions, organometallic chemistry, natural compounds
tel.: 220 183 147, e-mail: martin.kotora@uochb.cas.cz - Tomáš Kraus, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Principles of organic compound synthesis, synthesis of functional molecules characterized by self-aggregating properties and useful for preparation of nanomaterials and materials for molecular electronics
tel.: +420 220 183 372, e-mail: tomas.kraus@uochb.cas.cz - Ing. Richard Laga, Ph.D.(ÚMCH)
biolékařské a bioaktivní polymery
e-mail: laga@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Kamil Lang, CSc., DSc. (ÚACH)
Photochemical processes, luminescent materials
tel.: +420 311 236 900; e-mail: lang@iic.cas.cz - Josef Lazar, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Optical microscopy, genetically encoded probes of cellular processes, neuroscience
tel.: +420 220 183 115, e-mail: josef.lazar@uochb.cas.cz - Michael Londesborough, Ph.D. (ÚACH)
Boron luminescent molecules and materials
tel.: +420 311 236 953; e-mail: michaell@iic.cas.cz - Lenka Maletínská, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
pharmacology and physiology of peptides regulating food intake
tel.: +420 220 183 567, e-mail: lenka.maletinska@uochb.cas.cz - Michael Mareš, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Proteolysis, proteolytic enzymes and their inhibitors
tel.: +420 220 183 358, e-mail: michael.mares@uochb.cas.cz - RNDr. Libor Matějka, DSc. (ÚMCH)
Polymer composites and nanostructured materials
e-mail: matejka@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Michálek, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Materials for ophthalmology
e-mail: jiri@imc.cas.cz - prof. Josef Michl, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Organic synthesis
tel.: +420 220 183 119, e-mail: michl@colorado.edu - RNDr. Zbyněk Pientka, CSc. (ÚMCH)
membrane separation processes for biotechnology and environment
e-mail: pientka@imc.cas.cz - Mgr. Vladimír Proks, PhD. (ÚMCH)
Biomaterials, biodegradable and bioanalogous polymers
e-mail: proks@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Rathouský, CSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Fotocatalytic nanomaterials in environment and protection of historical monuments
tel.: +420 266 053 945, e-mail: jiri.rathousky@jh-inst.cas.cz - Ing. Zdeňka Sedláková, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Chemical synthesis of macromolecular compounds
e-mail: sedlakova@imc.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Zdeněk Sobalík, CSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Nano-structured hierarchical solid materials (structure, properties and dynamic behavior)
tel.: +420 266 083 646; e-mail: zdenek.sobalik@jh-inst.cas.cz - RNDr. Ivo Starý, CSc. (ÚOCHB)
Organic synthesis, functional molecules, molecular machines
tel.: +420 220 183 315, e-mail: Ivo.Stary@uochb.cas.cz - Ing. Zdeněk Starý, Ph.D. (ÚMCH)
zpracování a recyklace polymerů
e-mail: stary@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Tomáš Strašák, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
Carbosilane dendrimers, bioorganic compounds, nanocomposites
tel.: +420 220 390 267, e-mail: strasak@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Storch, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
Helicene and phenacene chemistry, ionic liquids
tel.: +420 220 390 137, e-mail: storchj@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Olga Šolcová, DSc. (ÚCHP)
Preparation and characterization of novel organized nanomaterials
tel.: +420 220 390 279, e-mail: solcova@icpf.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Štěpánek, DrSc. (ÚMCH)
Structure and dynamics of polymer systems
e-mail: stepan@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Bohumil Štíbr, DrSc. (ÚACH)
Chemistry of boranes, metallaboranes and heteroboranes
tel.: +420 266 173 106; e-mail: stibr@iic.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Šubrt, CSc. (ÚACH)
Oxidic nanomaterials
tel.: +420 266 172 117; e-mail: subrt@iic.cas.cz - Filip Teplý, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Organic synthesis, stereochemistry, preparation of nano- and other „high-tech“materials
tel.: +420 220 183 412, e-mail: Filip.Teply@uochb.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Wimmer, DrSc. (ÚEB)
Supramolecular chemistry, natural substances, medicinal chemistry.
tel.: +420 241 062 457, e-mail: wimmer@ueb.cas.cz, wimmer@biomed.cas.cz - RNDr. Jaroslav Žádný, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
Helicene and phenacene chemistry
tel.: +420 220 390 137, e-mail: zadny@icpf.cas.cz
- Mgr. Tomáš Baše, Ph.D. (ÚACH)
- Chemical and Electrochemical Sources of Electric Energy
- RNDr. Věra Cimrová, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Polymer photonics
e-mail: cimrova@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Petr Krtil, CSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Electrochemical power sources
tel.: +420 266 053 795, e-mail: petr.krtil@jh-inst.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Pfleger, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Optoelectronic phenomena and materials
e-mail: pfleger@imc.cas.cz - RNDr. Zbyněk Pientka, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Membranes and membrane processes for energetics
e-mail: pientka@imc.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Samec, DrSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Electrocatalysis; electrochemical power sources
tel.: +420 266 053 795, e-mail: zdenek.samec@jh-inst.cas.cz - RNDr. Jaroslav Stejskal, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Conducting polymers
e-mail: stejskal@imc.cas.cz
- RNDr. Věra Cimrová, CSc. (ÚMCH)
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Ing. Michal Babič, Ph.D. (ÚMCH)
Polymer particles
e-mail: babic@imc.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Michal Hocek, Ph.D., DSc (ÚOCHB)
Design and synthesis of modified nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid analogs and their application in biomedicinal research areas
tel.: +420 220 183 324, e-mail: hocek@uochb.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Etrych, Ph.D. (ÚMCH)
Polymer systems for biomedicine and biotechnology
e-mail: etrych@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Daniel Horák, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Polymer nano-and microparticles, sorbents and diagnostics
e-mail: horak@imc.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Hrubý, Ph.D. (ÚMCH)
Polymer diagnostics and therapeutics
e-mail: hruby@imc.cas.cz - Zlatko Janeba, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Medicinal chemistry, biologically active nucleic acids analogs, SAR
tel.: +420 220 183 143, e-mail: janeba@uochb.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Jiráček, CSc. (ÚOCHB)
Metalloenzyme inhibitors, insulin, peptide and protein hormones and their synthesis and biological characterization
tel.: +420 220 183 441, e-mail: jiri.jiracek@uochb.cas.cz - Marcela Krečmerová, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Nucleoside and nucleotide analogs for biomedicinal applications
tel.: +420 220 183 475, e-mail: Marcela.Krecmerova@uochb.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Vladimír Křen, DrSc. (MBÚ)
natural compounds, biotransformation
tel.: 296 442 2510, e-mail: kren@biomed.cas.cz - Ing. Richard Laga, Ph.D. (ÚMCH)
Biomedical and bioactive polymers
e-mail: laga@imc.cas.cz - Radim Nencka, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
New thymidinphosphorylase inhibitors, biologically active pyrimidine derivatives, carbocyclic nucleoside analogs
tel.: +420 220 183 323, e-mail: Radim.Nencka@uochb.cas.cz - Mgr. Vladimír Proks, PhD. (ÚMCH)
Biomedical polymers for tissue engineering
e-mail: proks@imc.cas.cz - Dominik Rejman, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
New generation of antibacterial compounds. Inhibitors of nucleosides & nucleotides salvage pathway enzymes.
tel.: +420 220 183 371, e-mail: dominik.rejman@uochb.cas.cz - Ing. Ivan Rosenberg, CSc. (ÚOCHB)
Synthesis and biological properties ofphosphonate analogs of nucleotides and oligonucleotides. Inhibitors of nucleosides & nucleotides salvage pathway enzymes. Antisense oligonucleotides working by RNase H mechanism, and siRNA. Phosphonate 2'-5' oligoadenylates - efectors of RNase L.
tel.: +420 220 183 381, e-mail: Ivan.Rosenberg@uochb.cas.cz - Milan Vrábel, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Bioorthogonal chemistry, click chemistry, bioorganic chemistry
tel.: +420 220 183 317, e-mail: milan.vrabel@uochb.cas.cz - RNDr. Zdeněk Zídek, DrSc. (ÚEM)
Fapharmacology of inflammations, imunofarmakology
tel. +420 241 062 716, e-mail: zdenek.zidek@iem.cas.cz
- Ing. Michal Babič, Ph.D. (ÚMCH)
- Natural Compounds
- RNDr. Václav Čeřovský, CSc. (ÚOCHB)
Chemistry of insect and plant materials
tel.: +420 220 183 378, e-mail: vaclav.cerovsky@uochb.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Vladimír Havlíček, Dr. (MBÚ)
molecular structure characterization, analytical chemistry
tel.: +420 296 442 786, e-mail: vlhavlic@biomed.cas.cz - doc. Ullrich Jahn, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Biological properties of synthesized natural compounds, preparation of their analogs
tel.: +420 220 183 219, e-mail: jahn@uochb.cas.cz - doc. Ullrich Jahn, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Biological properties of synthesized natural compounds, preparation of their analogs
tel.: +420 220 183 219, e-mail: jahn@uochb.cas.cz - Prof. Ing. Vladimír Křen, DrSc. (MBÚ)
natural compounds, biotransformation
tel.: +420 296 442 2510, e-mail: kren@biomed.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Irena Valterová, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
chemistry of plant materials, chemistry of insect communication, marking and sexual pheromones and their practical application in insect pest management
tel.: +420 220 183 298, e-mail: Irena.Valterova@uochb.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Wimmer, DrSc. (ÚEB)
tel.: +420 241 062 457, e-mail: wimmer@ueb.cas.cz, wimmer@biomed.cas.cz
- RNDr. Václav Čeřovský, CSc. (ÚOCHB)
- Chemical Separation and Analysis (also applicable to Environmental Protection, Medicine and Forensic Medicine)
- RNDr. Dr. Petr Bezdička (ÚACH)
Powder X-ray diffraction analysis of solids
tel.: +420 311 236 934; e-mail: petrb@iic.cas.cz - Ing. Janette Bobáĺová, CSc. (ÚIACH)
Plant proteomics, analysis of biomolecules
e-mail: bobalova@iach.cz - RNDr. Miloš Buděšínský, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
NMR spectroscopy, structure and conformational analysis of organic compounds (peptides, proteins, nucleotides, saccharides, terpenoids, alkaloids), molecular modelling, theoretical determination of NMR parameters
tel.: +420 220 183 497, e-mail: Milos.Budesinsky@uochb.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Tomáš Čajka, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Metabolomics, lipidomics, mass spectrometry, chromatography, development of analytical methods, analysis of metabolites, lipids, natural compounds, drugs, bioinformatics, statistical analysis
tel.: +420 296 442 187, e-mail: tomas.cajka@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavel Coufalík, Ph.D. (ÚIACH)
Mercury speciation analysis, chemistry of polar areas
e-mail: coufalik@iach.cz - doc. RNDr. Josef Cvačka, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Mass spectrometry analysis of lipids and natural compounds
tel.: +420 220 183 303, e-mail: josef.cvacka@uochb.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Jiří Dědina, CSc., DSc. (ÚIACH)
Trace element and speciation analysis, atomic absorption and fluorescence spectrometry
e-mail: dedina@biomed.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Bohumil Dočekal, CSc. (ÚIACH)
Trace and ultra trace element analysis, atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy, analysis of biological and environmental materials, advanced materials for modern technology, clean-room laboratories for trace element analysis
e-mail: docekal@iach.cz - doc. RNDr. Tomáš Elbert, CSc. (ÚOCHB)
Synthesis of radiolabelled bioactive compounds and their application in natural sciences
tel.: +420 220 183 395, e-mail: Tomas.Elbert@uochb.cas.cz - RNDr. Radek Fajgar, CSc. (ÚCHP)
Laser chemistry, element analysis
tel.: +420 220 390 308, e-mail: fajgar@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. František Foret, DSc. (ÚIACH)
Capillary separation, conjunction with mass spectrometry, microfluidics and nanotechnology in instrumentation for analytical chemistry
e-mail: foret@iach.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Matys Grygar (ÚACH)
Environmental geochemical analysis
tel.: +420 311 236 949;e-mail: grygar@iic.cas.cz - Mgr. Martina Havelcová, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Chemical analysis of geologic materials
tel.: +420 266 009 283, e-mail: havelcova@irsm.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Vladimír Havlíček, Dr. (MBÚ)
Molecular structure characterization, analytical chemistry
tel.: +420 296 442 786, e-mail: vlhavlic@biomed.cas.cz - doc. Martin Hof, Dr.rer.nat. (ÚFCH JH)
Special chemical analysis in environment
tel.: +420 266 053 264, e-mail: martin.hof@jh-inst.cas.cz - Ing. Daniel Horák, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Polymer nano-and microparticles, sorbents and diagnostics
e-mail: horak@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Marie Horká, CSc. (ÚIACH)
Separation, detection and identification of microorganisms and other cells associated with electromigration techniques
e-mail: horka@iach.cz - Ing. Jiří Horský, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Molecular parameters of macromolecular compounds
e-mail: horsky@imc.cas.cz - Mgr. David Hradil, Ph.D. (ÚACH)
Materials analysis in fields of cultural heritage and fine arts
tel.: +420 311 236 930; e-mail: hradil@iic.cas.cz - RNDr. Václav Kašička, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Electromigration methods (electrophoresis, isotachophoresis, isoelectric focusing, electrokinetic chromatography, and electrochromatography) and their applications to analysis, purification and physico-chemical and biochemical characterization of (bio)molecules.
tel.: +420 220 183 239, e-mail: Vaclav.Kasicka@uochb.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Kratzer, Ph.D. (ÚIACH)
Trace element analysis (especially metals) in environmental samples, speciation analysis, preconcentration of ultratrace levels of metals for atomic spectrometry, miniature plasma discharges for atomic spectrometry
e-mail: jkratzer@biomed.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavel Kubáň, Ph.D., DSc. (ÚIACH)
Membrane extractions, electromigration separation methods
e-mail: kuban@iach.cz - doc. RNDr. Petr Kubáň, Ph.D. (ÚIACH)
Electromigration separation methods, analysis of clinical samples, instrumentation for analytical chemistry
email:petr.kuban@iach.cz - Mgr. Stanislava Matějková (ÚOCHB)
Elemental analysis (macro, micro and trace concentration range) of C,H,N (automated analyzer) and other elements by use of ED-XRF, ICP-OES and ETV-ICP-OES techniques
tel.: +420 220 183 118, e-mail: stanislava.matejkova@uochb.cas.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Matoušek, Ph.D. (ÚIACH)
Trace element and speciation analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry and mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma
e-mail: matousek@biomed.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Ivan Mikšík, DrSc. (FGÚ)
New analytical methods, capillary electrophoresis, chromatography, physiology and chemistry of connective tissue, proteomics, mass spectrometry
tel.: +420 241 062 534, e-mail: ivan.miksik@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavel Mikuška, CSc. (ÚIACH)
flow methods of analysis in liquid phase, analysis of atmospheric aerosols
e-mail: mikuska@iach.cz - Ing. Pavel Moravec, CSc. (ÚCHP)
Gas phase nanoparticle generation and evaluation of nanoparticle characterization
tel.: +420 220 390 245, e-mail: moravec@icpf.cas.cz - RNDr. Stanislav Musil, Ph.D. (ÚIACH)
Atomic absorption and fluorescence spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, speciation analysis, preparation and application of radioactive indicators
e-mail: stanomusil@biomed.cas.cz - Ing. Jana Náhunková (ÚSMH)
Thermal analysis with mass detection
tel.: +420 266 009 310, e-mail: nahunkova@irsm.cas.cz - Ing. Eva Plevová, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Thermal analysis of geomaterials
tel.: + 420 596 979 332, e-mail: eva.plevova@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Miroslav Punčochář, DSc. (ÚCHP)
Analysis of incineration processes and environmental protection
tel.: +420 220 390 286, e-mail: puncochar@icpf.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Michal Roth, CSc. (ÚIACH)
Separation methods utilizing pressurized fluid
e-mail: roth@iach.cz - Ing. Marie Sajfrtová, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
Supercritical extraction
tel.: +420 220 390 202, e-mail: sajfrtova@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Kateřina Setničková, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
membrane separation
tel.: +420 220 390 268, e-mail: setnickova@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Sýkora, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
NMR spectroscopy, structure analysis of organosilica substances
tel.: +420 220 390 307, e-mail: sykora@icpf.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Karel Šlais, DrSc. (ÚIACH)
Microcolumn liquid chromatography and electrophoretic focusing
e-mail: slais@iach.cz - prof. RNDr. Patrik Španěl Dr.rer.nat. (ÚFCH JH)
Mass spectrometry; Selected ion flow tube MS (SIFT-MS) and breath analysis
tel.: +420 266 053 084; e-mail: patrik.spanel@jh-inst.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Jan Tříska, CSc. (ÚVGZ)
Analysis of the compounds in the environmental compartments in trace and ultra trace concentrations, Plant metabolomics
e-mail: triska.j@czechglobe.cz - Ing. Petr Uchytil, CSc. (ÚCHP)
Membrane separation
tel.: +420 220 390 268, e-mail: uchytil@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Lenka Vaculíková, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Infrared and Raman spectroscopy
tel.: + 420 596 979 335, e-mail: lenka.vaculikova@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Zbyněk Večeřa, CSc. (ÚIACH)
In vivo interaction of nanoparticles with living organisms
e-mail: vecera@iach.cz - Ing. Dr. Vladimír Ždímal (ÚCHP)
Aerosols: formation, transformation and properties in nature and laboratory
tel.: +420 220 390 246, e-mail: zdimal@icpf.cas.cz
- RNDr. Dr. Petr Bezdička (ÚACH)
- Development of New Chemical Processes
- prof. Petr Bouř, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
Ab initio computations and QM/MM system modeling, light scattering by molecules and their electromagnetic properties, structure and dynamics of flexible molecules, development of molecular techniques such as NMR, vibrational spectroscopy, Raman and electronic circular dichroism
tel.: +420 220 183 348, e-mail: petr.bour@uochb.cas.cz - Dr. Ing. Vladimír Církva (ÚCHP)
Photochemistry, microwave processes, helicenes, phenacenes
tel.: +420 220 390 132, e-mail: cirkva@icpf.cas.cz - Mgr. Jiří Dědeček, CSc., DSc. (ÚFCH JH)
heterogeneous catalysis, hydrocarbon transformations, elimination of nitrogen oxides
tel: 266 053 566, email: jiri.dedecek@jh-inst.cas.cz - RNDr. Vladislav Dřínek, CSc. (ÚCHP)
Laser-induced chemical processes
tel.: +420 220 390 304, e-mail: drinek@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Pavel Izák, Ph.D., DSc. (ÚCHP)
Membrane processes
tel.: +420 220 390 204, e-mail: izak@icpf.cas.cz - RNDr. Jaromír Jirkovský, CSc. (ÚFCH JH)
tel.: +420 266 053 737, e-mail: jaromir.jirkovsky@jh-inst.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Marek Růžička, DSc. (ÚCHP)
Hydrodynamics and control of multiphase chemical reactors
tel.: +420 220 390 299, e-mail: ruzicka@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Sobek, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
Microwave reactors and processes
tel.: +420 220 390 334, e-mail: sobek@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Petr Stavárek, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
Chemical process intensification, process engineering
tel.: +420 220 390 142, e-mail: stavarek@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Jaroslav Tihon, CSc. (ÚCHP)
Rheology, experimental fluid mechanics
tel.: +420 220 390 250, e-mail: tihon@icpf.cas.cz
- prof. Petr Bouř, Ph.D. (ÚOCHB)
- Computational Chemistry
- Mgr. Roman Čurík, Ph.D. (ÚFCH JH)
Electron-Molecule Interactions: Electron scattering and vibrational excitation
tel.: +420 266 053 256, e-mail: roman.curik@jh-inst.cas.cz - RNDr. Zdeněk Havlas, DrSc. (ÚOCHB)
Quantum and computational chemistry, structure and dynamics of molecular and biomolecular systems, relativistic effects in organic systems, excited states
tel.: +420 220 183 292, e-mail: zdenek.havlas@uochb.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Pavel Hobza, Dr.Sc., FRSC, dr.h.c. (ÚOCHB)
Quantum and computational chemistry, structure and dynamics of molecules and molecular clusters, noncovalent interactions, hydrogen bond, improper (blueshifted) hydrogen bond, halogen bond
tel.: +420 220 410 311, e-mail: Pavel.Hobza@uochb.cas.cz - prof. Pavel Jungwirth, CSc. (ÚOCHB)
Molecular simulation of ion interactions with aqueous interfaces, including interactions with proteins and membranes, chemistry of aqueous aerosols, structure and dynamics of solvated electrons
tel.: +420 220 410 314, e-mail: Pavel.Jungwirth@uochb.cas.cz - prof. Mgr. Jiří Pittner, Dr. rer.nat, DSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Molecular dynamics; Multireference coupled clusters (CC) methods
tel.: +420 266 053 256, e-mail: jiri.pittner@jh-inst.cas.cz - Mgr. Lubomír Rulíšek, CSc. (ÚOCHB) Prediction of organic Prediction of organic molecular and biomolecular structures, properties and reactivity based on quantum chemistry and molecular simulation methods.
tel.: +420 220 183 263, e-mail: Lubomir.Rulisek@uochb.cas.cz - RNDR. Martin Srnec, Ph.D. (ÚFCH JH)
applied quantum and teoretical chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry and spectroscopy, metalloenzymes and biomimetics, chemical reaktivity, enzymatic catalysis
tel: 266 052 067, e-mail: martin.srnec@jh-inst.cas.cz
- Mgr. Roman Čurík, Ph.D. (ÚFCH JH)
- Development of New Compounds and Materials with Specific Functions
- Cardiovascular System
- prof. RNDr. František Kolář, CSc. (FGÚ)
Myocardial ischemic injury, protective mechanisms
tel.: +420 241 062 559, e-mail: frantisek.kolar@fgucas.cz - Ing. Pavel Jurák, CSc. (ÚPT)
Hemodynamic circulations, heart attack, mechanics of the heart
tel.: +420 541 514 312, e-mail: jurak@isibrno.cz - RNDr. Jaroslav Kuneš, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Influence of metabolic factors on pathogenesis of hypretension
tel.: +420 241 062 410, e-mail: jaroslav.kunes@fgu.cas.cz - prof. MUDr. Bohuslav Ošťádal, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Developmental cardiology
tel.: +420 241 062 553, e-mail: bohuslav.ostadal@fgu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Jiří Pácha, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Epithelial ion transport, biochemistry and physiology of corticosteroid hormones
tel.: +420 241 062 440, e-mail: jiri.pacha@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Gabriela Pavlínková, Ph.D. (BTÚ)
Embryopathy in Relation to the Development of Heart, Pathogenesis of Diabetes
tel.: +420 325 873 794, e-mail: gabriela.pavlinkova@ibt.cas.cz - Ing. Michal Pravenec, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Genetics of hypertension
tel.: +420 241 062 297, e-mail: michal.pravenec@fgu.cas.cz - prof. MUDr. David Sedmera, DSc. (FGÚ)
Development of the heart and its conduction system, pathogenesis of congenital heart defects
tel.: +420 241 062 561, e-mail: david.sedmera@fgu.cas.cz - MUDr. Josef Zicha, CSc. (FGÚ)
Influence of vasoactive factors on blood pressure maintenance and pathogenesis of hypertension
tel.: +420 241 062 438, e-mail: josef.zicha@fgu.cas.cz
- prof. RNDr. František Kolář, CSc. (FGÚ)
- Brain diseases
- Ing. Miroslava Anděrová, CSc. (ÚEM)
neurophysiology, neurodegenerative diseases of the brain and spinal cord
tel: 241 062 230, e-mail: miroslava.anderova@iem.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Balaštík, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
molecular mechanisms of brain development and neurodegenerative disorders
tel: +420 241 062 822, e-mail: martin.balastik@fgu.cas.cz - MUDr. Vladimír Doležal, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Mechanisms of neuronal signal transmission and possibilities of its modification
tel.: +420 241 062 287, e-mail: vladimir.dolezal@fgu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Helena Illnerová, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Biological rhythms and their role in human diseases
tel.: +420 241 062 528, e-mail: helena.illnerova@fgu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jan Jakubík, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Mechanisms of neuronal signal transmission and possibilities of its modification
tel.: +420 241 062 620, e-mail: jan.jakubik@fgu.cas.cz - Ing. Pavel Jurák, CSc. (ÚPT)
Localisation of epilepsy, processing of the signals from intracerebralelectrodes
tel.: +420 541 514 312, e-mail: jurak@isibrno.cz - RNDr. Pavla Jendelová, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Brain and spinal cord diseases - cell therapy
tel.: +420 241 062 828, e-mail: pavla.jendelova@iem.cas.cz - prof. MUDr. Přemysl Jiruška, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Epilepsy, neuronal networks, neurophysiology, EEG signal analysis
tel.: +420 241 062 739, e-mail: premysl.jiruska@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Štěpán Kubík, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Molecular-biology imaging, neurophysiology, animal models
tel.: +420 241 062 576, e-mail: stepan.kubik@fgu.cas.cz - doc. PharmDr. Hana Kubová, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Developmental epileptology, consequences of early brain damage
tel.: +420 241 062 565, e-mail: kubova@epilepsy.biomed.cas.cz - prof. MUDr. Pavel Mareš, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Developmental pharmacology of antiepileptic drugs
tel.: +420 241 062 549, e-mail: pavel.mares@fgu.cas.cz - doc. MUDr. Jakub Otáhal, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Epilepsy, stroke, digital processing and utilization of biosignals
tel.: +420 241 062 813, e-mail: jotahal@epilepsy.biomed.cas.cz - MUDr. Jiří Paleček, CSc. (FGÚ)
Mechanisms of pain and its therapy
tel.: +420 241 062 664, e-mail: jiri.palecek@fgu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Aleš Stuchlík, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Cognitive sciences, learning and memory, neuropharmacology, neurogenesis, animal models
tel.: +420 241 062 538, e-mail: ales.stuchlik@fgu.cas.cz - doc. PharmDr. Alena Sumová, DSc. (FGÚ)
Biological rhythms and their modulation
tel.: +420 241 062 528, e-mail: sumova@biomed.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Svoboda, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Functional neuroanatomy, animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders
tel.: +420 241 062 538, e-mail: jan.svoboda@fgu.cas.cz - prof. MUDr. Josef Syka, DrSc. (ÚEM)
Brain diseases (especially the auditory system) and bioethics
tel.: +420 241 062 700, e-mail: josef.syka@iem.cas.cz - RNDr. Viktorie Vlachová, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Mechanisms of pain, ion channels
tel.: +420 241 062 711, e-mail: viktorie.vlachova@fgu.cas.cz - Mgr. Kamil Vlček, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Cognitive science, memory and its disorders, spatial navigation, neurophysiology
tel.: +420 241 062 738, e-mail: kamil.vlcek@fgu.cas.cz - MUDr. Ladislav Vyklický, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Communication between neurons, mechanisms of signal transmission
tel.: +420 241 062 450, e-mail: ladislav.vyklicky@fgu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. František Vyskočil, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Signal transmission between neuronal cells
tel.: +420 241 062 532, e-mail: vyskocil@biomed.cas.cz - RNDr. Hana Zemková, CSc. (FGÚ)
Electrical excitability and secretion in neuroendocrine cells
tel.: +420 241 062 574, e-mail: hana.zemkova@fgu.cas.cz
- Ing. Miroslava Anděrová, CSc. (ÚEM)
- Transplantation
- prof. RNDr. Vladimír Holáň, DrSc. (ÚEM)
Transplantation immunity, experimental transplantation
tel.: 241 063 226, e-mail: vladimir.holan@iem.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavla Jendelová, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Stem cells transplantation - cell therapy
tel.: +420 241 062 828, e-mail: pavla.jendelova@iem.cas.cz - Pharm.Dr. Šárka Kubinová, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Stem cells transplantation - cell therapy
tel.: +420 241 062 635, e-mail: sarka.kubinova@iem.cas.cz
- prof. RNDr. Vladimír Holáň, DrSc. (ÚEM)
- Bioenergetics and Obesity
- MUDr. Josef Houštěk, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Inborn errors of metabolism and their therapies
tel.: +420 241 062 434, e-mail: josef.houstek@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Ježek, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Molecular mechanisms of cell energetics
tel.: +420 241 062 760, e-mail: petr.jezek@fgu.cas.cz - MUDr. Jan Kopecký, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Adipose tissue metabolism, obesity, insulin resistance
tel.: +420 241 062 554, e-mail: jan.kopecky@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Ondřej Kuda, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Adipose tissue metabolism, lipidomics
tel.: +420 296 442 448, e-mail: ondrej.kuda@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Mráček, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Mitochondrial physiology and reactive oxygen species production
tel.: +420 241 063 727, e-mail: tomas.mracek@fgu.cas.cz - Mgr. Petr Pecina, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Cellular bioenergetics
tel.: +420 241 063 722, e-mail: petr.pecina@fgu.cas.cz - MUDr. Miroslav Peterka, CSc. (ÚEM)
Teratology and experimental embryology
tel.: +420 241 062 604, e-mail: miroslav.peterka@iem.cas.cz - MUDr. Martin Rossmeisl, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Adipose tissue metabolism, obesity, insulin resistance
tel.: +420 296 443 706, e-mail: martin.rossmeisl@fgu.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Petr Svoboda, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Opioid receptors and trimeric G proteins
tel.: +420 241 062 478, e-mail: petr.svoboda@biomed.cas.cz - Mgr. Michaela Tencerová, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Molecular physiology of bone
tel. 241 062 737, e-mail: michaela.tencerova@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Marek Vrbacký, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Mitochondrial proteomics
tel.: +420 241 063 729, e-mail: marek.vrbacky@fgu.cas.cz
- MUDr. Josef Houštěk, DrSc. (FGÚ)
- Tumor Growth
- prof. MUDr. Jiří Bártek, DrSc. (ÚMG)
Cancer cell biology, cancerogenesis
tel.: +420 241 063 151, e-mail: jiri.bartek@img.cas.cz - RNDr. Michal Dvořák, CSc. (ÚMG)
Cancer cell biology
tel.: +420 241 063 390, e-mail: michal.dvorak@img.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Hejnar, CSc. (ÚMG)
Cancer cell biology
tel.: +420 241 063 443, e-mail: jiri.hejnar@img.cas.cz - MUDr. Zdeněk Hodný, CSc. (ÚMG)
Biology of cancer and ageing
tel.: +420 241 063 151, e-mail: zdenek.hodny@img.cas.cz - RNDr. Vratislav Horák, CSc. (ÚŽFG)
Experimental oncology, malignant melanoma
tel.: +420 315 639 587, e-mail: horakv@iapg.cas.cz - RNDr. Vladimír Kořínek, CSc. (ÚMG)
Cancer cell biology
tel.: +420 241 063 146, e-mail: vladimir.korinek@img.cas.cz - MUDr. Libor Macůrek, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Cancer cell biology, cell cycle and DNA damage
tel.: +420 241 063 210, e-mail: libor.macurek@img.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. (BTÚ)
Research of New Anti-Cancer Agents
tel.: 325 873 796, e-mail: jiri.neuzil@ibt.cas.cz - RNDr. Milan Reiniš, CSc. (ÚMG)
Tumour immunology
tel.: +420 241 063 461, e-mail: milan.reinis@img.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Blanka Říhová, DrSc. (MBÚ)
Cancer diseases
tel.: +420 296 442 345, e-mail: rihova@biomed.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Miroslav Strnad, DSc. (ÚEB)
Anti-cancer agents derived from plant horomones
tel.: +420 585 634 850, e-mail: miroslav.strnad@upol.cz - MUDr. Pavel Vodička, CSc. (ÚEM)
Molecular Biology of Cancer
tel.: +420 241 062 694, e-mail: pavel.vodicka@iem.cas.cz
- prof. MUDr. Jiří Bártek, DrSc. (ÚMG)
- Molecular genetics, genomics, human genome
- prof. RNDr. Jiří Fajkus, CSc. (BFÚ)
Chromatin Structure and Chromosomal Domains
tel.: +420 541 517 199, e-mail: fajkus@ibp.cz - prof. MUDr. Jiří Forejt, DrSc. (ÚMG)
Genetics of germ cells and speciation
tel.: +420 325 873 258, e-mail: jiri.forejt@img.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Eduard Kejnovský, CSc. (BFÚ)
Plant genomics, transposable elements, sex chromosomes
tel.: +420 541 517 203, e-mail: kejnovsk@ibp.cz - doc. RNDr. Stanislav Kozubek, DrSc. (BFÚ)
Chromatin Structure, Molecular Cytology and Cytometry
tel.: +420 541 517 283, e-mail: kozubek@ibp.cz - Mgr. Jan Pačes, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Genomics, bioinformatics, molecular genetics and gene manipulation
tel.: +420 241 063 446, e-mail: jan.paces@img.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Václav Pačes, DrSc. (ÚMG)
Molecular genetics, cloning and genetic manipulations
tel.: +420 241 063 541, e-mail: vaclav.paces@img.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Antonín Stratil, DrSc. (ÚŽFG)
Molecular genetics of farm animals
tel.: +420 315 639 531, e-mail: stratil@iapg.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Petr Svoboda, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Molecular genetics, epigenetics
tel.: +420 241 063 147, e-mail: petr.svoboda@img.cas.cz - RNDr. Čestmír Vlček, CSc. (ÚMG)
tel.: +420 241 063 207, e-mail: cestmir.vlcek@img.cas.cz - MUDr. Pavel Vodička, CSc. (ÚEM)
Molecular Biology of Cancer
tel.: +420 241 062 694, e-mail: pavel.vodicka@iem.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Michaela Vorlíčková, DrSc. (BFÚ)
Conformational Properties of Nucleic Acids
tel.: +420 541 517 188, e-mail: mifi@ibp.cz
- prof. RNDr. Jiří Fajkus, CSc. (BFÚ)
- Genetics, Immunology
- RNDr. Veronika Benson, Ph.D. (MBÚ)
Molecular biology and immunology
tel.: +420 296 442 395, e-mail: benson@biomed.cas.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Brdička, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Molecular immunology
tel.: +420 241 062 589, e-mail: tomas.brdicka@img.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Dráber, DrSc. (ÚMG)
Molecular mechanisms of immunoreceptor signalling
tel.: +420 241 062 468, e-mail: petr.draber@img.cas.cz - RNDr. Dominik Filipp, CSc. (ÚMG)
Molecular immunology
tel.: +420 241 063 158, e-mail: dominik.filipp@img.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Václav Hořejší, CSc. (ÚMG)
tel.: +420 241 062 465, e-mail: vaclav.horejsi@img.cas.cz - Mgr. Libor Krásný, Ph.D. (MBÚ)
bacterial genetics
tel.: +420 296 443 208, e-mail: krasny@biomed.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Lukáš Kubala, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
tel: +420 541 517 117, e-mail: kubalal@ibp.cz - doc. Marie Lipoldová, CSc. (ÚMG)
Genetically controlled resistance to infectious diseases and allergies (complex diseases with immunological component)
tel.: +420 325 873 124, e-mail: marie.lipoldova@img.cas.cz - Ing. Miroslav Pátek, CSc. (MBÚ)
Bacterial genetics
tel.: +420 296 442 398, e-mail: patek@biomed.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Blanka Říhová, DrSc. (MBÚ)
Immune system and regulation of antibody production
tel.: +420 296 442 345, e-mail: rihova@biomed.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Peter Šebo, CSc. (MBÚ)
Genetics a microbiology of pathogenic bacteria
tel.: +420 296 442 141, e-mail: sebo@biomed.cas.cz - Mgr. Ondřej Štěpánek, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Experimental imunology, adaptive immunity
tel.: +420 241 062 155, e-mail: ondrej.stepanek@img.cas.cz - prof. MUDr. Helena Tlaskalová, DrSc. (MBÚ)
Autoimmune diseases and their treatment, allergic diseases
tel.: +420 296 442 363, e-mail: tlaskalo@biomed.cas.cz - MUDr. Pavel Vodička, CSc. (ÚEM)
Molecular Biology of Cancer
tel.: +420 241 062 694, e-mail: pavel.vodicka@iem.cas.cz
- RNDr. Veronika Benson, Ph.D. (MBÚ)
- Molecular and cell oncology
- prof. RNDr. Viktor Brabec, DrSc. (BFÚ)
Interactions of Nucleic Acids with Compounds of Biological Significance
tel.: +420 541 517 148, e-mail: brabec@ibp.cz - doc. RNDr. Jiří Fajkus, CSc. (BFÚ)
Chromatin Structure and Chromosomal Domains
tel.: +420 541 517 199, e-mail: fajkus@ibp.cz - doc. RNDr. Miroslav Fojta, CSc. (BFÚ)
Tumor Suppressor Genes and Molecular Mechanisms of their Action
tel.: +420 541 517 197, e-mail: fojta@ibp.cz - prof. RNDr. Jana Kašpárková, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
Molecular mechanisms of anticancer drugs
tel.: +420 541 517 174, e-mail: jana@ibp.cz - prof. RNDr. Alois Kozubík, CSc. (BFÚ)
Cytokinetics, Cell Oncology
tel.: +420 541 517 182, e-mail: kozubik@ibp.cz - Mgr. Karel Souček, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
Cancer cell dissemination, plasticity and heterogeneity
tel.: +420 541 517 166, e-mail: ksoucek@ibp.cz - MUDr. Pavel Vodička, CSc. (ÚEM)
Molecular Biology of Cancer
tel.: +420 241 062 694, e-mail: pavel.vodicka@iem.cas.cz
- prof. RNDr. Viktor Brabec, DrSc. (BFÚ)
- Stem Cells, Tissue and Organ Regeneration
- MUDr. Taras Ardan, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
Cornea and retina regeneration
tel.: +420 315 639 564, e-mail: ardan@iapg.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Eva Bártová, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
Stem cell epigenetics, stem cell cultivation
tel.: +420 541 517 501, e-mail: bartova@ibp.cz - Mgr. Eva Filová, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Regeneration of osteochondral defects, biomaterials
tel.: +420 296 442 387, email: eva.filova@iem.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Vladimír Holáň, DrSc. (ÚEM)
Stem cells biology, regeneration of eye tissues
tel.: +420 241 063 226, e-mail: vladimir.holan@iem.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavla Jendelová, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Stem cells transplantation - cell therapy
tel.: +420 241 062 828, e-mail: pavla.jendelova@iem.cas.cz - Mgr. Jiří Klíma, CSc. (ÚŽFG)
Cell regeneration and plasticity
tel.: +420 315 639 563, e-mail: klima@iapg.cas.cz - Mgr. Jana Krejčí, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
Epigenetics of embryonic stem cells during differentiation and development
tel.: +420 541 517 153, e-mail: krejci@ibp.cz - PharmDr. Šárka Kubinová, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Cell therapy, spinal cord injury repair, biomaterials
tel.: + 420 241 062 635, e-mail: sarka.kubinova@iem.cas.cz - prof. MVDr. Jan Motlík, DrSc. (ÚŽFG)
Cell regeneration and plasticity, neurodegenerative diseases
tel.: +420 315 639 560, e-mail: motlik@iapg.cas.cz - Mgr. Michala Rampichová, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Regeneration of osteochondral defects, biomaterials
tel.: +420 296 442 387, email: michaela.rampichova@iem.cas.cz
- MUDr. Taras Ardan, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
- Hematology
- Meritxell Alberich Jorda, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Hematopoietic stem cells, molecular mechanisms of hematopoiesis, haematooncology
tel.: +420 241 062 467, e-mail: meritxell-alberich-jorda@img.cas.cz
- Meritxell Alberich Jorda, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
- Virology
- RNDr. Jiří Hejnar, CSc. (ÚMG)
Biology of retroviruses
tel.: +420 241 063 443, e-mail: jiri.hejnar@img.cas.cz
- RNDr. Jiří Hejnar, CSc. (ÚMG)
- Neurophysiology
- Ing. Miroslava Anděrová, CSc. (ÚEM)
Ion channels, glial cells
tel.: +420 241 062 050, e-mail: miroslava.anderova@iem.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Balaštík, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
molecular mechanisms of brain development and neurodegenerative disorders
tel. 241 062 822, e-mail: martin.balastik@fgu.cas.cz - doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Blahoš, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Biology of neurotransmitters and their receptors
tel.: +420 241 063 121, e-mail: jaroslav.blahos@img.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Horák, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Neurophysiology of excitatory synapses,development of new pharmacological agents for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
tel.: +420 241 062 725, email: martin.horak@iem.cas.cz - RNDr. Štěpán Kubík, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Molecular-biology imaging, neurophysiology, animal models
tel.: +420 241 062 576, e-mail: kubik@biomed.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Aleš Stuchlík, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Cognitive sciences, learning and memory, neuropharmacology, neurogenesis, animal models
tel.: +420 241 062 538, e-mail: stuchlik@biomed.cas.cz - prof. MUDr. Josef Syka, DrSc. (ÚEM)
Physiology of the auditory pathways
tel.: +420 241 062 230, e-mail: josef.syka@iem.cas.cz - RNDr. Rostislav Tureček, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Synaptic transmission, neurotransmitters, receptors
tel.: +420 241 062 748, email: rostislav.turecek@iem.cas.cz - RNDr. Hana Zemková, CSc. (FGÚ)
Electrical excitability and secretion in neuroendocrine cells
tel.: +420 241 062 574, e-mail: zemkova@biomed.cas.cz
- Ing. Miroslava Anděrová, CSc. (ÚEM)
- Developmental Biology
- RNDr. Petr Bartůněk, CSc.
Molecular mechanisms of vertebrate development
tel.: +420 241 063 117, e-mail: bartunek@img.cas.cz - prof. MUDr. Jiří Forejt, DrSc. (ÚMG)
Molecular mechanisms of gametogenesis, fertilization and sterility
tel.: +420 325 873 258, e-mail: jiri.forejt@img.cas.cz - Mgr. Helena Fulková, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
fertilisation and preimplantation embryology in mammals, cell nucleus plasticity and reprogramming during gametogenesis and early development
tel: 241 062 232, e-mail: helena.fulkova@iem.cas.cz - RNDr. Vladimír Kořínek, CSc. (ÚMG)
Molecular mechanisms of vertebrate development
tel.: +420 241 063 146, e-mail: vladimir.korinek@img.cas.cz - RNDr. Zbyněk Kozmik, CSc. (ÚMG)
Molecular mechanisms of vertebrate development
tel.: +420 241 062 110, e-mail: zbynek.kozmik@img.cas.cz - Ing. Michal Kubelka, CSc. (ÚŽFG)
Molecular mechanisms of mammalian gametes development
tel.: +420 315 639 591, e-mail: kubelka@iapg.cas.cz - RNDr. Ondřej Machoň, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Molecular mechanisms of germline development of vertebrates
tel.: +420 241 062 744, email: ondrej.machon@iem.cas.cz - Ing. Andrej Šušor, Ph.D.(ÚŽFG)
regulation of RNA translation and RNA metabolism
tel.: +420 315 639 591, e-mail: susor@iapg.cas.cz - Ing. Zdeněk Trachtulec, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Molecular mechanisms of germ cell (gamete) development, fertility and sterility
tel.: +420 325 873 109, e-mail: zdenek.trachtulec@img.cas.cz
- RNDr. Petr Bartůněk, CSc.
- Structural Biology
- prof. RNDr. Rüdiger Ettrich, Ph.D. (MBÚ)
Structural biology
tel.: +420 386 361 297, e-mail: ettrich@nh.cas.cz - RNDr. Cyril Bařinka Ph.D. (BTÚ)
Structural biology
tel.: +420 325 873 777, e-mail: cyril.barinka@ibt.cas.c - Ing. Jan Dohnálek, Ph.D. (BTÚ)
X-ray structural analysis biological molecules
tel.: +420 325 873 758, e-mail: jan.dohnalek@ibt.cas.cz - Ing. Vladislav Krzyžánek, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Quantitative measurements of cells and viruses in electron microscope
tel.: +420 541 514 301, e-mail: vlk@isibrno.cz - Mgr. Pavlína Maloy Řezáčová, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Structure of proteins
tel.: +420 220 183 144, e-mail: pavlina.rezacova@img.cas.cz - Ing. Bohdan Schneider, DSc, CSc. (BTÚ)
Structural biology
tel.: +420 325 873 701, e-mail: bohdan.schneider@ibt.cas.cz
- prof. RNDr. Rüdiger Ettrich, Ph.D. (MBÚ)
- Cell Biology
- RNDr. Ladislav Anděra, CSc. (BTÚ)
Mechanisms of programmed cell death (apoptosis)
tel.: +420 325 873 796, e-mail: ladislav.andera@ibt.cas.cz - MVDr. Martin Anger, CSc. (ÚŽFG)
Live cell imaging, cell cycle regulation
tel.: +420 533 331 111, e-mail: anger@iapg.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Pavel Dráber, CSc. (ÚMG)
Biology of the cytoskeleton, modern microscopic methods
tel.: +420 241 062 632, e-mail: pavel.draber@img.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Hašek, CSc. (MBÚ)
cell structure, cytoskeleton
tel.: +420 296 442 503, e-mail: hasek@biomed.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Pavel Hozák, DrSc. (ÚMG)
Biology of cell nucleus, modern microscopic methods
tel.: +420 241 062 219, e-mail: pavel.hozak@img.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Jan Malínský, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Functional organization of biomembranes, live cell imaging, modern microscopic methods
tel.: + 420 241 062 597, e-mail: jan.malinsky@iem.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. David Staněk, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Biology of ribonucleic acids, structure of the cell nucleus, fluorescence microscopy
tel.: +420 241 063 118, e-mail: david.stanek@img.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Šolc, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
Cell cycle, meiosis, live cell imaging, image analysis
tel.: +420 315 639 561, e-mail: solc@iapg.cas.cz - Vladimír Varga, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Molecular mechanisms of the cytoskeleton, biology of cilia, biology of Trypanosoma brucei
tel.: +420 241 062 155, e-mail: vladimir.varga@img.cas.cz
- RNDr. Ladislav Anděra, CSc. (BTÚ)
- Laboratory Animals
- MVDr. Jan Honetschläger (ÚMG)
Biology of experimental animals, management and design of breeding experimental animals
tel.: +420 241 063 173, e-mail: jan.honetschlager@img.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Plachý, CSc. (ÚMG)
Biology of laboratory animals (particularly chicken)
tel.: +420 241 063 442, e-mail: jiri.plachy@img.cas.cz
- MVDr. Jan Honetschläger (ÚMG)
- Cellular and Molecular Toxicology
- prof. RNDr. Jan Vondráček, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
chemical carcinogens, endocrine disrution, chemical compounds and metabolism
tel.: +420 541 517 166, e-mail: vondracek@ibp.cz
- prof. RNDr. Jan Vondráček, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
- Cardiovascular System
- Cell and Gene Manipulation for Preparation of Novel Active Substances
- RNDr. Karel Angelis, CSc. (ÚEB)
DNA repair; heterologous proteins in plants
tel.: +420 224 322 603, e-mail: angelis@ueb.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Noemi Čeřovská, CSc. (ÚEB)
Heterologous proteins in plants
tel.: +420 225 106 819, e-mail: cerovska@ueb.cas.cz - RNDr. Miroslav Flieger, CSc. (MBÚ)
Genetics and physiology of microorganisms and analytical chemistry
tel.: +420 296 442 319, e-mail: flieger@biomed.cas.cz - Pharm.Dr. Šárka Kubinová, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Stem cells, nanomaterials
tel.: +420 241 062 635, e-mail: sarka.kubinova@iem.cas.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Moravec, Ph.D. (ÚEB)
Heterologous proteins in plants
tel.: +420 225 106 822, e-mail: moravec@ueb.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Tomáš Obšil, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Regulatory signalling proteins, structural biology of the protein complexes
tel.: +420 325 873 513, e-mail: obsil@natur.cuni.cz - RNDr. Veronika Obšilová, Ph.D. (FGÚ)
Regulatory signalling proteins, structural biology of the protein complexes
tel.: +420 325 873 513, e-mail: veronika.obsilova@fgu.cas.cz - Mgr. Pavlína Maloy Řezáčová, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Biotechnology of proteins and antibodies
tel.: +420 220 183 144, e-mail: pavlina.rezacova@img.cas.cz - RNDr. Hana Sychrová, DrSc. (FGÚ)
Cell transporters, osmotolerance, yeast as a model to study transport across cell membranes
tel.: +420 241 062 556, e-mail: hana.sychrova@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Vaněk, CSc. (ÚEB)
Anticancer agents of plant origin
tel.: +420 225 106 832, vanek@ueb.cas.cz
- RNDr. Karel Angelis, CSc. (ÚEB)
- Regulation of Fertilization
- Dr. Joerg Bohlen, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
Conservation biology, fish taxonomy
tel.: +420 315 639 559, e-mail: bohlen@iapg.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Fíla, Ph.D. (ÚEB)
Pollen biology
tel.: +420 225 106 452, fila@ueb.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. David Honys, Ph.D. (ÚEB)
Pollen biology
tel.: +420 225 106 450, honys@ueb.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Kaňka, DrSc. (ÚŽFG)
Gene expression during mammalian embryonic development
tel.: +420 315 639 551, e-mail: kanka@iapg.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Kotlík, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
Conservation genetics
tel.: +420 315 639 545, e-mail: kotlik@iapg.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Jana Pěknicová, CSc. (BTÚ)
Reproductive Biology (artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization)
tel.: +420 325 873 727, e-mail: jana.peknicova@ibt.cas.cz - MVDr. Radek Procházka, CSc. (ÚŽFG)
Molecular mechanisms of oocytes maturation in mammals
tel.: +420 315 639 550, e-mail: prochazka@iapg.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Petr Ráb, DrSc. (ÚŽFG)
Conservation genetics and biology of fish
tel.: +420 315 639 546, e-mail: rab@iapg.cas.cz
- Dr. Joerg Bohlen, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
- Cloning, Transgenic animals
- RNDr. Zbyněk Kozmik, CSc. (ÚMG)
Genetic manipulations of mammals - transgenic organisms
tel.: +420 241 062 110, e-mail: zbynek.kozmik@img.cas.cz - prof. MVDr. Jan Motlík, DrSc. (ÚŽFG)
Embryology, fertilization process and early embryo stages of mammals including human
tel.: +420 315 639 560, e-mail: motlik@iapg.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Radislav Sedláček, Ph.D. (ÚMG)
Genetic manipulations of mammals - transgenic organisms, cloning of mammals
tel.: +420 325 873 243, e-mail: radislav.sedlacek@img.cas.cz
- RNDr. Zbyněk Kozmik, CSc. (ÚMG)
- Plant breeding and Transgenic Plants
- doc. RNDr. Jindřich Bříza, CSc. (BC/ÚMBR)
Genetically modified crops, GMO
tel.: +420 387 775 505, e-mail: briza@umbr.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Jaroslav Doležel, DrSc. (ÚEB)
Plant molecular biology, functional genomics
tel.: +420 585 238 703, dolezel@ueb.cas.cz - RNDr. Aleš Kovařík, CSc. (BFÚ)
Epigenetics, Molecular Biology of Plants
tel.: +420 541 517 178, e-mail: kovarik@ibp.cz - RNDr. Oldřich Navrátil, CSc. (ÚEB)
Molecular genetics of plants, plant transgenesis, GMO
tel.: +420 225 106 822, navratil@ueb.cas.cz - Ing. Jaroslav Tupý, DrSc. (ÚEB)
Genetics and breeding, fruit and tropical agriculture - prof. RNDr. Boris Vyskot, DrSc. (BFÚ)
Plant Genetics and Breeding, Developmental Genetics
tel.: +420 541 517 204, e-mail: vyskot@ibp.cz
- doc. RNDr. Jindřich Bříza, CSc. (BC/ÚMBR)
- Plant protection and Quarantine Diagnosis of Plant Diseases
- doc. Ing. Lenka Burketová, CSc. (ÚEB)
Pathophysiology of plants
tel.: +420 225 106 815, e-mail: burketova@ueb.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Noemi Čeřovská, CSc. (ÚEB)
Plant virology
tel.: +420 225 106 819, e-mail: cerovska@ueb.cas.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Moravec, Ph.D. (ÚEB)
Plant virology
tel.: +420 225 106 822, e-mail: moravec@ueb.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Josef Špak, DrSc. (BC/ÚMBR)
Quarantine organisms infecting plants, epidemiology, phytosanitary measures
tel.: +420 387 775 546, e-mail: spak@umbr.cas.cz
- doc. Ing. Lenka Burketová, CSc. (ÚEB)
- Biotechnology for agriculture
- prof. Ing. Jaroslav Doležel, DrSc. (ÚEB)
Plant molecular biology, functional genomics
tel.: +420 585 238 703, e-mail: dolezel@ueb.cas.cz - RNDr. Roman Hobza, Ph.D. (BFÚ)
Structural and functional genomics, plant genome editing, modern plant breeding methods
tel.: +420 541 517 203, e-mail: hobza@ibp.cz - Ing. Václav Krištůfek, CSc. (BC/ÚPB)
Metabolites of soil microorganisms with pesticide and antibiotic properties
tel.: +420 387 775 752, +420 387 775 781, e-mail: kristuf@upb.cas.cz - RNDr. Jan Martinec, CSc. (ÚEB)
Plant molecular biology, signal systems in plants
tel.: +420 225 106 416, e-mail: martinec@ueb.cas.cz - Ing. Václav Motyka, CSc.(ÚEB)
Physiology and biochemistry of plants, plant growth regulators
tel.: +420 225 106 437, e-mail: vmotyka@ueb.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Václav Pižl, CSc. (BC/ÚPB)
Vermicomposting and vermiculture
tel.: +420 387 775 750, e-mail: pizl@upb.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Miroslav Strnad, DSc.(ÚEB)
Regeneration of cell division in plants
tel.: +420 585 634 850, e-mail: miroslav.strnad@upol.cz - RNDr. Helena Štorchová, CSc. (ÚEB)
Genetics and genomics of plants, plant molecular biology
tel.: +420 225 106 828, e-mail: storchova@ueb.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Radomíra Vaňková, CSc. (ÚEB)
physiology and biochemistry of plants, plant growth regulators
tel.: +420 225 106 427, e-mail: vankova@ueb.cas.cz - RNDr. Naďfa Wilhelmová, CSc. (ÚEB)
Physiology and biochemistry of stress
tel.: +420 225 106 814, e-mail: wilhelmova@ueb.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Eva Zažímalová, CSc. (ÚEB)
1. Cell biology – plant cell development, plant growth regulators)
2. Biotechnology for agriculture, physiology and biochemistry of plants, plant growth regulators)
tel.: +420 225 106 429, e-mail: zazimalova@ueb.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Viktor Žárský, CSc. (ÚEB)
Cell biology of plants
tel.: +420 225 106 457, e-mail: zarsky@ueb.cas.cz
- prof. Ing. Jaroslav Doležel, DrSc. (ÚEB)
- Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering
- doc. MUDr. Lucie Bačáková, CSc. (FGÚ)
Cell-material interaction, bioartificial replacements of blood vessels, heart valves, bones, akin; innovation of vascular and joint prostheses
tel.: +420 241 063 743, e-mail: lucie.bacakova@fgu.cas.cz - RNDr. Pavla Jendelová, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Stem cells, nanomaterials, tissue engineering
tel.: +420 241 062 230, e-mail: pavla.jendelova@iem.cas.cz - Pharm. Dr. Šárka Kubinová, Ph.D. (ÚEM)
Stem cells, nanomaterials, tissue engineering
tel.: +420 241 062 731, e-mail: sarka.kubinova@iem.cas.cz
- doc. MUDr. Lucie Bačáková, CSc. (FGÚ)
- Searching (Screening) of Novel Biologically Active Compounds (Potential Drugs)
- RNDr. Petr Bartůněk, CSc. (ÚMG)
Chemical genetics, systematic automated screening
tel.: +420 241 063 117, e-mail: petr.bartunek@img.cas.cz
- RNDr. Petr Bartůněk, CSc. (ÚMG)
- Cell and Gene Manipulation for Preparation of Novel Active Substances
- Ecology
- doc. RNDr. Pavel Cudlín, CSc. (ÚVGZ)
Forest Ecology and Landscape Ecology
tel.: +420 287 775 614, e-mail: cudlin.p@czechglobe.cz - prof. RNDr. Tomáš Herben, CSc. (BÚ)
general and theoretical ecology, plant community ecology, functional plant ecology, mathematical modelling
tel.: +420 271 015 231, e-mail: herben@site.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Zbyněk Jaňour, DrSc. (ÚT)
Modelling of atmospheric boundary layer
tel.: +420 266 053 273, e-mail: janour@it.cas.cz - RNDr. Klára Jurčáková, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Modelling of atmospheric boundary layer, dispersion of pollution
tel.: +420 266 053 009, e-mail: jurcakova@it.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Jaromír Kolejka, CSc. (ÚGN)
Landscape ecology, geoecology
tel.: +420 545 422 735, e-mail: jaromir.kolejka@ugn.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Jan Kučera, CSc. (ÚJF)
Radioanalytical methods in ecology
tel.: +420 212 241 671, e-mail: kucera@ujf.cas.cz - Ing. Štěpán Nosek, Ph.D. (ÚT)
Environmental engineering, dispersion of pollution
tel.: +420 266 053 382, e-mail: nosek@it.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Martin Pivokonský, Ph.D. (ÚH)
Water treatment, hydrochemistry, coagulation, flocculation, organic matter in the water recourses
Tel.: + 420 233 109 021, +420 777 152 132, e-mail: pivo@ih.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Vaněk, CSc. (ÚEB)
phytoremediation, waste water treatment
tel.: +420 225 106 832, e-mail: vanek@ueb.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Ing. František Zemek (ÚVGZ)
Evaluation of Landscape by Remote Sensing and Geo Informatic Systems
tel.: +420 511 192 247, e-mail: zemek.f@czechglobe.cz
- doc. RNDr. Pavel Cudlín, CSc. (ÚVGZ)
- Biodiversity and its Conservation, National Parks
- RNDr. Petr Baldrian, CSc. (MBÚ)
soil microbiology and genomics, terrestric ecosystems
tel.: +420 296 442 315, e-mail: baldrian@biomed.cas.cz - Dr. Jöerg Bohlen Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
conservation biology, fish taxonomy
tel.: +420 315 639 559, e-mail: bohlen@iapg.cas.cz - doc. Mgr.et. Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D. (ÚBO)
Biodiversity conservation
tel.: +420 560 590 601, bryja@brno.cas.cz - Mgr. Lukáš Čížek, Ph.D. (BC/ENTÚ)
biology, ecology and conservation of saproxylic insects; forest ecosystems
tel.: +420 387 775 221, e-mail: cizek@entu.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Ivan Gelbič, CSc. (BC/ENTÚ)
Taxonomy, biodiversity and ecology of blood -sucking insects
tel.: +420 387 775 263, e-mail: gelbic@entu.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Martin Konvička, Ph.D. (BC/ENTÚ)
Biology, ecology and conservation of moths and butterflies
tel.: +420 387 775 312, e-mail: konva@entu.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Kotlík, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
Conservation genetics
tel.: +420 315 639 545, e-mail: kotlik@iapg.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. František Krahulec, CSc. (BÚ)
Biodiversity, terrestrial vegetation ecology, mountain vegetation, meadow ecosystems
tel.: + 420 271 015 283, e-mail: frantisek.krahulec@ibot.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Jan Krekule, DrSc. (ÚEB)
Plant physiology - Mgr. Natália Martínková, Ph.D.(ÚBO)
Biodiversity conservation
tel.: +420 560 590 605, martinkova@ivb.cz - prof. Ing. Petr Ráb, DrSc. (ÚŽFG)
Conservation genetics and biology of fish
tel.: +420 315 639 546, e-mail: rab@iapg.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Tomáš Soldán, DrSc. (BC/ENTÚ)
Taxonomy, biodiversity and ecology of aquatic insects
tel.: +420 387 775 262, e-mail: soldan@entu.cas.cz - RNDr. Martin Vágner, CSc. (ÚEB)
Somatic embryogenesis, cryopreservation
tel.: +420 225 106 453, vagner@ueb.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Jan Zima, DrSc. (ÚBO)
Biodiversity conservation
tel.: +420 543 42 553, jzima@brno.cas.cz
- RNDr. Petr Baldrian, CSc. (MBÚ)
- Forest ecosystems
- Mgr. MgA. Radim Hédl, Ph.D. (BÚ)
Ecology of forest vegetation
tel.: +420 541 126 219, e-mail: Radim.Hedl@ibot.cas.cz
- Mgr. MgA. Radim Hédl, Ph.D. (BÚ)
- Microbiology
- RNDr. Kateřina Fliegerová, CSc. (ÚŽFG)
Anaerobic bacteria, proteomics, genetics and genomics
tel.: +420 267 090 504, e-mail: fliegerova@iapg.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Josef Komenda, DSc. (MBÚ)
algae, cyanobacteria, aquatic ecosystem
tel.: +420 384 340 431, e-mail: komenda@alga.cz - Ing. Jan Kopečný, DrSc. (ÚŽFG)
Anaerobic bacteria, proteomics, genetics and genomics
tel.: +420 267 090 502, e-mail: kopecnyj@iapg.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Ondřej Prášil, CSc. (MBÚ)
algae, cyanobacteria, aquatic ecosystem
tel.: +420 384 340 430, e-mail: prasil@alga.cz - prof. Ing. Peter Šebo, CSc. (MBÚ)
genetics and microbiology of bacterial pathogens
tel.: +420 296 442 141, e-mail: sebo@biomed.cas.cz - MVDr. Jiří Šimůnek, CSc. (ÚŽFG)
Microflora of the digestive tract
tel.: +420 267 090 509, e-mail: simunek@iapg.cas.cz
- RNDr. Kateřina Fliegerová, CSc. (ÚŽFG)
- Organismal biology and ecology
- doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D. (ÚBO)
Organismal biology and ecology
tel.: +420 560 590 614, albrecht@ivb.cz - RNDr. Petr Doležal, Ph.D. (BC/ENTÚ)
Biology and ecology of insect pests in forestry
tel.: +420 387 775 204, e-mail: dolezal@entu.cas.cz - RNDr. Ivan Fiala, Ph.D. (BC/PAÚ)
molecular phylogenetics of myxozoans and protists parasitising fish
tel.: +420 387 775 450, e-mail: fiala@paru.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Havelka, CSc. (BC/ENTÚ)
Aphids in agroecosystems and problems of their biological elimination
tel.: +420 387 775 342, e-mail: jhav@entu.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Marcel Honza, Ph.D. (ÚBO)
Organismal biology and ecology
tel.: +420 543 422 554, honza@brno.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc. (ÚBO)
Organismal biology and ecology
tel.: +420 519 352 961, zhubalek@brno.cas.cz - RNDr. Lukáš Choleva, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
Molecular ecology, conservation biology, conservation genetics
tel.: +420 315 639 543, e-mail: choleva@iapg.cas.cz - Mgr. Karek Janko, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
Macroecology, evolution of reproductive systems in animals, polar ecology
tel.: +420 315 639 558, e-mail: janko@iapg.cas.cz - Mgr. Miloslav Jirků, Ph.D. (BC/PAÚ)
Diversity, life cycles and diagnostics of parasites of amphibians
tel.: +420 387 775 474, e-mail: miloslav.jirku@seznam.cz - Aneta Kostadinova, Ph.D. (BC/PAÚ)
Diversity, life cycles and ecology of helminths
tel.: +420 387 775 486, e-mail: aneta.kostadinova@uv.es - RNDr. Petr Kotlík, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
Molecular ecology, response to climate change
tel.: +420 315 639 545, e-mail: kotlik@iapg.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Petr Koubek, CSc. (ÚBO)
Organismal biology and ecology
tel.: +420 543 422 548, koubek@brno.cas.cz - RNDr. Roman Kuchta, Ph.D. (BC/PAÚ)
Diversity and taxonomy of helminths
tel.: +420 387 775 488, e-mail: krtek@paru.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Martin Kváč, Ph.D. (BC/PAÚ)
Diversity, life cycles and diagnostics of parasitic protists
tel.: +420 387 775 419, e-mail: kvac@paru.cas.cz - Ing. Jakub Mrázek, Ph.D. (ÚŽFG)
Microbial diversity
tel.: +420 267 090 506, e-mail: mrazek@iapg.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Zuzana Münzbergová, Ph.D. (BÚ)
Landscape plant population dynamics, rare species
tel.: +420 271 015 456, e-mail:zuzmun@natur.cuni.cz - prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Novotný, CSc. (BC/ENTÚ)
Ecology and nature protection in the tropics of developing countries
tel.: +420 387 775 362, e-mail: novotny@entu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Petr Pyšek, CSc. (BÚ)
Biological invasions
tel.: +420 271 015 266, e-mail: petr.pysek@ibot.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D. (ÚBO)
Organismal biology and ecology
tel.: +420 543 422 522, reichard@ivb.cz - Mgr. Šimon Řeřucha, Ph.D. (ÚPT)
Animal radio-tracking technology
tel.:+420 541 514 111, e-mail: res@isibrno.cz - prof. RNDr. Tomáš Scholz, CSc. (BC/PAÚ)
Diversity, taxonomy and life cycles of helminths
tel.: +420 387 775 431, e-mail: tscholz@paru.cas.cz - Mgr. Jan Zukal, Ph.D. (ÚBO)
Organismal biology and ecology
tel.: +420 543 422 544, zukal@ivb.cz
- doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D. (ÚBO)
- Bioindication
- RNDr. Jakub Borovec, Ph.D. (BC/HBÚ/SoWa)
Hydrochemistry, sampling and analytical approaches, sediment quantity and quality, compound cycling in watershed, reservoir monitoring and management
Tel.: +420 605159995, e-mail: jakub.borovec@bc.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Martin Čech, Ph.D. (BC/HBÚ)
Fish fry communities, fish reproduction, piscivorous birds and mammals
tel.: +420 387 775 870, e-mail: carcharhinusleucas@yahoo.com - doc. Mgr. Jiří Doležal, Ph.D. (BÚ)
Dendrochronology and dendroclimatology
tel.: +420 384 721 156, e-mail: jiri.dolezal@ibot.cas.cz - Mgr. Martina Čtvrtlíková, Ph.D. (BC/HBÚ)
Ecology of freshwater macrophytes
tel.: +420 387 775 851, e-mail: sidlatka@e-mail.cz - doc. Ing. Josef Elster, CSc. (BÚ)
Ecology of algae and cyanobacteria in extreme cold
tel.: +420 384 721 156, e-mail: josef.elster@ibot.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Josef Hejzlar, CSc. (BC/HBÚ)
Hydrochemistry, human influenced freshwater ecosystems, eutrophication, acidification
tel.: +420 387 775 876, e-mail: hejzlar@hbu.cas.cz - Ing. Pavel Jurajda, Ph.D. (ÚBO)
Bioindication, water quality
tel.: +420 543 422 523, jurajda@brno.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Pavel Kindlmann, DrSc. (ÚVGZ)
Types of natural habitats (biotypes) and Natura 2000 according to EU legislation (e.g. directive 92/43/EEC)
tel.: +420 387 775 611, kindlmann@czechglobe.cz - prof. Ing. Jiří Kopáček, Ph.D. (BC/HBÚ)
hydrochemistry, acidification, nutrient cycles in lakes and reservoirs watershed
tel.: +420 387 775 878, e-mail: jkopacek@hbu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Jan Kubečka, CSc. (BC/HBÚ)
fish populations in rivers and reservoirs, quantivative estimates, echolotes
tel.: +420 387 775 891, e-mail: kubecka@hbu.cas.cz - RNDr. Jaromír Lukavský, CSc. (BÚ)
Indication and testing of chemical substances in water by using algae
tel.: +420 384 721 156, e-mail: jaromir.lukavsky@ibot.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Blahoslav Maršálek, CSc. (BÚ)
Management of cyanobacterial watter blooms in hypertrophic waters
tel.: +420 530 506 741, e-mail: marsalek@sinice.cz - doc. RNDr. Josef Matěna, CSc. (BC/HBÚ)
water quality evaluation, biotic interactions in freswater ecosystems
tel.: +420 387 775 840, e-mail: matena@hbu.cas.cz - RNDr. Zdeněk Palice, Ph.D. (BÚ)
Bioindication using lichens
tel.: +420 271 015 233, e-mail: zdenek.palice@ibot.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Peterka, Ph.D. (BC/HBÚ)
Fish foraging behaviour and trophic interactions, complex surveys of large water bodies, succession of fish communities, biomanipulation, ecology of large water bivalves
tel.: +420 387 775 838, e-mail: jpeterkacz@yahoo.com - prof. RNDr. Tomáš Soldán, DrSc. (BC/ENTÚ)
bioindication, biodiversity and ecology of water insects
tel.: +420 387 775 262, e-mail: soldan@entu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Karel Šimek, CSc. (BC/HBÚ)
Aquatic microbial ecology, microbial loop, freshwater protozoa and viruses
tel.: +420 387 775 873, e-mail: ksimek@hbu.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Vaněk, CSc. (ÚEB)
Phytoremediation, waste water treatment
tel.: +420 225 106 832, vanek@ueb.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Petr Znachor, PhD. (BC/HBÚ)
phytoplankton, water blooms
tel.: +420 387 775 850, e-mail: znachy@hbu.cas.cz
- RNDr. Jakub Borovec, Ph.D. (BC/HBÚ/SoWa)
- Water Management and Hydrology
- Mgr. Jana Načeradská, Ph.D. (ÚH)
Hydrochemistry, water treatment, technology of water treatment and water purification
tel.: +420 233 109 018, +420 603 172 640, e-mail: naceradska@ih.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Martin Pivokonský, Ph.D. (ÚH)
Hydrochemistry, water treatment, environmental and water pollution, technology of water treatment and water purification,environmental chemistry, eutrophication, micro-pollutants
tel.: +420 233 109 021, +420 777 152 132, e-mail: pivo@ih.cas.cz - RNDr. Václav Šípek, Ph.D. (ÚH)
Water cycle, soil hydrology, hydrological modelling
tel.: +420 233 109 026, +420 608 581 326, e-mail: sipek@ih.cas.cz - Ing. Miroslav Tesař, CSc. (ÚH)
Hydrology, experimental hydrology, physical characteristics of soils
tel.: +420 721 881 733, e-mail: miroslav.tesar@iol.cz
- Mgr. Jana Načeradská, Ph.D. (ÚH)
- Environmentally Acceptable Pest Control, Integrated Plant
Protection in Agriculture and Forestry- doc. RNDr. Ivan Gelbič, CSc. (BC/ENTÚ)
Influence of biologically active substances for evolution and reproduction of insects
tel.: +420 387 775 263, e-mail: gelbic@entu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. František Sehnal, CSc. (BC/ENTÚ)
Influence of genetically modified plants on non-target organisms
tel.: +420 387 775 056, e-mail: sehnal@bc.cas.cz
- doc. RNDr. Ivan Gelbič, CSc. (BC/ENTÚ)
- Biological Effects of Radiation
- MUDr. Michal Hofer, CSc. (BFÚ)
Radiation Hematology, Pharmacological Radioprotection
tel.: +420 541 517 171, e-mail: hofer@ibp.cz
- MUDr. Michal Hofer, CSc. (BFÚ)
- Assessment of Environmental Risk Factors
- prof. RNDr. Tomáš Cajthaml, Ph.D. (MBÚ)
organopollutants in environment, analytical chemistry
tel.: +420 296 442 498, e-mail: cajthaml@biomed.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Gabriel, DrSc. (MBÚ)
Use of microorganisms in environmental monitoring
tel.: +420 296 442 205, gabriel@biomed.cas.cz - MUDr. Radim Šrám, DrSc. (ÚEM)
Negative impact of environmental factors on the human body
tel.: +420 241 062 785, radim.sram@iem.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Topinka, CSc. (ÚEM)
Negative impact of environmental factors on the human body
tel.: +420 241 062 675, jan.topinka@iem.cas.cz
- prof. RNDr. Tomáš Cajthaml, Ph.D. (MBÚ)
- Global Change and the Environment
- Ing. Jan Červený, Ph.D. (ÚVGZ)
Adaptive biotechnologies, Systems biology of photosynthesis
tel.: +420 775 171 968, e-mail: cerveny.j@czechglobe.cz - RNDr. Elhottová Dana, Dr. (BC/ÚPB)
Soil microorganisms, occurrence and dissemination of resistance to antibiotics in soils
tel.: +420 387 775 764, e-mail: danael@upb.cas.cz - RNDr. Aleš Farda, Ph.D. (ÚVGZ)
Climate Scenarios, Climate Models
tel.: +420 387 775 613, farda.a@czechglobe.cz - prof. Ing. Mgr. Jan Frouz, CSc. (BC/ÚPB)
Recultivation and recovery of soils in ecosystems caused by mining coal districts
tel.: +420 387 775 769, e-mail: frouz@natur.cuni.cz, frouz@upb.cas.cz - Mgr. Lumír Gvoždík, Ph.D. (ÚBO)
Global change, thermal biology
tel.: +420 568 422 763, gvozdik@brno.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Dalibor Janouš, CSc. (ÚVGZ)
Changes in Production of Forest Tree Species in Response to Changes in the Environment
tel.: +420 511 192 266, janous.d@czechglobe.cz - prof. RNDr. Ing. Michal Marek, DrSc. (ÚVGZ)
Impact of Global Climate Change on Forests
tel.: +420 511 192 269, marek.mv@czechglobe.cz - doc. RNDr. Václav Pižl, CSc. (BC/ÚPB)
Soil macrofauna, ecotoxicology and biomonitoring methods
tel.: +420 387 775 750, +420 387 775 746, e-mail: pizl@upb.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Josef Rusek, DrSc. (BC/ÚPB)
Soil mesofauna, anthropogenic influences on soil
tel.: +420 387 775 747, +420 387 775 763, e-mail: rusek@upb.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Miloslav Šimek, CSc. (BC/ÚPB)
Relations of soil ecosystem to global changes of atmosphere
tel.: +420 387 775 051, e-mail: simek@bc.cas.cz - MUDr. Radim Šrám, DrSc. (ÚEM)
Negative impact of environmental factors on the human body
tel.: +420 241 062 596, radim.sram@iem.cas.cz - RNDr. Karel Tajovský, CSc. (BC)
Soil macrofauna, global and anthropogenic influences on soil and environment
tel.: +420 387 775 761, e-mail: tajov@upb.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Topinka, CSc. (ÚEM)
Negative impact of environmental factors on the human body
tel.: +420 241 062 675, jan.topinka@iem.cas.cz
- Ing. Jan Červený, Ph.D. (ÚVGZ)
- Biodegradation of Waste
- prof. RNDr. Tomáš Cajthaml, Ph.D. (MBÚ)
organopollutants in environment, analytical chemistry
tel.: +420 296 442 498, e-mail: cajthaml@biomed.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Kopečný, DrSc. (ÚŽFG)
Anaerobic biodegradation of waste
tel.: +420 267 090 502, e-mail: kopecnyj@iapg.cas.cz
- prof. RNDr. Tomáš Cajthaml, Ph.D. (MBÚ)
- Chemical Processes and Technologies for Environmental Protection
- Ing. Václav Gruber, CSc. (ÚCHP)
Recycling of rare earth metals
tel.: +420 220 390 249, e-mail: gruber@icpf.cas.cz - Ing. Zdeněk Kruliš, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Recycling of polymer materials
e-mail: krulis@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Schauer, CSc. (ÚMCH)
Membrane technologies for separation and environmental protection
e-mail: schauer@imc.cas.cz - Ing. Zdeněk Sobalík, CSc. (ÚFCH JH)
Removing pollutants from the gas phase
tel.: +420 266 083 646, e-mail: zdenek.sobalik@jh-inst.cas.cz - Ing. Michal Šyc, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
Energetic utilization of waste, off-gas cleaning
tel.: +420 220 390 261, e-mail: syc@icpf.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Vaněk, CSc. (ÚEB)
Phytoremediation, waste water treatment
tel.: +420 225 106 832, vanek@ueb.cas.cz - Ing. Václav Veselý, CSc. (ÚCHP)
Energetic utilization of waste
tel.: +420 220 390 346, e-mail: vesely@icpf.cas.cz
- Ing. Václav Gruber, CSc. (ÚCHP)
- Alternative Energy Sources
- Ing. Olga Bičáková, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
Pyrolysis and gasification of organic materials
tel.: +420 266 009 251, e-mail: bicakova@irsm.cas.cz - RNDr. Antonín Fejfar, CSc. (FZÚ)
Optical and optoelectronic properties of materials, photovoltaics
tel.: +420 220 318 501, e-mail: fejfar@fzu.cz - Mgr. David Hanslian, Ph.D. (ÚFA)
Wind energy
Tel.: +420 272 016 014, e-mail: hanslian@ufa.cas.cz - Ing. Michal Pohořelý, Ph.D. (ÚCHP)
Gasification and pyrolysis
tel.: +420 220 390 393, e-mail: pohorely@icpf.cas.cz - doc. RNDr. Pavel Straka, DrSc. (ÚSMH)
Thermal treatment of organic wastes
tel.: +420 266 009 402, e-mail: straka@irsm.cas.cz
- Ing. Olga Bičáková, Ph.D. (ÚSMH)
- Natural hazards
- doc. RNDr. Karel Kirchner, CSc. (ÚGN)
Slope processes, landslides, geomorphological mapping
tel.: +420 545 422 730, e-mail: karel.kirchner@ugn.cas.cz - Mgr. Pavel Roštínský, Ph.D. (ÚGN)
Slope processes, tectonic geomorphology
tel.: +420 545 422 726, e-mail: pavel.rostinsky@ugn.cas.cz - Ing. Miroslav Tesař, CSc. (ÚH)
Experimental hydrology,monitoring networks, flash floods, early warning systems
tel.: + 420 721 881 733, e-mail: miroslav.tesar@iol.cz
- doc. RNDr. Karel Kirchner, CSc. (ÚGN)
- Ecology
- Archaeology, Ethnology, Anthropology
- Mgr. Gabriela Blažková, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology, material culture, ceramics, Prague Castle excavations
tel.: +420 224 373 350, e-mail: blazkova@arup.cas.cz - PhDr. Ivana Boháčová, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Early Middle Ages, hillforts, excavations in town centres
tel.: +420 257 014 350, e-mail: bohacova@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Luděk Brož, MPhil., Ph.D. (EÚ)
Anthropology of suicide and critical suicide studies, Altai Republic, Siberia, hunting practices, wild boars, multispecies ethnography
tel.: +420 222 828 607, e-mail: broz@eu.cas.cz - Mgr. Helena Březinová, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Textiles in archaeology, Medieval Period
tel.: +420 266 009 450, e-mail: brezinova@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Martina Čechová, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Byzantology, Byzantine archaeology
tel.: +420 224 800 261, e-mail: cechova@slu.cas.cz - Mgr. David Daněček (ARÚ)
Methods of archaeological field prospection
tel.: +420 728 931 857, e-mail: danecek@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Alžběta Danielisová, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Landscape archaeology, environmental archaeology, palaeoclimate reconstructions, demography, radiocarbon dating, Early Iron Age
tel.: +420 257 014 407, e-mail: danielisova@arup.cas.cz - PhDr. Miroslav Dobeš, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Eneolithic Period (Copper Age)
tel.: +420 257 014 374, e-mail: dobes@arup.cas.cz - PhDr. Jiří Doležel (ARÚB)
High and Late Middle Ages settlements, mining archaeology
tel.: +420 541 514 116, e-mail: dolezel@arub.cz - PhDr. Dagmar Dreslerová, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Landscape archaeology, palaeoclimate reconstructions, demography, Early Iron Age
tel.: 257 014 354, e-mail: dreslerova@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Viktor Černý, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Human evolution, archaeogenetics, dietary aspects of ancient populations and their impact on human genetic profile
tel.: +420 257 014 304, e-mail: cerny@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Michal Ernée, Ph.D., DSc. (ARÚ)
Early Bronze Age in Europe
tel.: +420 257 014 346, e-mail: ernee@arup.cas.cz - Martin Fotta, Ph.D. (EÚ)
Romanies, Brazil, economics anthropology, diaspora studies
tel.: +420 222 828 607, e-mail: fotta@eu.cas.cz - PhDr. Jan Frolík, CSc. (ARÚ)
Prague Castle, town centres, methodology of excavations and their documentation
tel.: +420 224 373 271, e-mail: frolik@arup.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Martin Gojda, CSc., DSc. (ARÚ)
aerial archaeology, LiDAR
tel.: 257 014 409, e-mail: gojda@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Jana Gryc ()
Archaeology of the Early and High Middle Ages
e-mail: janaslowioczek@seznam.cz - Mgr. Jan Hasil, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Early Medieval arcaeology, archaeology of modernity and industrial archaeology
tel.: 257 014 379, e-mail: hasil@arup.cas.cz - RNDr. Iva Herichová, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Geology in archaeology, reconstruction of georelief, Prague Castle excavations
tel.: 224 373 350, e-mail: herichová@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Filip Herza, Ph.D. (EÚ)
historical anthropology, post/colonial history of Central and Eastern Europe, history of popular culture, disability history, history of science and knowledge
tel.: +420 222 828 602, e-mail: herza@eu.cas.cz - Mgr. Marek Hladík, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
Archaeology of early medieval centres, settlement and landscape archaeology, computer support in archaeology
tel.: +420 518 121 423, e-mail: hladik@arub.cz - PhDr. Markéta Holubová, Ph.D. (EÚ)
ethnology, folk spiritual culture, pilgrimage, broadside balladas, Jesuit order
tel.: +420 222 828 603, e-mail: holubova@eu.cas.cz - Ing. Jiří Hošek, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Archaeometallurgy, analyses of metals, metalography
tel.: +420 266 009 391, e-mail: hosek@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Miloslav Chytráček, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Archaeology of Iron age, settlement archaeology, archaeology of elits, burial mounds
tel.: 257 014 345, e-mail: chytracek@arup.cas.cz - RNDr. Petr Jehlička, Ph.D. (EÚ)
Informal food economies, sustainable consumption, everyday enviromentalism, geopolitics of knowledge production
tel.: +420 222 828 601, e-mail: jehlicka@eu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Luboš Jiráň, CSc. (ARÚ)
Young and late Bronze Age, archaeometallurgy of copper and bronze alloys, settlement archaeology
tel.: +420 257 014 331, e-mail: jiran@arup.cas.cz - Paul Keil, Ph.D. (EÚ)
More-than-human anthropology, environmental humanities, working animals, recreational hunting, human-wildlife, elephants, northeast India, pigs, Australia
tel.: +420 606 460 339, e-mail: keil@eu.cas.cz - Mgr. Balázs Komoróczy, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
Archaeology of the Roman period, Roman barbarian archaeology, archaeological prospecting
tel.: +420 519 517 107, +420 519 911 124, e-mail: komoroczy@arub.cz - Mgr. Markéta Končelová, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Neolithic, field archaeology
tel.: 327 511 731, e-mail: koncelova@arup.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc. (ARÚB)
Archaeology of the Early and High Middle Ages, medieval fortifications, medieval material culture, militaria
tel.: +420 515 911 181, e-mail: kouril@arub.cz - Mgr. Radka Kozáková, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Palynology, landscape reconstruction in archaeology
tel.: 257 014 309, e-mail:kozakova@arup.cas.cz - Matěj Kratochvíl, Ph.D. (EÚ)
Ethnomusicology, European folk music, history of sound recording, 20th century music
tel.: +420 222 828 508, e-mail: kratochvil@eu.cas.cz - Mgr. et Mgr. Jana Krčmářová, Ph.D. (EÚ)
Ecological anthropology, agroforestry, traditional agriculture and ecological knowledge
tel.: +420 222 828 604, e-mail: jana.krcmarova@yahoo.com - RNDr. Roman Křivánek (ARÚ)
Geophysics, field prospection, heritage care, historic cartography
tel.: +420 257 014 333, e-mail: krivanek@arup.cas.cz - PhDr. Martin Kuna, CSc., DSc. (ARÚ)
Archaeological theory and method, information systems in archaeology, settlement and landscape archaeology, archives and databases, Bronze Age
tel.: +420 257 014 387, e-mail: kuna@arup.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Petr Květina, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Neolithic period, ethnoarchaeology, 3D reconstructions
tel.: +420 257 014 363, e-mail: kvetina@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. René Kyselý, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
tel.: +420 257 014 307, 257 014 303, e-mail: kysely@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Michaela Látková, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
Paleoethnobotany, natural environment, archaeology of the Early Middle Ages
tel.: +420 518 121 429, e-mail: latkova@arub.cz - Mgr. Petr Limburský, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Early Bronze Age, radicarbon dating, burial archaeology
tel.: +420 257 014 365, e-mail: limbursky@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Zuzana Loskotová, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
Archaeology of the Roman period and the Migration period, Roman barbarian archaeology, archaeological prospecting
tel.: +420 515 911 137, e-mail: loskotova@arub.cz - Mgr. Drahomíra Malyková, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Methods of archaeological field research, human skeletal remains in archaeological situations
tel.: +420 737 977 798, e-mail: malykova@arup.cas.cz - PhDr. Přemysl Mácha, Ph.D. (EÚ)
cultural landscape, environmental history, ethnicity, cultural heritage, toponomastics
tel.: +420 737 314 312, e-mail: macha@eu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jan Mařík, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Issues of heritage legislation, Early Medieval Period, hillforts (Libice), settlement and burial archaeology
tel.: +420 257 014 329, e-mail: marik@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Jana Maříková-Kubková, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Late Classical and Early Medieval sacral architecture
tel.: +420 224 373 350, e-mail: marikova@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Marian Mazuch, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
Archaeology of early medieval centres, settlement and landscape archaeology
tel.: +420 518 121 422, e-mail: mazuch@arub.cz - Mgr. Jana Nosková, Ph.D. (EÚ)
oral history, biographical method, collective memory, Germans in/from the Czech Republic
tel.: +420 532 290 265, e-mail: jana.noskova@iach.cz - Mgr. David Novák, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Information systems in archaeology, GIS, archives and databases, archaeology of medieval castles and manors
tel.: 257 014 379, e-mail: novak@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Novák, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
European and world Palaeolithic, Palaeolithic settlement structure
tel.: +420 519 517 637, e-mail: novak@arub.cz - RNDr. Miriam Nývltová-Fišáková, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
Paleontology, zooarcheology, paleoecology
tel.: +420 515 911 118, e-mail: nyvltova@arub.cz - PhDr. Jaroslav Otčenášek, Ph.D. (EÚ)
folklore and narativity, traditional and modern legends, folk tales, Balkan studies
tel.: +420 234 612 611, e-mail: jotcenasek@yahoo.com - Mgr. Kateřina Papáková, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
Archaeology of Neolithic and Eneolithic, settlement and Landscape archaeology
tel.: +420 553 821 602, e-mail: papakova@arub.cz - Mgr. Michal Pavlásek, Ph.D. (EÚ)
forced migration, collective memory, Czechs abroad, Immigrants
tel.: +420 532 290 272, e-mail: m.pavlasek@gmail.com - PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc. (ARÚB)
Archaeology of the Early Middle Ages and early medieval centres, river archaeology, paleoecology
tel.: +420 518 121 420, 515 911 102, e-mail: polacek@arub.cz - PhDr. Rudolf Procházka, CSc. (ARÚB)
Archaeology of early medieval centers, medieval towns, fortifications and sacral architecture, medieval material culture
tel.: +420 515 911 134 , e-mail: prochazka@arub.cz - PhDr. Naďa Profantová, CSc. (ARÚ)
Early Medieval Period, social elite and its archaeology, nomadic tribes (the Avars)
tel.: +420 257 014 317, e-mail: profantova@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Jaroslav Řídký, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Neolithic Period, ritual architecture – rondels, polished stone industry, central Anatolia in Neolithic Period
tel.: +420 257 014 343, e-mail: ridky@arup.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Vladimír Salač, CSc. (ARÚ)
Iron Age, Roman Period, settlement archaeology, ceramics
tel.: +420 257 014 356, e-mail: salac@arup.cas.cz - dr. Jakub Sawicki (ARÚ)
Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology, material culture
tel.: 257 014 323, e-mail: sawicki@arup.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Sandra Sázelová, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
European and world Palaeoanthropology, ethnoarcheaology and archaeozoology
tel.: +420 519 517 637, e-mail: sazelova@arub.cz - Mgr. Zita Skořepová, Ph.D. (EÚ)
Music anthropology, urban ethnomusicology, music of minorities and migrant communities
tel.: +420 222 828 506, e-mail: skorepova@eu.cas.cz - Daniel Sosna, Ph.D. (EÚ)
Discard, garbology, waste
tel.: +420 222 828 609, e-mail: sosna@eu.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Daniela Stavělová, CSc. (EÚ)
Ethnochoreology, dance anthropology, folklore revival, music and dance festivities, intangible culture heritage
tel.: +420 222 828 507, e-mail: stavelova@eu.cas.cz - RNDr. Barbora Strouhalová, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
tel.: 257 014 315, e-mail: struhalova@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Michal Šípoš, Ph.D. (EÚ)
Anthropology of violence, refugee studies, political anthropology, research methods and ethic in atropology
tel.: +420 222 828 607, e-mail: Michal.Sipos@gmail.com - Mgr. Eva Šipöczová, Ph.D. (EÚ)
contemporary folklore, humor studies, memory and narative culture
tel.: +420 532 290 267, e-mail: esipoczova@gmail.com - Ing. Petr Škrdla, Ph.D., DSc. (ARÚB)
European and world Palaeolithic, Early Upper Paleolithic, prospecting of Paleolithic settlements
tel.: +420 515 911 132, skrdla@arub.cz - PhDr. Kateřina Tomková (ARÚ)
Early Medieval Period, hillfort Levý Hradec, Prague Castle
tel.: +420 224 373 350, e-mail: tomkova@arup.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc. (EÚ)
Migrations, Czechs abroad, Roma minority, urban anthropology, anthropology of Europe, nationalism
tel.: +420 222 828 504, e-mail: uherek@eu.cas.cz; zdenek.uherek@fsv.cuni.cz - Mgr. Jiří Unger (ARÚ)
Archaeological documentation, aerial archaeology (drons), virtual reconstruction in archaeology
tel.: 257 014 362, e-mail:unger@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Šimon Ungerman, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
Archaeology of the Early Ages, early medieval material culture, jewel
tel.: +420 515 911 128, e-mail: ungerman@arub.cz - Mgr. Ladislav Varadzin, Ph.D., (ARÚ)
Early Medieval Period, ceramic technology, hillforts, Vyšehrad Castle
tel.: +420 257 014 316, e-mail: varadzin@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Filip Velímský, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
Medieval archaeology, archaeology of mines, Kutná Hora
tel.: 327 511 731, e-mail: velimsky@arup.cas.cz - PhDr. Natalie Venclová, DrSc. (ARÚ)
Iron Age, specialisation in prehistory, settlement archaeology, spatial archaeology, prehistoric glass
tel.: +420 257 014 342, e-mail: venclova@arup.cas.cz - Mgr. Marek Vlach, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
Archaeology of the Roman period, Roman barbarian archaeology, archaeological prospecting
tel.: +420 515 911 124, e-mail: vlach@arub.cz - PhDr. Radka Šumberová (ARÚ)
Bronze Age, prehistoric-ceramic specialist, settlement archaeology
tel.: +420 327 511 730, e-mail: sumberova@arup.cas.cz - PhDr. Lucie Uhlíková, Ph.D. (EÚ)
Ethnomusicology, folkloristisc, ethnocultural traditions, ethnic stereotypes in the folk culture
tel.: +420 532 290 273, e-mail: uhlikova@seznam.cz - PhDr. Zdeněk Vejvoda, Ph.D. (EÚ)
Ethnomusicology, ethnochoreology, structural analysis of the Czech folk music, historical sources of folk music, folklor revival
tel.: +420 222 828 506, e-mail: vejvoda@eu.cas.cz - PhDr. Jiří Woitsch, Ph.D. (EÚ)
traditional agriculture, environmental history, history of forests and forestry, vernacular architecture, folk crafts, landscape anthropology, history of ethnology
tel.: +420 222 828 503, e-mail: jiri.woitsch@post.cz - Mgr. Petr Žákovský, Ph.D. (ARÚB)
Military in material culture of the Middle Ages, material culture of aristocratic residences
tel.: +420 515 911 166, e-mail: zakovsky@arub.cz
- Mgr. Gabriela Blažková, Ph.D. (ARÚ)
- Economics
- doc. Stanislav Anatolyev, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Econometrics (method of moments, non-standard asymptotic methods and time series modeling)
tel.: + 420 224 005 229, e-mail: stanislav.anatolyev@cerge-ei.cz - Matěj Bajgar, DPhil. (NHÚ)
international economics, indrustrial organization, innovation economics
tel.: +420 224 005 172, e-mail: matej.bajgar@cerge-ei.cz - prof. PhDr. Michal Bauer, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Development microeconomics, experimental economics, behavioral economics
tel.: +420 224 005 130, e-mail: michal.bauer@cerge-ei.cz - Alena Bičáková, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Labor economics, consumer credit, household portfolios, applied microeconomics
tel.: +420 224 005 200, e-mail: alena.bicakova@cerge-ei.cz - Radim Boháček, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
General equilibrium models with heterogeneous agents, optimal fiscal and monetary government policies, dynamic macroeconomic theory
tel.: +420 224 005 194, e-mail: radim.bohacek@cerge-ei.cz - Miroslava Federičová, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
economics of education, applied microeconomics, econometrics
tel.: +420 224 005 198, e-mail: miroslava.federicova@cerge-ei.cz - Alexander P. Hansak, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Macroeconomics, computational economics, heterogeneous agent macroeconomics, wealth inequality
tel.: +420 224 005 241, e-mail: alexander.hansak@cerge-ei.cz - Anna Houštecká, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Labor economics, health economics, applied econometrics, macroeconomics
tel.: +420 224 005 136, e-mail: anna.houstecka@cerge-ei.cz - doc. PhDr. Julie Chytilová, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Behavioral economics, experimental economics, development economics
tel.: +420-224 005 149, e-mail: julie.chytilova@cerge-ei.cz - Byeongju Jeong, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Macroeconomics, applied theory, growth and development, international economics
tel.: +420 224 005 233, e-mail: byeongju.jeong@cerge-ei.cz - Ole Jann, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Economic theory, information economics, financial markets, evolutionary economics
tel.: +420 224 005 156, e‐mail: ole.jann@cerge‐ei.cz - prof. Ing. Štěpán Jurajda, Ph.D., DSc. (NHÚ)
Applied microeconomics, econometrics, labour economics, economics of transition
tel.: +420 224 005 139, e-mail: stepan.jurajda@cerge-ei.cz - Klára Kalíšková, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
labor economics, applied microeconomics, policy evaluation
tel.: +420 224 005 227, e-mail: klara.kaliskova@cerge-ei.cz - doc. Marek Kapička, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Macroeconomics, public finance, economic theory, contract theory
tel.: +420 224 005 238, e-mail: marek.kapicka@cerge-ei.cz - prof. Ing. Michal Kejak, M.A., CSc. (NHÚ)
Macroeconomic theory, monetary models, growth and business cycle models, heterogeneous agent models, numerical methods in macroeconomics
tel.: +420 224 005 186, e-mail: michal.kejak@cerge-ei.cz - doc. Silvester van Koten, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Energy markets, regulation, economics experiments
tel.: +420 224 005 227, e‐mail: silvester.vankoten@cerge‐ei.cz - Jaromír Kovářík, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Social networks, (behavioural and evolutionary) game theory, experimental economics, social norms
e-mail: jaromir.kovarik@ehu.eus - Ing. René Levínský, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Game theory, behavioral economics and finance, political economy
tel.: +420 224 005 114, e‐mail: rene.levinsky@cerge‐ei.cz - prof. RNDr. Filip Matějka, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Macroeconomics, information economics (mostly rational inattention), behavioral economics
tel.: +420 224 005 154, e-mail: filip.matejka@cerge-ei.cz - Luca Mazzone, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Macroeconomics, labor economics, household finance
tel.: +420 224 005 211, e-mail: luca.mazzone@cerge-ei.cz - doc. Nikolas Mittag, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Applied econometrics, microeconomics, public economics, program evaluation
tel.: +420 224 005 128, e-mail: nikolas.mittag@cerge-ei.cz - Konuray Mutluer, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Microeconomic theory, organizational economics, information economics
tel.: +420 224 005 325, e-mail: konuray.mutluer@cerge-ei.cz - doc. Ing. Daniel Münich, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Labor economics (empirical issues of unemployment, labor supply and policies, human capital, welfare schemes), economics of education and schooling (public vs. private schools, quality of education, efficiency and equity, selectivity), bibliometric analysis
tel.: +420 224 005 175, e-mail: daniel.munich@cerge-ei.cz - Christian Ochsner, Dr.rer.pol. (NHÚ)
(quantitative) economic history, political economy, economic geography, cultural economics
tel.: +420 224 005 173, e‐mail: christian.ochsner@cerge‐ei.cz - Sebastian Ottinger, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Political economy, economic history, urban economics
tel.: +420 224 005 191, e-mail: sebastian.ottinger@cerge-ei.cz - Filip Pertold, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Applied microeconometrics, public economics, labour and health economics
tel.: +420 224 005 113, e-mail: filip.pertold@cerge-ei.cz - doc. Ing. Mariola Pytliková, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Labor economics, international migration, ethnic diversity, gender, wages and inequality
tel.: +420 224 005 191, e-mail: mariola.pytlikova@cerge-ei.cz - Mgr. Ing. Vilém Semerák, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
International trade, economics of transition, development economics (with a special focus on China and SE Asia)
tel.: +420 224 005 199, e-mail: vilem.semerak@cerge-ei.cz - Clara Sievert, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Development economics, political economy, health economics
tel.: +420 224 005 191, e-mail: clara.sievert@cerge-ei.cz - Ctirad Slavík, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Macroeconomics, public finance, financial economics
tel.: +420 224 005 121, e‐mail: ctirad.slavik@cerge‐ei.cz - doc. Sergey Slobodyan, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Bayesian estimation of DSGE models, adaptive learning, dynamics of growth models, micro-simulations of markets
tel.: +420 224 005 230, e-mail: sergey.slobodyan@cerge-ei.cz - Ing. Martin Srholec, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Economics of innovation, economic geography and development studies
tel.: +420 224 005 155, e-mail: martin.srholec@cerge-ei.cz - doc. Mgr. Jakub Steiner, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Game theory and economic theory
tel.: +420 224 005 182, e-mail: jakub.steiner@cerge-ei.cz - Yiman Sun, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Microeconomic theory, game theory, political economy, industrial organization
tel.: +420 224 005 149, e-mail: yiman.sun@cerge-ei.cz - prof. Jan Švejnar, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Transformation economics, enterprise performance, labour market analysis
e-mail: jan.svejnar@cerge-ei.cz - Paolo Zacchia, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Productivity and Innovation, Networks, Economic Geography, Applied Econometrics
Tel.: +420 224 005 174, e‐mail: paolo.zacchia@cerge‐ei.cz - doc. PhDr. Jan Zápal, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
Political economics, behavioural political economics, economic theory, dynamic bargaining models
Tel.: +420 224 005 107, e-mail: jan.zapal@cerge-ei.cz - doc. Krešimir Žigić, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
International trade, industrial organization, applied microeconomics
tel.: +420 224 005 245, e-mail: kresimir.zigic@cerge-ei.cz
- doc. Stanislav Anatolyev, Ph.D. (NHÚ)
- Philosophy
- Mgr. Pavel Arazim (FLÚ)
Analytic philosophy, philosophy of logic
tel.: +420 221 183 354, e-mail: arazim@flu.cas.cz - Teresa R. Baron (FLÚ)
reproductive ethics (including therapeutic and non-therapeutic reproductive research), maternity/obstetrics, medical ethics broadly construed, and feminist ethics
e-mail: teresa.rachel.baron@gmail.com - prof. PhDr. Miloslav Bednář, CSc. (FLÚ)
Masaryk; ideology and politics in Czech as well as international context; Patočka and H. Arendt,phenomenological ontology, philosophy of history, Czech state idea, European Union
tel.: +420 221 183 353, e-mail: bednar@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Jiří Beneš (FLÚ)
Work of J. A. Comenius; educational history in the early modern era
tel.: +420 221 183 565, e-mail: benes@ics.cas.cz - Mgr. Jan Bierhanzl, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Contemporary French philosophy, Levinas, ethics and political philosophy, aesthetics
tel.: +420 221 183 358, e-mail: bierhanzl@flu.cas.cz - Pavel Blažek, Dr. Phil. (FLÚ)
Practical philosophy in middle ages, history of marriage
tel.: +420 221183572, e-mail: blazek@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Kryštof Boháček, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Ancient philosophy, rhetorics, the sophists, Aristotle, Plato
tel.: +420 734 378 247, e-mail: bohacek@flu.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Jan A. Dus, Th.D. (FLÚ)
Early Christian literature
tel.: +420 221 988 413, e-mail: jadus@etf.cuni.cz - Geoffrey Dierckxsens, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Bioethics, Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, Ricoeur, Continental Philosophy
tel.: 735 124 080, e-mail: dierckxsens@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Petr Dvořák, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
philosophy of 16th and 17th centuries, second scholasticism, pre-Fregean history of logic, analytic philosophy of religion
tel.: +420 221183574, e-mail: peter.dvorak@flu.cas.cz - RNDr. Adolf Filáček, CSc. (FLÚ)
research politics EU in humanities and social sciences
tel.: +420 221 183 347, e-mail: filacek@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jan Frei, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of Jan Patočka; archive and edition of the work of Jan Patočka
tel.: +420 221 183 539, e-mail: frei@cts.cuni.cz - doc. Mgr. Josef Fulka, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
philosophy of the 18th and 20th centuries, literary theory, psychoanalysis, linguistics of sign languages
tel.: +420 221 183 358, e-mail: fulka@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Petr Glombíček, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of the 17th and 18th centuries; analytic philosophy (esp. Wittgenstein)
tel.: +420 221 183 580, e-mail: glomb@flu.cas.cz - Joseph Grim Feinberg, M.A., Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Czech Marxist Humanism, Dissident Thought, Analysis of Soviet Type Societies, Political and Social Philosophy
tel.: +420 790 887 565, e-mail: feinberg@flu.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Michael Hauser, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Critical theory (Frankfurt school), Neo-Marxism, populism, political and social philosophy
tel.: +420 234 612 318, e-mail: hauser@flu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Vladimír Havlík, CSc. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of science
tel.: +420 221 183 328, e-mail: havlik@flu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Marek Hrubec, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
social and political philosophy, Critical theory, global studies
tel.: +420 221 183 349, e-mail: hrubec@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Juraj Hvorecký, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of mind; cognitive science
tel.: +420 221 183 242, e-mail: hvorecky@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Tomáš Hříbek, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of mind and consciousness; ethics (esp. bioethics and new technologies ethics), aesthetics, philosophy of art, ateism
tel.: +420 221 183 328, e-mail: hribek@flu.cs.cz - Ing. PhDr. Jiří Chotaš, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of the 17th and 18th centuries (esp. Hobbes and Kant); political philosophy
tel.: +420 221 183 334, e-mail: jchotas@flu.cas.cz - Ing. Ivan Chvatík, Dr.h.c. (FLÚ)
Phenomenology; archive and edition of the work of Jan Patočka
tel.: +420 221 183 531, e-mail: chvatik@cts.cuni.cz - Mgr. Hynek Janoušek, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Husserl, Brentano and his school, philosophy of mind, Hume, Kant
tel.: +420 221 813 326, e-mail: janousek@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Petr Kitzler, Ph.D., (FLÚ)
Classical philology, Early Christian literature, Latin patristics and hagiography
tel.: +420 234 612 304, e-mail: kitzler@ics.cas.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Koblížek, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of art, philosophy of literature, literary theory
tel.: +420 221 183 242, e-mail: koblizek@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Petr Kouba, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of medicine, philosofical reflection on psychology and psychiatry, phenomenology, social criticism and minority status
tel.: +420 221 183 318, e-mail: kouba@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Alice Koubová, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
current ethical theories, philosophy and art, public space and public institutions, applied philosophy
tel.: +420 221 183 326, e-mail: koubova@flu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Petr Koťátko, CSc. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of language; theory of fiction
tel.: +420 221 183 242, e-mail: kotatko@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jan Kuneš, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
German idealism (esp. Kant) and its reflection in contemporary philosophy (Dieter Henrich)
tel.: +420 221 183 334, e-mail: kunes@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. et Mgr. Petr Kužel, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Czech and French Philosophy of the 2nd half of 20th century, Political Philosophy, Marxism and Post-Marxism, Louis Althusser, Egon Bondy
tel.: +420 739 048 055, e-mail: kuzel @flu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Ladislav Kvasz, Dr. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of science; theory of understanding
tel.: +420 221 183 242, e-mail: kvasz@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Ivan Landa, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Czech Philosophy, Political and Social Philosophy, History of Marxism, German Idealism
tel.: +420 221 183312, e-mail: landa@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Ondřej Lánský, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Social Philosophy and Theory, elite and oligarchy, Postcolonial Thought, Czech Sociology of the 2nd half of 20th century
tel.: +420 607532776, e-mail: lansky@flu.cas - PhDr. Petr Machleidt, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Concepts and methods of assessing the impact of technology usage
tel.: +420 221 183 345, e-mail: machleidt@flu.cas.cz - RNDr. Ondřej Majer, CSc. (FLÚ)
Game theory, multi-valued logics, epistemic logics, logics of questions
tel.: +420 221 183 354, e-mail: majer@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Vladimír Mikeš, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Ancient philosophy
tel.: +420 221 183 574, e-mail: mikes@flu.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Martin Nitsche, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Phenomenology, philosophical topology, philosophy of art, ontology, philosophy of religious experience
tel.: +420 221 183 326, e-mail: nitsche@flu.cas.cz - doc. Karel Novotný, Ph.D., prom. fil., M.A., DSc. (FLÚ)
Phenomenology, Patočka, contemporary French and German philosophy, philosophical anthropology
tel.: +420 221 183 326, e-mail: novotnyk@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Václav Němec, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Ancient and medieval philosophy, political philosophy and philosophy of law
tel.: +420 221 183 330, e-mail: nemec@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Petr Pavlas, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
History of metaphors and metaphorology; history of the idea of perfect language, comeniology
tel.: +420 221 183 311, e-mail: pavlas@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Zuzana Parusniková, CSc. (FLÚ)
History of philosophy; theory of understanding
tel.: +420 221 183 353, e-mail: parusnikova@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Miroslav Pauza, CSc. (FLÚ)
Masaryk, Ehrenfels, Brentano and his school, Czech philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries
tel.: +420 221 183 313, e-mail: pauza@flu.cas.cz - prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Peregrin, CSc. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of logic, formal semantics, analytic philosophy
tel.: +420 221 183 321, e-mail: peregrin@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Vít Pokorný, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
philosophy of consciousness, cognitive and philosophical anthropology
tel.: +420 221 183 326, e-mail: pitvok@e-mail.cz - Mgr. Vít Punčochář, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Philosophical logic, logic of questions, non-classical logics
tel.: +420 221 183 354, email: puncochar@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Ritter, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Jan Patočka, phenomenology, critical theory, philosophy of media, antropology of media
tel.: +420 221 1833269, e-mail: ritter@flu.cas.cz - Robin Rollinger, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Brentano and his school, Austrian philosophy of the 19th century
tel.: +420 234 612 318, e-mail: robinrollinger@yahoo.com - Mgr. Jiří Růžička, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Philosophy of History, History of Ideas, Marxism, Neoliberalism
tel.: +420 221 183 593, ruzicka@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Věra Schifferová, CSc. (FLÚ)
Philosophical aspects of the work of J. A. Comenius; Comenius in the work of Jan Patočka
tel.: +420 221 183 340, e-mail: schifferova@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Ing. Jan Svoboda, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Czech Philosophy (Masaryk), Czechoslovak Posotivism, Structuralism and Phenomenology
tel.: +420 221 183 243, e-mail: svobodaj@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Vladimír Svoboda, CSc. (FLÚ)
Deontic logic, philosophy of logic
tel.: +420 221 183 321, e-mail: svoboda@flu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Karel Thein, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Ancient philosophy; philosophy of art
tel.: +420 221 183 242, e-mail: karel.thein@ff.cuni.cz - Mgr. Petr Urban, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Phenomenology, Husserl, feminist ethics, civil service ethics
tel.: +420 221 183 326, e-mail.: urban@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Marta Vlasáková, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
History of logic, Bernard Bolzano
tel.: +420 221 183 321, e-mail: marta.vlasakova@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Josef Zumr, CSc. (FLÚ)
Czech philosophy and esthetics of the 19th and 20th centuries; Herbart and his followers; structuralism; Czech Literature (Klíma, Hrabal)
tel.: +420 221 183 595, e-mail: zumr@flu.cas.cz
- Mgr. Pavel Arazim (FLÚ)
- History
- PhDr. Marie Bahenská, Ph.D. (MÚA)
History of the women's movement, women's associations and girls' schools in the Czech lands
tel.: +420 286 010 118, e-mail: bahenska@mua.cas.cz - PhDr. Lenka Blechová, Ph.D. (HÚ)
Classical Philology, editions of the medieval Latin sources, Jewish medieval history
tel.: +420 225 443 247, e-mail: blechova@hiu.cas.cz - Mgr. Kateřina Bobková-Valentová, Ph.D. (HÚ)
Church and religious history of 17th and 18th centuries, mainly history of Jesuit order
tel.: +420 225 443 236, e-mail: valentova@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Jaroslav Boubín, CSc. (HÚ)
Religious, social and political history of the Hussite era, Petr Chelčický
tel.: +420 225 443 246, e-mail: boubin@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Pavel Brodský, CSc. et DSc. (MÚA)
Codicology; history of book painting (illuminated manuscripts), particularly of Bohemian origin
tel.: +420 286 010 569, e-mail: brodsky@mua.cas.cz - Mgr. Pavlína Cermanová, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Apocalyptic and religious radicalism in the Middle Ages
tel.: +420 221 183 245, e-mail: Cermanova@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Pavel Cibulka, CSc. (HÚ)
Czech political, social and cultural history of the 19th century, specializing in Moravian history
tel.: +420 532 290 506, e-mail: cibulka@brno.avcr.cz - Mgr. Iveta Coufalová (FLÚ)
Early Modern age, popularization of history, history of public space
tel.: 221 183 245, e-mail: coufalova@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jaroslav Cuhra, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Christians and churches in Czechoslovak communist regime; resistance and judicial repressions in Czechoslovakia (1948–1989); communist party screenings and political purges in Czechoslovakia (1948-1989); politics of atheism in Czechoslovakia before 1989
tel.: +420 257 286 368, e-mail: cuhra@usd.cas.cz - Mgr. Kateřina Čapková, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Modern contemporary Jewish history of Central and Eastern Europe, Shoah and holocaust history; Czechoslovakia and immigration before WWII; inclusive history; minorities in contemporary history societies
tel.: +420 257 286 350, e-mail: capkova@usd.cas.cz - Mgr. Marie Černá, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
screenings and political purges in Czechoslovakia (1968-1989); Soviet army in Czechoslovakia (1968–1991)
tel.: +420 257 286 363, e-mail: cernamarie@gmail.com - PhDr. Mgr. Tomáš Černušák, Ph. D. (HÚ)
History of the papacy; church history of 16th and 17th centuries; history of church diplomacy
tel.: +420 532 290 507, e-mail: cernusak@brno.avcr.cz - PhDr. Jindřich Dejmek, DSc. (HÚ)
History of international relations in the 20th century, history of Czechoslovak foreign policy
tel.: +420 225 443 323, e-mail: dejmek@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Eva Doležalová, Ph.D. (HÚ)
History of Middle Ages, medieval Church history, coexistence of Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages, digital humanities
tel.: +420 601 170 478; 286 892 533, e-mail: dolezal@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Zdeněk Doskočil, Ph.D. (HÚ)
Czech and Slovak history after 1945 with a focus on the period of the liberalization of the Communist regime in the 1960s and rising normalization; Czech-Slovak relations
tel.: +420 225 443 235, e-mail: doskocil@hiu.cas.cz - prof. Mgr. Vratislav Doubek, Ph.D. (MÚA)
Politology, history of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century
tel.: +420 286 010 560, e-mail: vdoubek@post.cz - PhDr. Milan Drápala (ÚSD)
Czechoslovakia in the era of “Third Republic” (1945–1948), political and intellectual history, Czech political left in 20th Century (mainly Vítězslav Nezval)
tel.: 257 286 344, e-mail: drapala@usd.cas.cz - Mgr. Pavla Drápelová Gkantzios, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Byzantology (history, archeology, numismatics), Byzantine-Slavonic relations
tel.: 224 800 261, e-mail: drapelova@slu.cas.cz - PhDr. Dana Dvořáčková, Ph.D. (HÚ)
History of the medieval sovereign court, courtly culture, history of 13th century
tel.: +420 225 443 245, e-mail: dvorackova@hiu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Martin Franc, Ph.D. (MÚA)
History of the The Czech Academy of Sciences (Academy of Sciences predecessors until 1952, history of particular institutes at the Academy of Sciences, synthesis of CSAS history, prominent figures); lifestyle since 1945 and science policy in the 1950s and 1960s; history of nutrition
tel.: +420 286 010 123, e-mail: franc@mua.cas.cz - Mgr. Michal Frankl, Ph.D. (MÚA)
Refugees and refugee policy in East-Central Europe in 20th century, history of modern antisemitism, ethnic violence, the Holocaust
tel.: 286 010 556, e-mail: frankl@mua.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Jiří Friedl, Ph.D., DSc. (HÚ)
History of Poland and Czech- Polish relations in 20th century, Polish minority in Czechoslovakia, history of Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century
tel.: +420 532 290 509, e-mail: friedl@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Adéla Gjuričová, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Political and social history of late state socialism, post-communist transformation
tel.: +420 221 990 635, e-mail: gjuricova@usd.cas.cz - PhDr. Alena Hadravová, CSc. (ÚSD)
History of astronomy and sciences in Middle Ages and Early Modern era
tel.: +420 221 990 627, e-mail: hadravova@usd.cas.cz , had@sunstel.asu.cas.cz - PhDr. Dagmar Hájková, Ph.D. (MÚA)
Tomáš G. Masaryk and Edvard Beneš: life, work and commemoration; Masaryk's family and its individual members; Czech history in the first half of the 20th century
tel.: +420 286 010 585, e-mail: hajkova@mua.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Ladislav Hladký, CSc. (HÚ)
History of South Slavic and other Balkan nations, particularly in the 19th and 20th centuries; history Czech-South Slavic relations; the nationality issue in the area of Central and Southeast Europe; historiography of Balkan Studies
tel.: +420 532 290 503, e-mail: hladky@brno.avcr.cz - prof. PhDr. Milan Hlavačka, CSc. (HÚ)
Political, social, economic history of the Czech lands and Habsburg monarchy 1740–1918, history of transport, history of autonomy
tel.: +420 225 443 340, e-mail: hlavacka@hiu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Stanislav Holubec, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (HÚ)
Social history, historical memory, history of interwar Czechoslovakia, history of Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century, historical sociology
tel.: +420 225 443 321, e-mail: holubec@hiu.cas. - prof. PhDr. Martin Holý, Ph.D. (HÚ)
Cultural, intellectual and educational history of 16th and 17th centuries; history of early modern nobility
tel.: +420 225 443 252, e-mail: holy@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Marta Hradilová, Ph.D. (MÚA)
Cataloguing and study of manuscripts in the Czech Republic and bohemical manuscripts abroad
tel.: +420 286 010 572, e-mail: hradilova@mua.cas.cz - PhDr. Petr Hrachovec, Ph.D. (HÚ)
Religious history of 16th century; history of Lusatia; German reformation
tel.: +420 225 443 248, e-mail: hrachovec@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Jiří Hrbek, Ph.D. (HÚ)
Baroque and enlightened Habsburgs; history of political thinking; history of early modern nobility
tel.: +420 225 443 242, e-mail: hrbek@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Eva Irmanová, CSc. (HÚ)
History of Hungary in 19th and 20th century in the context of the Central Europe; Czech-Slovak- Hungarian relations
tel.: +420 225 443 323, e-mail: irmanova@hiu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jiří Janáč, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Society and nature environment in socialist Czechoslovakia; history of technics in 20th Century; “water management” and politics in historical perspective
tel.: 221 990 617, e-mail: janac@usd.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Martin Jemelka, Ph.D. (MÚA)
Modern economic and social history; urban history; labor and working-class history of the Czech lands; modern religious history; history of the Bata's Concern
tel.: 286 010 564, e-mail: jemelka@mua.cas.cz - PhDr. Milena Josefovičová, Ph.D. (MÚA)
History of German scholarship in the Czech lands during the 20th century, particularly the German Technical University in Prague
tel.: +420 286 010 115, e-mail: josefovi@mua.cas.cz - Mgr. Jiří Just, Th.D. (HÚ)
History of Czech Brethren; Bohemian nobility of 16th century; history of book printing
tel.: +420 225 443 248, e-mail: just@hiu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Jiří Kocian, CSc. (ÚSD)
Political system of post-WWII Czechoslovakia, political parties (1945–1948); history of KSČ
tel.: +420 257 286 348, kocian@usd.cas.cz - PhDr. Helena Kokešová, Ph.D. (MÚA)
T. G. Masaryk and E. Beneš archive fonds
tel.: +420 286 010 117, e-mail: kokesova@mua.cas.cz - Mgr. Daniela Kolenovská, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Czechoslovakia in international communist movement, Czechoslovak-Soviet and Czechoslovak-Sino relations, KSČ and “global South”
tel.: +420 257 286 350, e-mail: kolenovska@usd.cas.cz - PhDr. Michal Kopeček, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Politics of history and memory, national identities and patriotism in Central Europe, intellectual history, history of ideas/political thinking and ideologies, dissent in Central Europe before 1989 and post-dissent after 1989
tel.: +420 221 990 631, e-mail: kopecek@usd.cas.cz - PhDr. Antonín Kostlán, CSc. (ÚSD)
Repressions towards scientific community and scientific exile in Czech lands (1939-1945 and 1948-1989)
tel.: +420 221 990 622, kostlan@usd.cas.cz - Mgr. David Kovařík, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
History of Czech borderlands after 1945; modern migrations in Czech lands after 1945
tel.: +420 541 210 378, e-mail: kovarik@usd.cas.cz - Mgr. et Mgr. Lenka Krátká, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Hhistory of Czechoslovak ocean shipping; economic history of Czechoslovakia; oral history; Czech/Czechoslovak travelling and tourism history in 20th and 21st Century; art profession in Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic before and after 1989; corporate cultures histories after 1989
tel.: +420 257 286 362, e-mail: kratka@usd.cas.cz - Mgr. Jan Kremer (FLÚ)
History of monasteries, monastic reform movements of 11th –13th centuries
tel.: +420 221 183 245, e-mail: kremer@flu.cas.cz - doc. Dr. Phil. Rudolf Kučera, Ph.D. (MÚA)
Cultural and social aspects of Central European history, 1848-1948
tel.: +420 286 010 550, e-mail: kucera@mua.cas.cz - PhDr. Miroslav Kunštát, Ph.D. (MÚA)
History of the Germans and scientific and scholarly institutes in the Czech lands
tel.: +420 286 010 115, e-mail: kunstat@mua.cas.cz - PhDr. Jan Květina, Ph.D. (HÚ)
History of Poland in Early Modern Period; history of political thinking; republikanism
tel.: +420 225 443 244, e-mail: kvetina@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Vojtěch Kyncl, Ph.D. (HÚ)
Social history in the period of the national socialism, foreign relations in the Central Europe after WWII
tel.: +420 225 443 321, e-mail: kyncl@hiu.cas.cz - Mgr. Adéla Jůnová Macková, Ph.D. (MÚA)
History of orientalistic studies, history of traveling, Czechoslovak economic relations with the Orient 1918-1938
tel.: 286 010 111, e-mail: junovamackova@mua.cas.cz - PhDr. Jana Malínská, Ph.D. (MÚA)
History of the women's movement in the Czech lands; bibliography of T. G. Masaryk's texts and texts about Masaryk
tel.: +420 286 010 551, e-mail: malinska@mua.cas.cz - Mgr. et Mgr. Zdenko Maršálek, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Czechoslovak military (1918–1945), WWII military resistance; national and ethnical (self)identification in Czechoslovakia (1918–1950)
tel.: +420 257 286 373, e-mail: marsalek@usd.cas.cz - RNDr. Jiří Martínek, Ph.D. (HÚ)
Biographic lexical research, history of science and travelling, Biographical dictionary of the Czech lands
tel.: +420 225 443 234, e-mail: martinek@hiu.cas.cz - Mgr. Petra Melichar, PhD. (SLÚ)
Byzantine history
tel.: 224 800 261, e-mail: melichar@slu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Jiří Mikulec, CSc. (HÚ)
Church and religious history of Early Modern Period; baroque; re-catholization
tel.: +420 225 443 242, e-mail: mikulec@hiu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jiří Militký, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
tel.: +420 221 183 245, e-mail: militky@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Martin Musílek (FLÚ)
Medieval towns, history of the Hussite movement and of gentry in the Hussite revolution
tel.: +420 221 183 245, e-mail: musilek@flu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Pavel Mücke, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
History and memory (mainly issues of official commemorations and of personal memoirs); oral history; Czech/Czechoslovak travelling and tourism history in 20th and 21st Century; Czechoslovak exile and emigration in 20th Century (mainly military resistance); contemporary histories of security forces (army, policemen, firemen); image of foreigners in Czech society
tel.: +420 257 286 358, e-mail: mucke@usd.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Jan Němeček, DrSc. (HÚ)
History of the First republic, Czechoslovak Resistance home and abroad during WWII, history of the Czechoslovak Diplomacy
tel.: +420 286 892 530 or +420 225 443 250, e-mail: nemecek@hiu.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Nodl, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Social history, cultural history, history of historiography
tel.: +420 221 183 245, e-mail: nodl@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Helena Nosková, CSc. (ÚSD)
Modern and contemporary history of migrations, national minorities, Czecho-Slovak relations, modern and contemporary history of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
tel.: +420 257 286 349, noskova@usd.cas.cz - Mgr. Robert Novotný Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Social history of the Late Middle Ages, history of gentry and of the Hussite movement, historical semantics
tel.: +420 221 183 245, e-mail: novotny@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Doubravka Olšáková, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Environmental history; history of science, technics and technologies in 20th Century; Czecho-French relations in 19th and 20th Century
tel.: +420 221 990 621, olsakova@usd.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Pánek, DrSc. (HÚ)
Habsburg monarchy in Early Modern Period, nobility of 16th and early 17th centuries, historiography
tel.: +420 225 443 318, e-mail: panek@hiu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Jiří Pernes, Dr. (ÚSD)
Hhistory of Czech Lands in the fall of 19th and 20th Century; history of Czechoslovakia after 1945 (mainly communist elites), history of Czeshoslovak Exile (1945-1989)
tel.: +420 544 222 528, e-mail: pernes@usd.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Pjecha, M.A. (FLÚ/CMS)
Intelectual history of Hussite movement and of the Middle Ages
tel. 221 183 245, email: pjecha_martin@phd.ceu.edu - doc. PhDr. Magdalena Pokorná, CSc. (HÚ)
Czech cultural history of the 19th and 20 th century, the history of scientific institutions
tel.: +420 225 443 340, e-mail: pokorna@hiu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Svatava Raková, CSc. (HÚ)
History of British colonies in America, history of the USA in 18th and 19th century
tel.: +420 225 443 249, e-mail: rakova@hiu.cas.cz - Petr Roubal, M.A., MPhil., Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Legitimization strategies of communist regime in Czechoslovakia; modern political rituals; socialist sport and physical education; history of Sokol; “dealing with the communist past”; Czechoslovak Federal Assembly 1989–1992; Czech political right wing parties after 1989; contemporary history of Prague Capital
tel.: 221 990 632, e-mail: roubal@usd.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Jan Rychlík, DrSc. (MÚA)
Slovak history, relations between Czechs and Slovaks from the beginning of the 20th century to the break-up of the Czechoslovak Federation (1992)
tel.: +420 286 010 561, e-mail: rychlik@email.cz - Mgr. Helena Sadílková, M.A., Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Romani histories (after 1938 till present)
tel.: +420 257 286 350, e-mail: sadilkova@usd.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Eva Semotanová, DrSc. (HÚ)
Historical geography, urban history, historical cartography
tel.: +420 225 443 237, e-mail: semotanova@hiu.cas.cz - Mgr. Petra Schindler, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Oral history, leisure time in Czechoslovakia (1968-1989); individual and collective memory of communist functionaries and dissidents in Czechoslovakia (1968-1989); students of 1989 in longitudinal perspectives
tel.: +420 257 286 359, e-mail: schindler@usd.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Vít Smetana, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
History of international relations and diplomacy during WWII and Cold War, Czechoslovakia and Great Powers 1938-1948, British foreign policy in 20th Century and British-Czechoslovak relationships
tel.: +420 257 286 374, +420 724 348 930, e-mail: smetana@usd.cas.cz - Mgr. Pavel Soukup, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Spiritual history of the Late Middle Ages, medieval heresies and their combating
tel.: +420 221 183 245, e-mail: soukup@flu.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Matěj Spurný, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Nationalism, ethnic minorities and forces migrations in Central Europe during 20th Century; society, ideology and state socialism legitimization in Czechoslovakia (1945–1960); changes of modernity, technocracy and expertization after 1945; urbanism and architecture conservation; environmental history in the late socialism era
tel.: 221 990 633, e-mail: spurny@usd.cs.cz - Mgr. Milan Sovilj, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Czechoslovak-Yugoslav relationships after 1938, history of Yugoslavia during and after WWII tel.: +420 257 286 374, sovilj@usd.cas.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Sterneck, Ph.D. (HÚ)
Urban history; history of lower nobility in Bohemia; edition of sources (theory and practice)
tel.: +420 387 775 070, e-mail: sterneck@volny.cz - PhDr. Jiří Suk, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Prague Spring of 1968 and Velvet Revolution of 1989; Václav Havel
tel.: +420 257 286 368, suk@usd.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Šebek, Ph.D. (HÚ)
History of the Czech lands of the 20th century in the European context; political, social, church and intellectual history and the problem of Czech-German relations in the Modern Period
tel.: +420 225 443 321, e-mail: sebek@hiu.cas.cz - Mgr. Michal V. Šimůnek, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
History of genetics and eugenics, misusing of sciences and medicine, scientific policy during WWII
tel.: +420 219 906 122, simunek@usd.cas.cz - PhDr. Robert Šimůnek, Ph.D., DSc. (HÚ)
Nobility in the High and Late Middle Ages, historical topography, medieval urban history
tel.: +420 225 443 260, e-mail: simunek@hiu.cas.cz - František Šístek, M. A., Ph.D.
History of the Balkans (19th – 20th centuries); Czech-South Slavic and Central European-Balkan relations; cultural and intellectual history
tel.: +420 225 443 289, e-mail: sistek@hiu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. František Šmahel, DrSc. (FLÚ)
History of the Late Middle Ages, humanism, renaissance and reformation in Central Europe, history of medieval universities, medieval iconology and iconography, late medieval doctrines and mentalities
tel.: +420 221 183 245, e-mail: smahel@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Šorm (FLÚ/CMS)
Medieval literature, medievalism and medieval revival, history of public space
tel.: 221 183 245, Martin.Sorm.Martin@seznam.cz - PhDr. Josef Tomeš, Ph.D. (MÚA)
Theory and practice of encyclopedia compilation; Czech biographical encyclopedias
tel.: +420 286 010 552, e-mail: tomes@mua.cas.cz - PhDr. Oldřich Tůma, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Czech and Czechoslovak history after 1945, Central and East Central European history, Cold War history
tel.: +420 257 286 344, tuma@usd.cas.cz - prof. PaedDr. et Mgr. Miroslav Vaněk, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Values in Czech/Czechoslovak society after 1968; oral history; communist elites and dissent (1968-1989); ecology in Czechoslovakia before 1989; rock and alternative music history in Czechoslovakia; student generation of 1989
tel.: +420 257 286 362, vanek@usd.cas.cz - PhDr. Vladimír Vavřínek, CSc., Dr. h. c. (SLÚ)
Tel.: +420 224 800 261, e-mail: vavrinek@slu.cas.cz - PhDr. Luboš Velek, Ph.D. (MÚA)
Czech-German relations in the 19th and 20th centuries; Bohemian and Austrian parlamentarianism and its institutions
tel.: +420 286 010 112; e-mail: velek.lubos@volny.cz - PhDr. Lenka Veselá, Ph.D. (KNAV)
History of books, book printing and libraries historical bibliography
tel.: +420 221 403 251, e-mail: vesela@knav.cz - PhDr. Tomáš Vilímek, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
Resistance and anti-regime activities in Czechoslovakia (1969-1989), history of State Security; economic management in Czechoslovakia (1968-1989); relationship between Czechoslovakia and G.D.R.; “dealing with the past”
tel.: +420 257 286 363, vilimek@usd.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Radomír Vlček, CSc. (HÚ)
History of Central and Eastern Europe in the 18th – 20th centuries, particularly the history of the Russian empire, its nationalism and pan-Slavism; the history Slavic Studies and history of interslavic relations
tel.: +420 532 290 502, e-mail: vlcek@brno.avcr.cz - Mgr. Hana Vondráková Bortlová, Ph.D. (ÚSD)
History of international relations between Latin America (especially Cuba) and Czechoslovakia; history of firemen corps in Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic history of intellectual elites (mainly medicine and scientific professions)
tel.: +420 257 286 359, bortlova@usd.cas.cz - PhDr. Emil Voráček, DrSc. (HÚ)
History of Russia in the 20th century, its social and economic development, Russia in international relations, the political and economic mechanism of totalitarian dictatorship, Russian political thought; Czechoslovak-Soviet relations
tel.: +420 225 443 293, e-mail: voracek@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Jana Zachová, CSc. (FLÚ)
Edition of medieval diplomatic and literary sources, historical semantics
tel.: +420 221 183 245, e-mail: zachova@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Jan Zelenka, Ph.D. (HÚ)
History of the Early Middle Ages with a focus on the Central European area, feudal relations in Middle Ages, courtly culture
tel.: +420 225 443 246, e-mail: zelenka@hiu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Zlatica Zudová-Lešková, CSc. (HÚ)
Political history of Slovakia, the Czech-Slovak relations in the 20th century, Jewish resistance in the context of the Holocaust, Czechoslovak resistance and military history 1939-1945
tel.: +420 225 443 323, e-mail: zudova@hiu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Josef Žemlička, DrSc. (FLÚ, HÚ)
History of the Přemyslids era in the context of the European history, medieval urban history
tel.: +420 225 443 246, e-mail: zemlicka@hiu.cas.cz - Mgr. Václav Žůrek (FLÚ)
Cultural history of medieval Europe, rulers’ rituals
tel.: +420 221 183 245, e-mail: zurek@flu.cas.cz
- PhDr. Marie Bahenská, Ph.D. (MÚA)
- Information Systems and Historial and Economic Database
- Mgr. Iva Burešová (KNAV)
Open access, electronic information resources
tel.: +420 221 403 245, e-mail: buresova@knav.cz - Mgr. Zdeňka Chmelařová (KNAV)
Library systems, records of the results of research and development
tel.: +420 221 403 478, e-mail: chmelarova@knav.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Havelka, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Digitalization and electronical resources related to J. A. Comenius
tel.: +420 221 183 338, e-mail: havelka@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Ivana Laiblová Kadlecová (KNAV)
Bibliometry, scientometry, electronic information resources
tel.: +420 221 403 244, e-mail: kadlec@knav.cz - Mgr. Iva Lelková, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
International database and visualization of early modern scholarly correspondence, correspondence of J. A. Comenius and Athanasius Kircher
tel.: +420 221 183 311, e-mai: lelkova@flu.cas.cz - Ing. Martin Lhoták (KNAV)
Digitalization, digital libraries, library information systems
tel.: +420 224 240 262, e-mail: lhotak@knav.cz - PhDr. Marie Makariusová (HÚ)
Biographic lexical research, Biographical dictionary of the Czech lands
tel.: +420 286 882 121, linka 234, e-mail: makariusova@hiu.cas.cz - PhDr. Tomáš Pavela (NHÚ)
Bibliography and Citation Analysis in Economics
tel.: +420 224 005 120, e-mail: library@cerge-ei.cz - PhDr. Zuzana Rybářová (NHÚ)
Collection Management
tel.: +420 224 005 138, e-mail: library@cerge-ei.cz - David J. Šlosar (KNAV)
Bibliometrics, scientometrics
tel.: +420 221 403 388, e-mail: slosar@knav.cz - Mgr. Lucie Vasiljevová (NHÚ)
Economics Collections Acquisition
tel.: +420 224 005 122, e-mail: library@cerge-ei.cz
- Mgr. Iva Burešová (KNAV)
- Linguistics and Language Practice
- PhDr. Vojtěch Balík (FLÚ)
problems of Latin philosophical texts of the early modern age; the Editin of the J. A. Comenius's Opera Omnia
tel.: +420 221 183 314, e-mail: balik@flu.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Beneš, Ph.D. (ÚJČ)
Language cultivation, language consulting
tel.: 225 391 433, e-mail: benes@ujc.cas.cz - PhDr. Alena Černá, Ph.D. (ÚJČ)
History of Czech
tel.: +420 225 391 452, e-mail: alenacerna@ujc.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Jana Hoffmannová, DrSc. (ÚJČ)
Stylistics and spoken Czech
tel.: +420 225 391 438, e-mail: hoffmannova@ujc.cas.cz - PhDr. Martina Ireinová, Ph.D. (ÚJČ)
Dialects of the Czech national language
tel.: 532 290 292, ireinova@ujc.cas.cz - Mgr. Pavel Hons, Ph.D. (OÚ)
Tamil language and literature; Dalit literature; Indian society
tel.: +420 266 053 703, e-mail: hons@orient.cas.cz - PhDr. Helena Karlíková, CSc. (ÚJČ)
Czech etymology, development of Slavic lexis, Old Church Slavonic
tel.: +420 532 290 519, e-mail: karlikova@ujc.cas.cz - Mgr. Michaela Lišková (ÚJČ)
tel.: +420 225 391 410, e-mail: liskova@ujc.cas.cz - PhDr. Martin Prošek, Ph.D. (ÚJČ)
General information about Czech and Czech Language Institute
tel.: +420 225 391 403, e-mail: prosek@ujc.cas.cz - Mgr. Kamila Etchegoyen Rosolová, Ph.D. (ÚJČ)
Academic writing in English, teaching academic writing English
tel.: +420 225 403 935, e-mail: etchegoyen@langdpt.cas.cz - Mgr. Tamah Sherman, Ph.D. (ÚJČ)
Sociolinguistics, English in the CR, multilingualism in the CR, language communities in the CR
tel.: +420 225 391 401, e-mail: sherman@ujc.cas.cz - PhDr. Zuzana Silagiová (FLÚ)
Latin language of the Czech Medieval Ages; problems of Latin lexicography
tel.: +420 234 612 306, e-mail: silagiova@ics.cas.cz - Mgr. Marcela Slavíková, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Edition of Neo-Latin texts, critical edition of J. A. Comenii Opera Omnia; ancient Greek music
tel.: +420 221 183 311, e-mail: slavikova@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Martin Steiner (FLÚ)
Edition of early modern Latin texts; critical edition of the work of J. A. Comenius
tel.: +420 221 183 338, e-mail: msteiner@flu.cas.cz - PhDr. Jaroslav Strnad, Ph.D. (OÚ)
History of India; Indo-Aryan languages (Sanskrit and Hindi), Hindi lexicography
tel.: +420 266 053 704, e-mail: strnad@orient.cas.cz - Mgr. Hana Šedinová, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Medieval lexicography, ancient zoology
tel.: +420 234 612 325, e-mail: sedinova@ics.cas.cz - PhDr. Pavel Štěpán, Ph.D. (ÚJČ)
Proper names in Czech
tel.: 225 391 467, e-mail: stepan@ujc.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. František Štícha, CSc. (ÚJČ)
Grammer of Czech
tel.: +420 225 391 430, e-mail: sticha@ujc.cas.cz - PhDr. Hana Třísková (OÚ)
Phonetics and phonology of Mandarin Chinese
tel.:+420 266 052 412, e-mail: triskova@orient.cas.cz - PhDr. Vojtěch Veselý, Ph.D. (ÚJČ)
Grammar of Czech
tel.: 225 391 428, e-mail: vvesely@ujc.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Bohumil Vykypěl, Ph.D. (ÚJČ)
Generak linguistics, Slavic etymology
tel.: 532 290 512, e-mail: vykypel@ujc.cas.cz
- PhDr. Vojtěch Balík (FLÚ)
- Literary Science
- Mgr. Jakub Čechvala, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
ancient Greek tragedy
tel.: +420 234 612 330, e-mail: cechvala@ics.cas.cz - PhDr. Dalibor Dobiáš, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
19c Czech literature
tel.: 222 828 141, e-mail: dobias@ucl.cas.cz - Mgr. Jiří Flaišman, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
textology and editorial practice
tel.: 222 828 208, e-mail: flaisman@ucl.cas.cz - PhDr. Robert Kolár, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
tel.: 220 828 148, e-mail: kolar@ucl.cas.cz - Ing. Pavel Janáček, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
20c Czech popular literature
tel.: 222 828 114, e-mail: janacek@ucl.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Pavel Janoušek, CSc. (ÚČL)
20c Czech literature, contemporary literature
tel.: 222 828 151, e-mail: janousek@ucl.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Alice Jedličková, CSc. (ÚČL)
narrative theory and intermediality
tel.: 222 828 150, e-mail: jedlickova@ucl.cas.cz - Mgr. Pavel Kořínek, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
history of Czech comics
tel.: 222 828 144, e-mail: korinek@ucl.cas.cz - Mgr. Jan Matonoha, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
gender studies and literature
tel.: 222 828 146, e-mail: matonoha@ucl.cas.cz - Mgr. Vojtěch Malínek, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
bibliography, data sources
tel.: 222 828 132, e-mail: malinek@ucl.cas.cz - PhDr. Václav Petrbok, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
19c Czech and German literature in Bohemia
tel.: 222 828 141/205, e-mail: petrbok@ucl.cas.cz - PhDr. Michal Přibáň, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
Czech literature in 20c exil, literary scientific lexicography
tel.: 543 422 546, priban@ucl.cas.cz - PhDr. Ondřej Sládek, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
literary theory, history of Czech structuralism
tel.: 543 422 868, e-mail: sladek@ucl.cas.cz - Mgr. Daniel Soukup, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
old Czech literature
tel.: 543 422 536, e-mail: soukup@ucl.cas.cz - PhDr. Petr Šámal, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
20c Czech literary culture, censorship
tel.: 222 828 207, e-mail: samal@ucl.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Jiří Trávníček, M.A. (ÚČL)
research into readers and reading in the Czech
tel.: 543 422 537, e-mail: travnicek@ucl.cas.cz - Mgr. Marta Vaculínová, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Neo-Latin literature, history of scholarship
tel.: +420 234 612 322, e-mail: vaculinova@ics.cas.cz - Mag. Dr. Michael Wögerbauer (ÚČL)
18c and 19c book culture and literary censorship
tel.: 222 828 144, e-mail: woegerbauer@ucl.cas.cz
- Mgr. Jakub Čechvala, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
- Theatre Studies
- doc. PhDr. Zuzana Augustová, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
Czech, German and Austrian drama of the 20 the century
tel.: 222 828 204, e-mail: augustova@ucl.cas.cz - PhDr. Lenka Jungmannová, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
Czech drama of the second half of the 20th century, theory of drama and theatre
tel.: 222 828 146, e-mail: jungmannova@ucl.cas.cz - Mgr. Aleš Merenus, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
Czech drama and theatre of the 20th century
tel: 543 422 520, e-mail: merenus@ucl.cas.cz
- doc. PhDr. Zuzana Augustová, Ph.D. (ÚČL)
- Oriental Studies
- Dr. Sergio Alivernini (OÚ)
Mesopotamian History, Administration of Third Dynasty of Ur, Mesopotamian Mathematics
tel.: +420 266 052 483, e-mail: alivernini@orient.cas.cz - Mgr. Ondřej Beránek, Ph.D. (OÚ)
Modern and contemporary history of the Middle East; Political Islam
tel.: +420 266 052 488, e-mail: beranek@orient.cas.cz - Dr. Giulia Cabras (OÚ)
China's language policies
tel.: 266 052 582, e-mail: cabras@orient.cas.cz - Mgr. Táňa Dluhošová, Ph.D. (OÚ)
History, culture and postwar literature of Taiwan
tel.:+420 266 052 464, e-mail: dluhosova@orient.cas.cz - PhDr. Jan Filipský, CSc. (OÚ)
Politics of South Asia; Buddhism, history of Sri Lanka; Hindu mythology
e-mail: filipsky@orient.cas.cz - PhDr. Jiří Holba, Ph.D. (OÚ)
Buddhism; Buddhist philosophy
tel.: +420 266 052 484, e-mail: holba@ff.cuni.cz - Mgr. Pavel Hons, Ph.D. (OÚ)
Tamil language and literature; Dalit literature; Indian society
tel.: +420 266 053 703, e-mail: hons@orient.cas.cz - Mgr. Jakub Hrubý, Ph.D. (OÚ)
History of medieval China
tel.: +420 266 052 372, e-mail: hruby@orient.cas.cz - Dr. Jan Karlach (OÚ)
China's ethnic minorities policy, history of China
tel.: 266 052 582, e-mail: karlach@orient.cas.cz - Mgr. Ondřej Klimeš, Ph.D. (OÚ)
Politics and history of Xinjiang; politics and history of modern China
tel.: +420 266 052 315, e-mail: klimes@orient.cas.cz - PhDr. Vladimír Liščák, CSc. (OÚ)
History of religion in China; Silk road
tel.: +420 266 052 412, e-mail: vliscak@orient.cas.cz - Dr. James Madaio (OÚ)
Indian philosophical traditions, modern Hindu movements
tel.: +420 266 053 729, e-mail: madaio@orient.cas.cz - Mgr. Miroslav Melčák, Ph.D. (OÚ)
Social and urban history of medieval Islam
tel.: +420 266 052 210, e-mail: melcak@orient.cas.cz - PhDr. Bronislav Ostřanský, Ph.D. (OÚ)
Classical Islam; Islamic mysticism; cultures of Islamic countries, Islam in the Czech republic
tel.: +420 266 052 210, e-mail: ostransky@orient.cas.cz - PhDr. Tomáš Petrů, Ph.D. (OÚ)
Political history of South-east Asia; history of Indonesia; Indonesian language
e-mail: petru@orient.cas.cz - PhDr. Jiří Prosecký, CSc. (OÚ)
History and cultures of the ancient Near East; Akkadian literature
tel.: +420 266 053 709, e-mail: prosecky@orient.cas.cz - Jarmila Ptáčková, Dr. phil. (OÚ)
China's development policy in Tibetan areas, Sino-Tibetan relations
tel.: +420 266 052 464, e-mail: ptackova@orient.cas.cz - Dr. Giedre Šabasevičiute (OÚ)
Contemporary history of the Middle East, Islamism, Religious and liberal intellectuals in Turkey and Arab countries
tel.: +420 266 052 582, e-mail: saba@orient.cas.cz - Dr. Kevin L. Schwartz (OÚ)
History of Iran and the Persianate World (1500-1900)
tel.: +420 266 052 460, e-mail: schwartz@orient.cas.cz - PhDr. Jaroslav Strnad, Ph.D. (OÚ)
History of India; Indo-Aryan languages (Sanskrit and Hindi), Hindi lexicography
tel.: +420 266 053 704, e-mail: strnad@orient.cas.cz - Dr. Stefano Taglia (OÚ)
History of the late Ottoman Empire, nationalism and minorities in the Middle East
tel.: +420 266 052 460, e-mail: taglia@orient.cas.cz - Dr. Nobuko Toyosawa (OÚ)
Cultural and intellectual history of early modern and modern Japan
tel: +420 266 052 537, e-mail: toyosawa@orient.cas.cz - Dr. Hana Třísková (OÚ)
Phonetics and phonology of Mandarin, teaching Mandarin pronunciation
tel.: +420 266 052 412, e-mail: triskova@orient.cas.cz - Mgr. Gabriela Özel Volfová (OÚ)
Turkish foreign policy; Turkey-EU relations; women in Islam
tel.: +420 266 052 460, e-mail: ozelvolfova@orient.cas.cz - Oliver Weingarten, M.A., Ph.D. (OÚ)
Ancient Chinese language, literature, thought, and culture
e-mail: weingarten@orient.cas.cz - PhDr. Jan Zouplna, Ph.D. (OÚ)
Modern Jewish history; Israel; Sionism; Jewish political thought
tel.: +420 266 053 522, e-mail: zouplna@orient.cas.cz
- Dr. Sergio Alivernini (OÚ)
- Law
- JUDr. Jan Bárta, CSc. (ÚSP)
Constitutional law, administrative law, tax law
tel.: +420 221 990 725, e-mail: jan.barta@ilaw.cas.cz - doc. JUDr. František Cvrček, CSc. (ÚSP)
Theory of law, law informatics
tel.: +420 221 990 774, e-mail: frantisek.cvrcek@ilaw.cas.cz - JUDr. Adam Doležal, Ph.D., LL.M. (ÚSP)
Medical law, bioethics
tel.: +420 221 990 774, e-mail: adam.dolezal@ilaw.cas.cz - doc. JUDr. Tomáš Doležal, Ph.D., LL.M. (ÚSP)
Medical law, damage liability
tel.: +420 221 990 747, e-mail: tomas.dolezal@ilaw.cas.cz - prof. Dr. JUDr. Karel Eliáš (ÚSP)
Private law
tel.: +420 221 990 711, e-mail: karel.elias@ilaw.cas.cz - JUDr. Monika Feigerlová, Ph.D., LL.M. (ÚSP)
International arbitration, protection of foreign investment, international investment and trade law, CSR
tel.: +420 221 990 711, e-mail: monika.feigerlova@ilaw.cas.cz - JUDr. Pavel Hamerník, Ph.D. (ÚSP)
EU law, sports law
tel.: +420 221 990 743, e-mail: pavel.hamernik@ilaw.cas.cz - doc. JUDr. Bohumil Havel, Ph.D. (ÚSP)
Commercial law, insolvency law
tel.: +420 221 990 743, e-mail: bohumil.havel@ilaw.cas.cz - Mgr. Alžběta Krausová, Ph.D., LL.M. (ÚSP)
Law and Artificial Intelligence, Privacy and personal data protection
tel.: +420 221 990 711, e-mail: alzbeta.krausova@ilaw.cas.cz - JUDr. Jan Malíř, Ph.D. (ÚSP)
EU law, public international law
tel.: +420 221 990 747, e-mail: jan.malir@ilaw.cas.cz - JUDr. Ján Matejka, Ph.D. (ÚSP)
Intelectual property law, private law, personal data protection, internet law
tel.: +420 221 990 716, e-mail: jan.matejka@ilaw.cas.cz - JUDr. Hana Müllerová, Ph.D. (ÚSP)
Environmental law, administrative law
tel.: +420 221 990 744, e-mail: hana.mullerova@ilaw.cas.cz - prof. JUDr. Monika Pauknerová, Ph.D., DSc. (ÚSP)
Private international law
tel.: +420 221 990 763, e-mail: monika.pauknerova@ilaw.cas.cz - JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D. (ÚSP)
Theory of law, law logics, philosophy of law
tel.: +420 221 990 767, e-mail: tomas.sobek@ilaw.cas.cz - JUDr. Michal Šejvl, Ph.D. (ÚSP)
Theory of law, philosophy of law, EU law
tel.: +420 221 990 767, e-mail: michal.sejvl@ilaw.cas.cz - Doc. JUDr. Martin Štefko, Ph.D. (ÚSP)
Labour Law, Social Security
e-mail: martin.stefko@ilaw.cas.cz - prof. JUDr. Pavel Šturma, DrSc. (ÚSP)
Public international law
tel.: +420 221 990 763, e-mail: pavel.sturma@ilaw.cas.cz
- JUDr. Jan Bárta, CSc. (ÚSP)
- Psychology
- prof. PhDr. Marek Blatný, DrSc. (PSÚ)
Personality psychology, well-being, life-span development
tel.: +420 532 290 257, e-mail: blatny@psu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Ivo Čermák, CSc. (PSÚ)
Narrative psychology, qualitative methodology, psychology of aggression
tel.: +420 532 290 259, e-mail: cermak@psu.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Sylvie Graf, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
Prejudice reduction, intergroup contact, intercultural psychology
tel.: +420 532 290 257, e-mail: sylvie.graf@psu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Martina Hřebíčková, Dr., DSc. (PSÚ)
Personality psychology, personality assessment, acculturation
tel.: +420 532 290 258, e-mail: martina@psu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Vladimír Chrz, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
Narrative psychology, psychology of film
tel.: +420 221 403 902, e-mail: vladimír.chrz@praha.psu.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Pavlína Janošová, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
School bullying, classroom relationships in the context of gender, spirituality and moral values
tel.: +420 221 403 904, e-mail: janosova@praha.psu.cas.cz - PhDr. Lenka Kollerová, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
Peer relations at school, bullying, prosocial behavior, psychosocial development in adolescence
tel.: +420 221 403 906, e-mail: kollerova@praha.psu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jiří Lukavský, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
Cognitive psychology, visual attention, eye movements
tel.: +420 221 403 914, e-mail: lukavsky@praha.psu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Iva Poláčková Šolcová, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
Emotion, emotion regulation, cross-cultural psychology, space psychology
tel.: +420 221 403 910, e-mail: polackova@praha.psu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Filip Smolík, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
Developmental and child psychology, child language, language development, psycholinguistics, psychology of language in adults, quantitative methology
tel.: +420 221 403 907, e-mail: smolik@praha.psu.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Radovan Šikl, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
Cognitive psychology, visual perception, sensory deprivation
tel.: +420 532 290 129, e-mail: sikl@psu.cas.cz - PhDr. Iva Šolcová, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
Health psychology, stress and resilience, space psychology
tel.: +420 221 403 900, e-mail: solcova@praha.psu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Tomáš Urbánek, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
Research methodology, statistics, psychosemantics, psychological testing
tel.: +420 532 290 270, e-mail: tour@psu.cas.cz - PhDr. Dalibor Vobořil, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
History of psychology
tel.: +420 532 290 159, e-mail: vobo@psu.cas.cz - Mgr. Kateřina Zábrodská, Ph.D. (PSÚ)
Discourse analysis, unethical workplace behavior
tel.: +420 221 403 909, e-mail: zabrodska@psu.cas.cz
- prof. PhDr. Marek Blatný, DrSc. (PSÚ)
- Slavonic Studies
- PhDr. David Blažek, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Slovenian language
tel.: +420 224 800 277, e-mail: blazek@slu.cas.cz - Mgr. Katja Brankačkec (Brankatsch), Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Sorbian languages, Slavic linguistics compared to German
tel.: 224 800 275, e-mail: brankatschk@slu.cas.cz - PhDr. František Čajka, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Czech-Church Slavonic literature
tel.: +420 224 800 276, e-mail:cajka@slu.cas.cz - Mgr. Václav Čermák, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic, Croatian-Glagolitic literature
tel.: +420 224 800 250, e-mail: cermakva@slu.cas.cz - PhDr. Marcel Černý, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Bulgarian literature, Sorbian literature, history of Slavonic literary studies, Czech-South Slavic cultural relations
tel.: +420 224 800 264, e-mail: cerny@slu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jiří Dynda (SLÚ)
Slavonic paganism, history of Christianization of Slavs
tel.: +420 224 800 276, e-mail: dynda@slu.cas.cz - PhDr. Dana Hašková (SLÚ)
history of Russian emigration in Interwar Czechoslovakia
tel.: +420 224 800 291, e-mail: haskova@slu.cas.cz - Dr. Miroslaw Jankowiak (SLÚ)
Belorussian language, Slavic dialektology, Slavic-Baltic relations
tel.: +420 224 800 277 (?), e-mail: jankowiak@slu.cas.cz - PhDr. Ilona Janyšková, CSc. (ÚJČ)
Slavonic etymology, Old Church Slavonic
tel.: +420 532 290 518, janyskova@ujc.cas.cz - Mgr. Jana Kocková, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Russian language, synchronic Slavic linguistics compared to German
tel.: 224 800 274, e-mail: kockova@slu.cas.cz - Mgr. Vladislav Knoll, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Kashubian, Polabian, Romanian Church Slavonic languages
tel.: +420 224 800 259, e-mail: knoll@slu.cas.cz - PhDr. Iveta Krejčířová (SLÚ)
Russian lexicology
tel.: +420 224 800 256, 274; e-mail: krejcirova@slu.cas.cz - Mgr. Jakub Mikulecký, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Bulgarian literature, samizdat Bulgarian literature of the 2nd half of the 20th century
tel.: 224 800 264, e-mail:mikulecky@slu.cas.cz - Mgr. Božana Niševa, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Bulgarian language, Bulgarian lexicology
tel.: +420 224 800 277 (?), e-mail: niseva@slu.cas.cz - Mgr. Miroslav Olšovský, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Russian literature, literary comparative studies
tel.: 224 800 253, e-mail: olsovsky@slu.cas.cz - PhDr. Štefan Pilát, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Old Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, digital Old Church Slavonic lexicography
tel.: +420 224 800 258, e-mail: pilat@slu.cas.cz - PhDr. Karolína Skwarska, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Russian, Polish languages, synchronic Slavic linguistics
tel.: +420 224 800 275, e-mail: skwarska@slu.cas.cz - Mgr. Michal Vašíček, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Russian, Ukrainian languages, Slavic dialectology
tel.: +420 224 800 269, e-mail: vasicek@slu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Helena Ulbrechtová, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Slavic literatures as a part of European culture, Russian literature, contemporary Russia, literary, cultural and historical topos of Crimea
tel.: +420 224 800 254, e-mail: ulbrechtova@slu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Anna Zelenková, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
Slovak literature, Czech-Slovak literary relations
tel.: 224 800 266, e-mail: zelenkova@slu.cas.cz
- PhDr. David Blažek, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
- Sociology, Political Science
- PhDr. Andrea Beláňová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Sociology of religion, religion in the Czech Republic
tel.: +420 201 310 223, e-mail: andrea.belanova@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Josef Bernard, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Social and spatial inequalities, rural areas, regions, local politics, local elections
tel.: +420 777 149 423, e-mail: josef.bernard@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Timea Crofony, MPA (SOÚ)
Gender equality, gender mainstreaming, cultural and institutional change
tel.: +420 210 310 322, e-mail: timea.crofony@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Naděžda Čadová (SOÚ)
Sociology of Work, Public Opinion
tel.: +420 210 310 585, e-mail: nadezda.cadova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Dita Čermáková, Ph.D.
Economic activities of immigrants, Irregular migration, Migrants businesses, Migrants' mobility, Integration of immigrants
tel.: +420 210 310 232, e-mail: dita.cermakova@soc.cas.cz - Ing. Jan Červenka (SOÚ)
Living standard and economics from the perspective of public opinion
tel.: +420 210 310 586, e-mail: jan.cervenka@soc.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Radka Dudová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Sociology of gender, family, reproduction, intimate lives
tel.: +420 210 310 352, e-mail: radka.dudova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Martin Ďurďovič, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Social theory, sociology of energy
tel.: +420 210 310 592, e-mail: martin.durdovic@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Nina Fárová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Gender and science, feminization of education, masculinities, men and gender equality
tel.: +420 210 310 322, e-mail: nina.farova@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Kamila Fialová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Labour market, well-being and life satisfaction, poverty, low wages
tel.: +420 210 310 223, e-mail: kamila.fialova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. et Mgr. Lenka Formánková, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Gender relations, family, labor market, work-life balance, migration
tel.: +420 603 382 246, e-mail: lenka.formankova@soc.cas.cz - Petr Gibas, Ph.D.
Sociology of home, urban political ecology, urban gardening, studies of material culture (and DIY), urban studies - urban planning
tel.: +420 210 310 214, e-mail: petr.gibas@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Petra Guasti, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Civic society and citizenship, modern democracy and its institutions (local and EU level), political participation of women, corruption
tel.: +420 221 183 237, e-mail: petra.guasti@soc.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Dana Hamplová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Focus on advanced quantitative methods and longitudinal data analyses Life-course research with special emphasis on the intersection between marital and fertility behavior and labor market institutions, changing family values and dynamics, partnership formation and dissolution, social policy. Sociology of Religion
tel.: +420 210 310 238, e-mail: Dana.Hamplova@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Hana Hašková, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Sociology of gender, family, reproduction, intimate lives
tel.: +420 210 310 351, e-mail: hana.haskova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Marie Heřmanová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Social networking platforms and digital identities, gender and social inequalities in online environment, gender in popculture, migration and refugee issues, attitudes towards migration and media coverage of migration
tel.: +420 210 310 212, e-mail: marie.hermanova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Jana Klímová Chaloupková, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Sociology of family, changes in family behavour, life-course perspective, attitudes to family and gender roles
tel.: +420 210 310 238, e-mail: Jana.Chaloupkova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Johana Chylíková, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Quantitative research methods
tel.: +420 210 310 231, e-mail: johana.chylikova@soc.cas.cz - RNDr. Tomáš Kostelecký, CSc. (SOÚ)
Electoral studies - electoral geography, spatial features of the voting behavior. Comparative politics - post-Communist party development, party structures in East-Central Europe. Political geography - development of local democracy, system of local government and territorial administration, interrelations between space and politics. Housing research - interrelation between housing market structure and social inequalities, regional differences in housing market.
tel.: +420 734 133 156, e-mail: tomas.kostelecky@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Marta Kolářová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Social movements, subcultures, political consumerism, lifestyles, lifestyle politics, sustainability
tel.: +420 210 310 227, e-mail: marta.kolarova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Jindřich Krejčí, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Data management, social research infrastructure, methods of survey research, research on data quality, political attitudes and social justice
tel.: +420 210310231, e-mail: jindrich.krejci@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Eva Krulichová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Fear of crime and feeling of safety, juvenile delinquency, quantitative research methods - tel.: +420 210 310 570, e-mail: eva.krulichova@soc.cas.cz
- PhDr. Alena Křížková, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Gender and labour market, labor policy and gender, work-life/family balance, gender wage gap, gender in organizations, management and enterprenuirslip, women and citizenship, gender in care family policie, sexual harrasment
tel.: +420 210 310 352, e-mail: alena.krizkova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Yana Leontiyeva, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
International migration and minority studies, methods of social research, sociology of gender
tel.: +420 210 310 231, e-mail: yana.leontiyeva@soc.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Lukáš Linek, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Voting behavior, political attitudes, political parties, parliamentarism
tel.: +420 221 183 237, e-mail: lukas.linek@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Marcela Linková, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Centre for Gender and Science
Gender and science, sociology of gendered organisations, research assessment, research policy, policy analysis, gender mainstreaming
tel.: +420 222 222 322, e-mail: marcela.linkova@soc.cas.cz - Ing. Mgr. Martin Lux, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Housing, housing and social policy, housing allowances (subsidies), simulation modelling
tel.: +420 222 221 655, e-mail: martin.lux@soc.cas.cz - Pat Lyons, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Public opinion, electoral behaviour and political participation, and mass attitudes toward the European Union
tel.: +420 2210 310 204, e-mail: pat.lyons@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Zdenka Mansfeldová, CSc. (SOÚ)
Political sociology, political parties, parliaments, forms of interest representation
tel.: +420 210 310 563, e-mail: zdenka.mansfeldova@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Hana Maříková, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Sociology of gender, sociology of family and private life, social and family policies, gender differences and inequalities in the labour market, feminist and qualitative methodologies, theories of gender equality and justice, theories of masculinity
tel.: +420 210 310 351, e-mail: hana.marikova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Martina Mikeszová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Housing market, social housing, housing unavailability and housing deprivation
tel.: +420 210 310 225, e-mail: martina.mikeszova@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Martina Mysíková, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Poverty and income inequality, well-being and subjective poverty, methodology of poverty measurement
tel.: +420 210 310 232, e-mail: martina.mysikova@soc.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Zdeněk R. Nešpor, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Sociology of religion, culture and institutions, history of religion, social anthropology, economic sociology
tel.: +420 210 310 223, e-mail: zdenek.nespor@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Blanka Nyklová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Gender in science, gender vin applied research, feminism and gender studies in a geopolitical perspective, material culture of post/socialism
tel.: +420 210 310 322, e-mail: blanka.nyklova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Věra Patočková, M.A. (SOÚ)
Leisure, culture in local and regional settings
tel.: +420 210310581, e-mail: Vera.Patockova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Matouš Pilnáček (SOÚ)
Public opinion, pre-election polls
tel.: 210 310 592, e-mail: matous.pilnacek@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. et Mgr. Klára Plecitá, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
National identity, political attitudes and values, international comparative surveys
tel.: +420 210 310 571, e-mail: Klara.Plecita@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Hoření Samec, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Housing and urban studies, housing policy, social and cultural inequalities, debt and mortgage loans, housing financialization
tel.: +420 210 310 214, e-mail: tomas.horeni-samec@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Natálie Simonová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Educational inequalities, educational mobility, access to education, social stratification
tel.: +420 210 310 323, e-mail: natalie.simonova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Zdeněk Sloboda (SOÚ)
Social science analysis of sexuality and gender, LGBT parenting and social movements; media theory, media literacy and education
tel.: +420 608 831 862, e-mail: zdenek.sloboda@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Jana Stachová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Civil society, social capital, environmental sociology
tel.: +420 210310235, e-mail: jana.stachova@soc.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Tereza Stöckelová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Social aspects of ecological sustainability and climate change
tel.: 210 310 322,e-mail: tereza.stockelova@soc.cas.c - Ing. Petr Sunega (SOÚ)
Housing, housing and social policy, housing allowances (subsidies), simulation modelling
tel.: +420 210 310 225, e-mail: petr.sunega@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Jiří Šafr, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Social inequalities, stratification, social distances, alternative conceptualization of social standing, social justice; social capital and cohesion
tel.: +420 210 310 323, e-mail: Jiri.Safr@soc.cas.c - RNDr. Martin Šimon, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Residential mobility and segregation, environmental criminology, political and electoral geography, geographic information systems (GIS) in social sciences
tel.: +420 210 310 227, e-mail: martin.simon@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Markéta Švarcová (SOÚ)
Labor market, GPG, precarity in entrepreneurship, family policy, labor market integration of migrants, gender in education, innovations
tel.: +420 210 310 323, e-mail: marketa.svarcova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. et Mgr. Paulína Tabery (SOÚ)
Theory of public opinion, media and public opinion, public and social policy and public opinion
tel.: +420 210310592, e-mail: paulina.tabery@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. et Mgr. Hana Tenglerová (SOÚ)
The position of women in science, gender equality and science policy, gender in the research content
tel.: +420 210 310 322, e-mail: hana.tenglerova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Lucie Trlifajová(SOÚ)
Social citizenship; poverty and economic insecurity; precarization; debts; social exclusion; ethnicity, deservingness and citizenship hierarchies
tel.: +420 210 310 323, e-mail: lucie.trlifajova@soc.cas.cz - doc. Mgr. Milan Tuček, CSc. (SOÚ)
Social structure, mobility and social stratification
tel.: +420 210 310 589, e-mail: Milan.Tucek@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Zuzana Uhde, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Care, migrant domestic and care workers, transnational migration, global studies, feminist theory
tel.: +420 210 310 351, e-mail: zuzana.uhde@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Petr Vašát, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Urban sociology, social anthropology, poverty and marginalization, space and time, ethnography of homelessness, qualitative textual analysis, social network analysis
tel.: +420 210 310 227, e-mail: petr.vasat@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Martin Vávra, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Management of sociological data, values in society
tel.: +420 210310231, e-mail: martin.vavra@soc.cas.cz - doc. Ing. Jiří Večerník, CSc. (SOÚ)
Economic inequality, income differentiation, measurement of well-being, social stratification
tel.: +420 210 310 222, e-mail: jiri.vecernik@soc.cas.cz - Kristýna Veitová, MA. et MA. (SOÚ)
Gender and science, gender dimension in research
tel.: +420 210 310 322, e-mail: kristyna.veitova@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Jiří Vinopal, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Sociological research methodology, cognitive aspects of survey methodology, sociology of public opinion
tel.: +420 210310584, e-mail: jiri.vinopal@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Jana Vobecká, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Demographic analysis, spatial population dynamics, internal migration, local governance, historical demography, population development of the Jews in Bohemia before 1939
tel.: +420 210310581, e-mail: jana.vobecka@soc.cas.cz - PhDr. Marta Vohlídalová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
Sociology of family and private life, gender inequalities on the labour market and family policy, women in decision making, gender and sexual harassment and gender inequalities in academia
tel.: +420 210310351, e-mail: marta.vohlidalova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Michaela Trtíková Vojtková (SOÚ)
Demographic analysis, international migration, the position of women in society
tel.: +420 777 068 638, e:mail: michaela.vojtkova@soc.cas.cz - Mgr. Romana Marková Volejníčková (SOÚ)
Gender equality in labour market, family policy, motherhood, work-life balance, gender in organization, management and entrepreneurship
tel.: +420 210 310 351, e:mail: romana.volejnickova@soc.cas.cz
- PhDr. Andrea Beláňová, Ph.D. (SOÚ)
- Art Studies
- prof. PhDr. Jan Bažant, CSc. (FLÚ)
Reception of Antiquity in the Czech art
tel.: +420 234 612 311, e-mail: bazant@ics.cas.cz - PhDr. Klára Benešovská, CSc. (ÚDU)
Medieval Art
tel.: +420 221 183 715, e-mail: benesovska@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Hana Buddeus, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
History and theory of photography of the 20th century
tel.: 221 183 509, e-mail: buddeus@udu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Roman Dykast, CSc. (ÚDU)
Aesthetics of music, music theory and theories of musical composition
tel.: 220 303 930, e-mail: dykast@udu.cas.cz - PhDr. Stanislava Fedrová, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Historiography and art theory, literary theory, intermediality
tel.: 221 183 514, e-mail: fedrova@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Havelka, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Czech literature of the early Modern era; electronical resources
tel.: +420 221 183 338, e-mail: havelka@flu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Ivo Hlobil, CSc. (ÚDU)
Medieval Art and the Renaissance, the theory of conservation
tel.: +420 221 183 504, e-mail: hlobil@udu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Tomáš Hlobil, CSc. (ÚDU)
Historiography and art theory, Aesthetics
tel.: 221 183 511, e-mail: thlobil@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Vendula Hnídková, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Architecture and art of the 19th - 20th century
tel.: +420 221 183 365, e-mail: hnidkova@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Ludmila Hůrková (ÚDU)
Modern and contemporary architecture, urbanism
tel.: +420 221 183 365, e-mail: hurkova@udu.cas.cz - PhDr. Julie Jančárková, Ph.D. (SLÚ)
History of Russian and South Slavonic art
tel.: +420 224 800 255, e-mail: jancarkova@slu.cas.cz - PhDr. Milada Jonášová, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Life and works of W. A. Mozart, Italian opera, 18th Century music
tel.: +420 220 303 932, e-mail: jonasova@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Václav Kapsa, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Music history, 18th century music
tel.: +420 220 303 937, e-mail: kapsa@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Tomáš Koblížek (FLÚ)
Esthetics, literary theory
tel.: +420 221 183 242, e-mail: tomas.koblizek@gmail.com - PhDr. Jan Klípa, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Medieval art
tel.: 221 183 505, e-mail: klipa@udu.cas.cz - PhDr. Markéta Klosová, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Late medieval and early modern Latin literature, school theatre of Early Modern Era
tel.: +420 221 183 321, e-mail: klosova@flu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Petr Kratochvíl, CSc. (ÚDU)
Urban planning, architectural history and conservation
tel.: +420 221 183 504, e-mail: kratochvíl@udu.cas.cz - PhDr. Kateřina Kubínová, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Medieval Art
tel.: +420 221 183 507, e-mail: kubinova@udu.cas.cz - PhDr. Martin Mádl, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Baroque wall painting and applied art of the early modern period
tel.: +420 221 183 551, e-mail: madl@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Pavla Machalíková, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Art of the 19th century
tel.: 221 183 514, e-mail: machalikova@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Klára Mezihoráková, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Medieval architecture
tel.: +420 221 183 598, e-mail: mezihorakova@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Lucie Merhautová, Ph.D. (MÚA)
History of Czech literature in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century; relations between Czech and Austrian literary modernism
tel.: +420 286 010 549, e-mail: merhautova@mua.cas.cz - PhDr. Tomáš Murár, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Historiography and art theory
tel.: 221 183 511, e-mail: murar@udu.cas.cz - PhDr. Aleš Opekar, CSc. (ÚDU)
theory and history of popular music, Czech rock music
tel.: +420 603 141 531, e-mail: opekar@udu.cas.cz - PhDr. Dalibor Prix, CSc. (ÚDU)
Historic preservation, art-historical topography
tel.: 221 183 365, e-mail: prix@udu.cas.cz - PhDr. Jarmila Procházková, Ph.D. (EÚ)
19th–20th century music life in Moravia, life and works of Leoš Janáček with enjambments to ethnomusicology and sociology of music
tel.: +420 220 303 922, e-mail: jarpro@seznam.cz - doc. PhDr. Jiří Roháček, CSc. (ÚDU)
Sepulchral monuments, epigraphy
tel.: 221 183 399, e-mail: rohacek@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Alena Sarkissian, Ph.D. (FLÚ)
Ancient drama and its reception
tel.: +420 234 612 329, e-mail: sarkissian@ics.cas.cz - PhDr. Milada Studničková (ÚDU)
Art of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Illuminated Manuscripts
tel.: +420 221 183 710, e-mail: studnickova@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Markéta Svobodová, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Architecture and art of the 19th - 20th century
tel.: +420 221 183 598, e-mail: svobodova@udu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Rostislav Švácha, CSc. (ÚDU)
Modern and contemporary architecture
tel.: +420 221 183 508, e-mail: svacha@udu.cas.cz - Mgr. Petra Trnková, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
History and Theory of Photography
tel.: +420 221 183 712, e-mail: trnkova@udu.cas.cz - PhDr. Štěpán Vácha, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Baroque painting
tel.: +420 221 183 551, e-mail: vacha@udu.cas.cz - prof. PhDr. Pavel Vlček, CSc. (ÚDU)
Renaissance, baroque and neoclassical architecture
tel.: +420 221 183 548, e-mail: vlcek@udu.cas.cz - doc. PhDr. Tomáš Winter, Ph.D. (ÚDU)
Czech and European art of the 20th century
tel.: +420 221 183 501, e-mail: winter@udu.cas.cz
- prof. PhDr. Jan Bažant, CSc. (FLÚ)
- Archaeology, Ethnology, Anthropology
- Ing. Lenka Scholzová (Centrum transferu technologií AV ČR)
tel.: +420 731 547 583, e-mail: scholzova@ssc.cav.cz - prof. Ing. Martin Fusek, CSc. (ÚOCHB)
tel.: +420 220 183 510, e-mail: martin.fusek@uochb.cas.cz - prof. Ing. Josef Lazar, Dr. (ÚPT)
tel.: +420 541 514 253, e-mail: joe@isibrno.cz
- Ing. Lenka Scholzová (Centrum transferu technologií AV ČR)