The Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) presents a number of projects aimed at bringing Czech science closer to the public. These projects include, for example, the Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Earth Day, and Brain Awareness Week. What we regard as important is that the activities enable researchers to meet with the public and engage in mutual discussion.
The Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences is the biggest scientific festival in the Czech Republic, which gives visitors an opportunity to attend lectures, exhibitions, excursions, scientific talks, documentary projections, allowing them to learn about the everyday goings-on of research workplaces, laboratories, and libraries and find out "how science is done."
Every year, the CAS joins celebrations of Earth Day, which has been observed worldwide on 22 April since 1971, by organising a series of interesting events focused on Earth sciences in April.
Every March, experts focusing on the research of brain activity in Europe and the United States meet to inform the general public about new findings in the area of neuroscience and the cure of brain diseases as part of a cycle of lectures called Brain Awareness Week.
The Academia publishing house organises book launches featuring important authors. To see what events are planned, visit www.academia.cz.