The next edition of the Science Fair (Veletrh vědy) will be held at the beginning of June 2025 at the PVA EXPO PRAHA exhibition centre in Letňany (Prague).
About the fair
The Science Fair (Veletrh vědy), which is organised by the Czech Academy of Sciences every year, is the largest popular science event in the Czech Republic. It showcases science in all its forms and variations and offers visitors the most interesting highlights from the world of natural, technical, social sciences, and humanities. The aim of the Science Fair is not only to showcase science in a popular way, but also to support the recruitment of new (grad) students, the application of graduates in relevant professional fields, and teachers in their educational activities. The organised panel discussions focus on reflecting topics relevant to our contemporary society and cutting-edge research.
Official website:
The Science Fair is held at the PVA EXPO PRAHA exhibition centre in Letňany (Prague). Over 100 exhibitors, comprising individual CAS institutes, universities, innovative companies, and educational institutions present their activities in the space spanning ca 8,200 square metres. Visitors can experience science first hand by way of interactive and visually attractive exhibits and mobile science labs.