
Výzva EASAC k nominaci expertů - Security of Sustainable Energy Supplies

24. 10. 2023

EASAC zveřejnil výzvu na nominaci expertů pro novou pracovní skupinu EASAC s názvem „Security of Sustainable Energy Supplies“.

Cílem nové pracovní skupiny EASAC je vypracovat studii (do konce roku 2024), která se zaměří na vědecké, technologické a ekonomické možnosti nabízející potenciální výhody a rizika pro bezpečnost udržitelných dodávek energie během přechodu energetického systému EU na nulové emise (net zero) do roku 2050.

Příklady požadovaného expertního zaměření:

  1. EU climate and energy policies/regulations relating to the energy transition to net zero by 2050, 
    renewables, energy efficiency, energy sector integration (coupling), and phasing out fossil fuels.
  2. Security of energy supplies (including fuels and critical raw materials for energy technologies), 
    geo-politics / geo-economics, diversity of suppliers, fungibility, reliability, resilience, redundancy, 
    cyber-security, and market liquidity.
  3. Fossil fuel (natural gas, oil and coal) networks and resources, including costs, prices and markets 
    (global and EU)
  4. Renewable energy resources (on- and off-shore) including costs, prices and markets for wind, 
    solar, hydro, geothermal, and ocean energies for electricity and heat.
  5. Bioenergy resources, costs and markets (including solid and liquid biofuels, biomethane and 
    biogas) production and use
  6. Synthetic fuel costs and markets, including gaseous and liquid e-fuels
  7. Nuclear heat and power generation costs and markets using large and small modular reactors
  8. Hydrogen (green and blue) costs, markets, distribution, storage and uses (global and EU)
  9. EU wholesale and retail energy market design (electricity, gas, other fuels)
  10. District heating and cooling networks, including heat storage management (daily, inter-seasonal)
  11. Electricity grids and managing their flexibility with variable renewable electricity generation and 
    storage of electricity and heat
  12. Managing energy demand (demand response) for industry, buildings, and transport
  13. Carbon capture and storage (CCS), status of development and costs
  14. Energy systems analysis and modelling (electricity, heat, and fossil and renewable fuels)
  15. Methane emissions and their management and control
  16. Energy poverty / energy justice / just transitions (household and industrial), and options for 
    addressing them
  17. Energy economics, financing and incentive schemes
  18. Emission trading and carbon pricing
  19. Digitalisation of the energy sector (ICT, AI, IoT) and cyber security risks
  20. Life cycle analysis for greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprints

Pro více informací týkajících se výzvy i požadovaných dokumentů k nominaci (CV, doporučení ředitele/ředitelky ústavu) kontaktujte prosím sekretariát Vašeho ústavu. Interní deadline pro nominaci je 1. listopad 2023.

Foto: Pixabay

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