The Undistorted Science series

A unique popularisation and educational video series by the Czech Academy of Sciences, featuring the unmistakable narration by Pavel Liška, Bára Hrzánová, and Radek Holub and illustrations by Tomáš Zach and Markéta Smolíková Kubátová. The short animations focus on science and research and, in an educational and entertaining way, introduce interesting phenomena from various fields of science (not only) to students and teachers from primary and secondary schools. The videos have Czech and English subtitles.

The first ten-episode season of Undistorted Science was created in 2014. It garnered numerous positive responses from educators, secondary school students, and the general public, which served as motivation to continue the series. The most recent seventh series was completed in 2021 and is thematically based on the CAS Strategy AV21 research programmes.

Ilustrační obrázek

Undistorted Science VII

Episode 1: Viruses and Epidemics
Episode 2: The Heart
Episode 3: Students and the Year of 1968
Episode 4: Hydrogen Propulsion
Episode 5: 1989 and the Velvet Revolution
Episode 6: Probability Theory
Episode 7: Weather

Ilustrační obrázek

Undistorted Science VI

Episode 1: Particle Accelerator, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 2: Coal Crisis, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 3: Black Holes, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 4: Supercomputers, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 5: Climate Change, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 6: The Munich Agreement, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 7: Ecosystems, (worksheet, Czech only)

Ilustrační obrázek

Undistorted Science V

Episode 1: Water, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 2: Barbarians, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 3: Looking Glass into the Nanoworld, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 4: Don't Be Afraid of Economics, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 5: How the Internet Works, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 6: Lifestyle Diseases, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 7: Smart Materials, (worksheet, Czech only)


Undistorted Science IV

Episode 1: Bees, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 2: Algorithms, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 3: Genetically Modified Organisms / GMOs, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 4: 3D Printing, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 5: Memory in the Digital Age, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 6: Collisions of Cosmic Bodies with Earth, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 7: Communication, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 8: Energy Storage, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 9: Vaccinations, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 10: Czechs in Space, (worksheet, Czech only)


Undistorted Science III

Episode 1: The History of Money, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 2: What is Light?, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 3: All About Batteries, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 4: Genetics, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 5: Metabolism, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 6: Who Controls the Human Body?, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 7: About the Theory of Relativity, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 8: What is Oil?, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 9: How an Electric Motor Works, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 10: What is a Diamond?, (worksheet, Czech only)


Undistorted Science II

Episode 1: What is Photosynthesis?, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 2: The Plastics Around Us, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 3: Radioactivity, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 4: To Conduct or Not to Conduct: Semiconductors, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 5: The Periodic Table of Elements, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 6: What is an Atom?, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 7: How an Earthquake is Generated, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 8: Protein Synthesis: From DNA to Protein, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 9: How a Computer Works, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 10: Financial Literacy, (worksheet, Czech only)


Undistorted Science I

Episode 1: What is Medicine?, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 2: Where is the Boundary of the Nanoworld?, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 3: How the Universe was Created, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 4: HIV and AIDS, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 5: Human Evolution, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 6: The Secrets of the Microworld (Quantum Physics), (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 7: How Our Immunity Works, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 8: How a Nuclear Power Plant Works, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 9: The Pressure and Force Around Us, (worksheet, Czech only)
Episode 10: When Cells Become Ill, (worksheet, Czech only)

Contact info

Marta Dlouhá
Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS
Division of External Relations – Human Resources Development Projects Section
Vodičkova 40, 110 00 Prague 1

phone: +420 221 403 853

logo CAO CAS_en

Video production

Our mission is to popularise science and the research activities of the CAS. The studio is staffed by film school graduates with experience in television and film production. Their work has garnered awards at television festivals in the Czech Republic and abroad. We also work with composers, animators, actors, and presenters as needed to create professional-level shows. Our documentaries, which have won awards in the past, are occasionally shown on Czech television as well.

You can find our videos and video series (in Czech) on YouTube and Facebook.

Contact info

Mgr. art. Martina Spurná

Head of the Section of Academic Video Production
Division of External Relations
Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS
Národní 1009/3, 110 00 Prague 1

phone: +420 221 403 203
mobile: +420 733 690 710


A/V Projects