Výběrová řízení
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na pozici Bachelor student in the field of Nanocatalysis.
A leading research institute in Prague, Czechia, named after Nobel laureate in Chemistry, J. Heyrovsky, is seeking a Bachelor student in the field of Nanocatalysis.
Type of contract: Temporary
Job status: Part Time
Starting date: 01.01.2025
Link to the department's website:
Job description
Within this position, the main emphasis of work will be on performing tests of performance of a new class of heterogeneous catalyst fabricated with atomic precision down the subnanometer size, analysis of the collected data and their interpretation. In a broader perspective, these studies are part of a highly multidisciplinary international effort focused on the fundamental understanding the nature and function of the catalytic active site, towards establishing structure-function relationships in catalysis. The basic duties may be extended to the synthesis of catalysts by chemical and physical methods; ex situ and in situ characterization such as microscopies, X-ray based techniques, including work performed at external facilities including abroad.
The successful candidate will be given the opportunity to work within our multidisciplinary team and in national and international projects.
The results emerging from these studies will be published in peer-reviewed journals with appropriate co-authorship.
Required Qualifications
- basic acquittance with related fundamentals in chemistry, physics and material science
- excellent English communication skills, both spoken and written
Desired skills
- experience in laboratory work is an advantage
- knowledge of mass spectrometry and data analyses software are a plus
- friendly and motivating working environment
- five weeks paid leave of absence (holidays) per year, an additional 5 days off for
personal reasons, and three days of paid sick leave on top of statutory insurance
- flexible working hours, possibility of hybrid work depending work flow
- proximity of childcare groups on the CAS campus
- sports equipment rental, free parking, and access to libraries
- Czech and English language courses
- possibility of further education and career development by participating in courses organized
by our institute.
To apply, please send your CV, and a motivation letter to recruitment@jh-inst.cas.cz, including the following text in the subject line of your email: SC2024_40
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 31. 12. 2024
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