
Výběrová řízení

07. 02. 2024
Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č. 283/1992 Sb. o Akademii věd České republiky, ve znění zákona č. 420/2005 Sb. a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici Scientific Officer For the AnaEE-ERIC Interface and Synthesis Centre (ISC).

CzechGlobe, the leading Czech Research Institute for research on issues of environmental sciences, and in particular on the problem of global climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation,
AnaEE-ERIC, the intergovernmental European Research Infrastructure Consortium for ecosystem research,
are seeking together a
Scientific Officer
For the AnaEE-ERIC Interface and Synthesis Centre (ISC), located at Brno, Czech Republic

CzechGlobe - Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Science (Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.) is a public research institution, European center of excellence investigating the ongoing global change and its impact on the atmosphere, biosphere and human society through the use of the latest techniques and instrumentation. The main goal of the research activity is primarily knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of the impact of global climate change on individual segments, their adaptation to partial factors and, finally, the use of this knowledge in measures to mitigate the effects of global climate change. An essential feature is a multidisciplinary approach and broad international cooperation. The built-up capacities are used to apply a wide range of the most modern research methods (metabolic, mereological analysis of the flow of energy and substances in ecosystems, process imaging using remote sensing techniques, and demanding computer simulations).
Further information on the aims and mission of CzechGlobe can be found at
Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (AnaEE-ERIC), is an intergovernmental research organization established under the European Council (EC) regulation 723/2009 on the community legal framework for European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) legal status.
AnaEE-ERIC provides tools to understand the multiple global change drivers on terrestrial and aquatic continental ecosystems across Europe. It proposes access to a distributed, versatile network of facilities that can simulate environmental drivers from land-use change, pollution, biological invasions, rising atmospheric greenhouse gases concentrations, and to increasing extreme events such as droughts and heatwaves.
AnaEE-ERIC provides access for research teams to these experimental, analytical, and modelling platforms. The outcome of these research will lead to a better understanding of ecosystem functions and services, and recommendations to the stakeholders (agriculture, industry, policy makers, NGOs) for the mitigation and adaptation of ecosystem to anthropic induced changes.
The general missions and objectives of the AnaEE-ERIC ISC is to accompany the scientific community to promote their projects results, the support to seek funding and write proposals, the preparation of review and position papers, synthesis of the research performed using the AnaEE Research Infrastructure, and the training, link and outreach of the stakeholders,
Further information on the aims, mission, governance, and statutes of AnaEE‐ERIC can be found at

Roles and Responsibilities
The Scientific Officer (SO) will oversee the analyses and will provide synthesis of the results obtained
using the services of the Research Infrastructure AnaEE (AnaEE RI). The SO will also provide a strategic
outlook and recommendations for AnaEE-ERIC, as well as for the stakeholders, such as policy makers,
industry, agriculture, land managers, NGO and general public. S/he will work closely with the Director
General and staff of AnaEE-ERIC, as well as with the node coordinators, and more generally scientists
involved in AnaEE-ERIC to have a broad view of the research performed at AnaEE and its impact. The
SO will also participate to the definition, writing, and implementation of projects involving AnaEE-ERIC.
At ISC the SO will be assisted by a European Project Manager and liaison Officer.
The main duties of the SO include:
• Analyses and synthesis of the research performed at AnaEE-ERIC and derive recommendations
for the scientists and stakeholders when appropriate or requested.
• Prepare AnaEE-ERIC papers for various audiences (science, external stakeholders) presenting
these analyses and recommendations, as policy, reviews, and position papers.
• Liaising with the stakeholders to understand their needs, and contribute to reinforcing the
societal impact and strategy of AnaEE-ERIC,
• Contribute to the development and implementation of existing or new projects, especially in
their scientific aspects and reinforce their impact on society.
• Drafting proposals, ensuring compliance with the EU and/or other authorities/organisations,
in coordination with the management of AnaEE-ERIC.
• Assisting the DG for the preparation and implementation of the science strategy of AnaEE-ERIC
and the associated research infrastructure, and to reinforce AnaEE-ERIC and RI impact.
• Collecting data and maintaining the relevant key performance indicators.
• Liaise with the stakeholders of AnaEE-ERIC.

Requirements and skills
• At least a PhD, or relevant research experience, in a core discipline relevant to AnaEE-ERIC,
with 3 years of experience in research and/or in science management,
• Knowledge of the European landscape of research and research infrastructures,
• Demonstrable experience in writing papers, reports, publications, and presentations,
• Capacity to synthesise information and to communicate concise and clear information to nonscientific
• Excellent written and spoken English (CEFR level C2); the knowledge of a second language
spoken in the EU will be an asset,
• Full command of Microsoft Office or equivalent,
• Excellent organizational skills and ability to meet deadlines,
• Self-starter, autonomous,
• Strong oral and written communication skills, especially in an international environment,
• Excellent interpersonal abilities,
• The position requires travelling in Europe.

The successful candidate will be hired by the Czech Globe Research Institute and seconded to AnaEE-ERIC
(full time position) within the framework of the hosting agreement signed by these two entities.
This position will be under the responsibility of the Director General of AnaEE-ERIC.
Overtime may be needed to meet deadlines.
Nationality condition: citizen of any country of the European Union, or in possession of a working permit for the Czech Republic, allowing travel inside and outside the EU with no restriction.
To apply, send a CV, and cover letter, with the name, function and email of 2 (max. 3) reference persons, last degree obtained, supporting information and documents to and
For any information, please, contact us.
Deadline: 27 February 2024, however, applications may be examined before the deadline.
Anticipated start of work: CzechGlobe (preferably 03/2024)

Uzávěrka přihlášek: 27. 02. 2024

Dovolujeme si Vás informovat, že zasláním odpovědi na inzerát poskytujete příslušnému správci své osobní údaje, a to za účelem realizace výběrového řízení a uzavření pracovní smlouvy nebo dohody (DPP, DPČ) ohledně Vámi vybrané pozice. Toto zpracování Vašich osobních údajů bude prováděno na právním základě splnění smlouvy dle 6 odst. 1 písm. b) obecného nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů (GDPR). Vaše osobní údaje budou zpracovávány pouze v nezbytném rozsahu a pouze po dobu trvání výběrového řízení na danou pozici. Zpracování Vašich osobních údajů bude dostatečně zabezpečeno, Vaše osobní údaje nebudou bez Vašeho souhlasu předávány třetím osobám. V souladu s příslušnými právními předpisy Vás informujeme, že máte právo (i) na přístup k osobním údajům, (ii) na opravu či doplnění nepřesných nebo nepravdivých osobních údajů, (iii) na výmaz osobních údajů, (iv) na omezení zpracování osobních údajů ve zvláštních případech, (v) na přenositelnost údajů, (vi) vznést námitku proti zpracování a (vii) obrátit se na Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů.