Launched in April 2020, the podcast of the CAS – Věda na dosah (Science within Reach) – features profile interviews with researchers from the Czech Academy of Sciences. Give a listen to what they are working on and how they see the world today. Topics include all research areas: physics and earth sciences, life and chemical sciences, and humanities and social sciences. New episodes (in Czech only) appear weekly and can be found here on our website and on all main podcast apps. The podcast is hosted by Jitka Kostelníková, who invites you to explore the behind-the-scenes of the Czech scientific world. The podcast jingle was created and the sound quality is supervised by Anna Kolářová. You are welcome to send your suggestions and ideas for guest appearances to kostelnikova@ssc.cas.cz or matuskova@ssc.cas.cz.
All episodes (in Czech) of the podcast (including the archive) can be found on our Czech website here.